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Thread: Thread for big D and his apologists

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    Default Thread for big D and his apologists

    @Denilson-The-Comeback could you please keep your white hate in this thread? Thanks my brother. I notice you are trying to spew your white tiger bullshit etc wherever you can filling up the forum with you racist shit. If you could use this as your venting place the whites, Indians, Jews etc can pop in from time to time and see what your little mind is brewing
    Last edited by walrus; 08-18-2019 at 06:09 PM.

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    @Master and the rest of you lazy mods please move brother big Ds posts here or I will petition saddo to be the official big D mod

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    here's to success
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Master and the rest of you lazy mods please move brother big Ds posts here or I will petition saddo to be the official big D mod
    What's wrong with Denilson's perfectly reasonable questions? Miles thinks blacks are mentally inferior to whites, he acknowledged Denilson's questions were fair.

    Stop shit-stirring bully boy. Are you disappointed nobody took the bait in your good buddy Tito's thread?

    Instead of censoring people who want to chat, how about you keep all your shit stirring in here?

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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    Nope. That is too broad a generalization. You missed the part where I said that there are people with high intelligence levels in any racial group. I don't for a minute think think any race is 'inferior' meaning of a lower status. Everyone has the same rights in my world.

    Take this debate with Candace Owens and Russell Brand. It is like listening to the voices in my head clashing away. Neither is superior or inferior based on race. They are just good examples of intelligent white and black people. You don't see me saying 'Brand is better because he is white'.

    There are talented people within any group and a bunch of lazy people too. It is about pointing out general differences as a way of understanding ourselves better. If you think environment and nurture is important, as I do, then you look at patterns and say 'This group has few broken families and this group has many. Could that be a factor?' Then you go across other differences one by one and that is one way to find ways of improving things. Harking on about slavery when we were all slaves is something I don't adhere to or hating on the entite white populace. Let that go and focus on bettering yourself in the here and now as that is all you really have.

    The fact is that there are IQ differences, but there are factors that can cause that, not necessarily genes, though that of course has been argued. It could well be the case as we have all evolved differently but I couldn't say that without ruling out all other possibilities. So read the books, work hard, and see if you can do better. Don't join a gang and don't copy your parents. That's a start.

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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Nope. That is too broad a generalization. You missed the part where I said that there are people with high intelligence levels in any racial group. I don't for a minute think think any race is 'inferior' meaning of a lower status. Everyone has the same rights in my world.

    Take this debate with Candace Owens and Russell Brand. It is like listening to the voices in my head clashing away. Neither is superior or inferior based on race. They are just good examples of intelligent white and black people. You don't see me saying 'Brand is better because he is white'.

    There are talented people within any group and a bunch of lazy people too. It is about pointing out general differences as a way of understanding ourselves better. If you think environment and nurture is important, as I do, then you look at patterns and say 'This group has few broken families and this group has many. Could that be a factor?' Then you go across other differences one by one and that is one way to find ways of improving things. Harking on about slavery when we were all slaves is something I don't adhere to or hating on the entite white populace. Let that go and focus on bettering yourself in the here and now as that is all you really have.

    The fact is that there are IQ differences, but there are factors that can cause that, not necessarily genes, though that of course has been argued. It could well be the case as we have all evolved differently but I couldn't say that without ruling out all other possibilities. So read the books, work hard, and see if you can do better. Don't join a gang and don't copy your parents. That's a start.
    You're trying to dress up saying blacks are mentally inferior with - Not all!!! Not all!!!

    Reason? It's nature, nurture, genes, evolution, environment or maybe it's not. Who knows? Everyone was a slave? No need to complain.

    You've not once addressed the criticism of the Bell Curve or data.

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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    The fact is that there are IQ differences, but there are factors that can cause that, not necessarily genes, though that of course has been argued. It could well be the case as we have all evolved differently but I couldn't say that without ruling out all other possibilities. So read the books, work hard, and see if you can do better. Don't join a gang and don't copy your parents. That's a start.
    If you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing you need to do is offer up a genetic or biological definition of race,

    Something no one has not done nor has any study. But I always, sit back, invite guys like you to me give such a definition. Mainly because their fumbling attempts to define race point out just how subjective such definitions are.

    In close to a decade of debating race and IQ and genetics.

    I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific c credentials, offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

    No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

    No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim.

    The fact that they or you are incapable of doing so makes my life very easy.

    Which are those “races” then, purely scientifically speaking and in clear text ? What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classification ?

    Those questions can obviously only be answered in arbitrary dimensions which are man-made constructs according to human perception alone. However you twist it, you will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.

    Do you even know what a scientific fact is ?

    A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

    There’s no human choice involved. It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way. Now a scientific fact, peer-reviewed, confirmed and approved, can have political consequences. Using the simple water example, it means that public administration, set into function by politics, orders winter road service to get ready once the temperatures fall below 0°C and the roads are wet.

    But yet you throw around concepts that have no constant repeatability everywhere you try to reproduce the experiment or apply the theoretical claim.

    In natural science, only one single significant deviation is enough to render the claim at least disputable, at worst invalid.

    The reality is that there is not only one but a multitude of deviations that those “scientists” choose to ignore. You are trying to make an absolutist claim by using extremely relative variables – variables, which (as should be obvious by now) they can’t even be bothered to define in relativist fashion.

    In neurology no one takes IQ seriously.

    It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

    Why is that ?

    I mean - Serial Killer (Ted Bundy) supposedly had an IQ off the chart. But would it be correct to say that a guy who used to slit women from their vagina to their neck was intelligent ?

    Alfred Binet created IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labelled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

    I think he was physic because he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons and he could not have been more right, because once the certain people got a hold of it, it took on a whole new meaning.

    And this is why you don't drive your arguments to it's logical conclusion

    That is

    If IQ is so important and so trustworthy, then why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ?

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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Denilson-The-Comeback could you please keep your white hate in this thread? Thanks my brother. I notice you are trying to spew your white tiger bullshit etc wherever you can filling up the forum with you racist shit. If you could use this as your venting place the whites, Indians, Jews etc can pop in from time to time and see what your little mind is brewing
    What white hate ?

    Whenever I say bad things about white people it's always to do with their racism

    I do not make fun of how they talk or dress or look.
    I do not say that whites are mentally inferior to blacks
    I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
    I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time.
    I do not make racist jokes about them.
    I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
    I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.

    The problem you have is that you think I'm trying to persuade you and others in saddo.

    I'm not

    Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism is way, way, way beyond my powers.

    I write about racism for my own understanding and bear in mind I never start topics on race

    For some reason your expect me to write to your white point of view.

    As if there are not enough people doing that already.

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Master and the rest of you lazy mods please move brother big Ds posts here or I will petition saddo to be the official big D mod
    What's wrong with Denilson's perfectly reasonable questions? Miles thinks blacks are mentally inferior to whites, he acknowledged Denilson's questions were fair.

    Stop shit-stirring bully boy. Are you disappointed nobody took the bait in your good buddy Tito's thread?

    Instead of censoring people who want to chat, how about you keep all your shit stirring in here?
    This is brother big D’s thread. What are you talking about tits thread? I’m not censoring big D, I’m giving him his own place. Lighten up twinkle it’s not that serious. Don’t get you gang on me

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Master and the rest of you lazy mods please move brother big Ds posts here or I will petition saddo to be the official big D mod
    What's wrong with Denilson's perfectly reasonable questions? Miles thinks blacks are mentally inferior to whites, he acknowledged Denilson's questions were fair.

    Stop shit-stirring bully boy. Are you disappointed nobody took the bait in your good buddy Tito's thread?

    Instead of censoring people who want to chat, how about you keep all your shit stirring in here?
    This is brother big D’s thread. What are you talking about tits thread? I’m not censoring big D, I’m giving him his own place. Lighten up twinkle it’s not that serious. Don’t get you gang on me

    You should understand @Fenster (the laconic member of "Beanie & Fenny") by now, @walrus .

    By "bait", of course you know he means a thread made with an honest attempt at discussing things civilly and maturely.

    Obviously this is like garlic to a vampire, in that Fenny only wants conflict and hostility.

    That much he's shown beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    (BTW, I'm still trying to figure out if laconic is the British term for asshole).

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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    IQ tests do not even measure intelligence. That is just a learned rote response, little more sophisticated then spewing out the word 'Welfare' four times in one sentence, by somebody very heavily invested in repeating a lie, in a story which always makes them the hero. All IQ does is measure western teachable skills. Like Psychologists, very dull and ill informed, but privileged teachers and lecturers are often very heavily invested in this belief that intelligence is innate, a bit like Chomsky's daft innate grammar proposal in linguistics. The idea even, of a cultural element to intelligence is an anathema to them. That is the very serious flaw in western ideas of intelligence. Being so divorced from the environment that people of course do not realise how we can not exist apart from it, and it's influence, even if you lock yourself in a concrete tomb and just drink tea and read books. (That would though of course explain, quite how someone could develop such a narrow repetitive mindset that churned out the same rubbish for years on end.)

    Abstraction is cultural and it is the development of this ability that will be far more valuable than somebody with a high IQ result and an old fashioned literal mindedness that will see them condemn humans to repeating the same mistakes until we are wiped out. Creativity in any form is hugely more valuable to a modern human, in a world in which 3 yr olds can use gestures to navigate the complex symbolism of a virtual world on a tablet.

    IQ test are basically a way of saying if you are not like me then you are a cunt. No wonder sociopaths do so well in them.
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    Default Re: Walrus shit stirring thread/personal hate thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    @Denilson-The-Comeback could you please keep your white hate in this thread? Thanks my brother. I notice you are trying to spew your white tiger bullshit etc wherever you can filling up the forum with you racist shit. If you could use this as your venting place the whites, Indians, Jews etc can pop in from time to time and see what your little mind is brewing
    What white hate ?

    Whenever I say bad things about white people it's always to do with their racism

    I do not make fun of how they talk or dress or look.
    I do not say that whites are mentally inferior to blacks
    I do not hold up their poorest and most criminal elements as “what white people are like”.
    I do not excuse violence against them saying that whites kill each other all the time.
    I do not make racist jokes about them.
    I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
    I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.

    The problem you have is that you think I'm trying to persuade you and others in saddo.

    I'm not

    Persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism is way, way, way beyond my powers.

    I write about racism for my own understanding and bear in mind I never start topics on race

    For some reason your expect me to write to your white point of view.

    As if there are not enough people doing that already.
    I don’t care what you write big D but your racist stuff gets everywhere

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    Default Re: Denilson our brother hate thread/personal thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    here's to success
    Make white babies?
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    Default Re: Wally and Tits exposed.

    Oh look....... @Fenster of "Beanie & Fenny" fame used his little Mod powers to change the title of the thread.

    How adorable!!

    I swear I've never seen anything so childish among supposed adults since..... since..... well, never I guess.

    How fucking sweet....

    Do you have your own little polo shirts with a logo and everything?

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    Default Re: Wally and Tits exposed.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Oh look....... @Fenster of "Beanie & Fenny" fame used his little Mod powers to change the title of the thread.

    How adorable!!

    I swear I've never seen anything so childish among supposed adults since..... since..... well, never I guess.

    How fucking sweet....

    Do you have your own little polo shirts with a logo and everything?

    You can delete it but you can't reword it.

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