I had to get another covid test a week or so ago. I was at work and had some symptoms. It was very annoying I knew 99.9% I didn’t have covid but I work with a vulnerable population. I couldn’t in good faith go by my gut. Also a large percentage of the people I work with don’t follow any safe practices when in public and in many cases have poor hygienic practices. So I’d be concerned of both getting it from them but more so giving it to them. I used an hour and half of sick time and went and got an instant test which was negative. I asked the doctor what to do in such cases, he told me to try Tylenol and or allergy meds first. He called me in some allergy meds.

So I go pick up the allergy meds. The pharmacy is giving out free flu shots. I know those flu shots can be hit or miss and I’ve gotten one in the past and felt kinda shitty from it but then I start thinking if allergy’s makes me miss work imagine the flu. My place being in the medical field is already talking about mandating the flu shot but that is a different story. So with all the crap going on I got the shot. My state had a less than 1% transmission rate but things are still all screwed up. I’m trying to get people services and with the shutdown so many people are suffering and everything is done by phone I have literally spent 3hrs of my 8hr work day on hold (via phone) yes I use speaker phone so I can do paperwork etc but in some cases that isn’t possible. So, long babble but I thought all things considered this is the year to get the flu shot, even though I have no clue what’s in the damn thing and yes I felt like crap the next day.