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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #1336
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Trump gets elected regardless of fuckwit hunter.

    And these phony cringeworthy assholes disappear forever

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

  4. #1339
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    If Hunter Biden was squeaky clean or at least reasonably guiltless... there would be no media coverage of him and his dad, now would there.

    Only proves my point even further. The dumbing down of America on full display. People are only too happy to grab onto snippets of what they think is trustworthy news. Social media wannabes are the new journalists. Loudmouths like Trump get legions of Minions groveling after their every thickheaded word (just look at a few examples on this forum). So Hunter's indiscretions (and I claim no more inside knowledge of the details than anybody else can) are wonderful fodder for the Trumpeteers. Whereas Biden's age is not some social media construct. It's a reality. IMHO, being well into your 80's while President is just not good policy. You and I have certainly disagreed on what it takes to identify new candidates. But none of that changes the fact that Biden's quickly becoming too old to effectively hold onto the reins of what might still qualify as the most powerful nation in the world.

    You know this. I know this. But the hordes of mindless Minions that follow Trump like the Pied Piper either don't know this... or know it but don't care. I don't know which is worse.

    Trump finished off a process that was already occurring in U.S. society. The dumbing down, polarization, the need for instant information without the background, the importance placed on social media "experts", etc, etc, etc. All of these became incredibly and instantly magnified under Trump. Trump brought out the worst in people... and laughed all the way to the bank. What to call a (cough) President who calls other nations "shithole countries"? What to call a President that generalizes a whole nation as being "rapists and criminals"? What to call a President that makes fun of a disabled person and then lies about it? What to call a President that claims to want to "drain the swamp" and then proceeds to hire nothing but "yes men"? What to call a President who claims to know more about (fill in the blank) than anyone else?

    No MAGA fans give a shit about Trump's profiting off the Presidency (him or his family). They just embrace the "us vs. them" mentality that Trump has so gleefully put forth.

    So what continues to piss me off is how easily many things about Biden have played into MAGA Minion hands.
    If Hunter was squeaky clean there'd be media coverage of whatever else Republicans were pushing to attack Biden.

    Biden is defnitely too old to run for prez. He should gracefully hand over to somebody else and walk away. But there's no way to gracefully do it. Kamala Harris probably still thinks the nation could see her as a commander in chief. Various other useless unelectable fuckers like the California governor would stand for the nomination. There'd be a contested primary of a bunch of second and third rate candidates because there's nobody good with any national profile at all on the Democratic bench. Looking at it it has all the makings of a horrific clusterfuck. The base would probably wish that Biden hadn't stood down and honestly that's probably the least worst option. I'm not going to say Biden is the best option, he's not good, but he's the least worst option available.

    The media are going to do him no faavours though. The fucker he'll be running against is only three years younger and lives on junk food. As much as Biden's health could decide things there could easily be a KFC aortic occlusion on the other side but the health/age coverage will go only one way. I know Trump fans are going to support him no matter what but it's the few million and maybe only few hundred thousand swing voters in the mushy middle who need to hear the differencebetween Biden and Trump sleaze. Instead they're going to get Trump says this, the White House says this.

    If they put it into context they'd be telling the truth but massively helping Biden and they're too scared to do that because they'd get hit with a GOP shitstorm about how biased they are and the corporations who own the media only make a small fraction of their profits from news and don't want to cause problems for their main businesses so they bothsides everything controversial. Just wait until they impeach Biden. Even some Republicans admit there's zero evidence on which to impreach Biden but they're going to do it anyway.

    Will the media point this out to the public? No, they'll stay right out of it. Republicans say this, Democrats say this.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If Hunter was squeaky clean there'd be media coverage of whatever else Republicans were pushing to attack Biden.

    Biden is defnitely too old to run for prez. He should gracefully hand over to somebody else and walk away. But there's no way to gracefully do it. Kamala Harris probably still thinks the nation could see her as a commander in chief. Various other useless unelectable fuckers like the California governor would stand for the nomination. There'd be a contested primary of a bunch of second and third rate candidates because there's nobody good with any national profile at all on the Democratic bench. Looking at it it has all the makings of a horrific clusterfuck. The base would probably wish that Biden hadn't stood down and honestly that's probably the least worst option. I'm not going to say Biden is the best option, he's not good, but he's the least worst option available.

    The media are going to do him no faavours though. The fucker he'll be running against is only three years younger and lives on junk food. As much as Biden's health could decide things there could easily be a KFC aortic occlusion on the other side but the health/age coverage will go only one way. I know Trump fans are going to support him no matter what but it's the few million and maybe only few hundred thousand swing voters in the mushy middle who need to hear the differencebetween Biden and Trump sleaze. Instead they're going to get Trump says this, the White House says this.

    If they put it into context they'd be telling the truth but massively helping Biden and they're too scared to do that because they'd get hit with a GOP shitstorm about how biased they are and the corporations who own the media only make a small fraction of their profits from news and don't want to cause problems for their main businesses so they bothsides everything controversial. Just wait until they impeach Biden. Even some Republicans admit there's zero evidence on which to impreach Biden but they're going to do it anyway.

    Will the media point this out to the public? No, they'll stay right out of it. Republicans say this, Democrats say this.

    Basically we agree on all points.

    Biden's too old... but there's no electable substitute waiting in the wings. The thought of Kamala as Prez is enough to turn the strongest stomach into knots. "Horrific clusterfuck" is precisely the term that fits best to describe having to choose from other current candidates. I agree that Biden is the least worst option available.

    Something interesting you brought up about age. Trump is no spring chicken himself... and yet no one seems to say a damn thing about it. Taking a "doomsday" point of view... I've thought about the prospect of Trump somehow being elected. The only silver lining in that scenario is that he HIMSELF would be too old to serve a third term. (Does the 2-term limit apply regardless of whether there was a gap in between?).

    Shit. The most powerful nation in the world... and all we have to choose from are a couple of old geezers. One which is DEFINITELY too old to be President... and another one who should be in prison right now.

    Politics in the U.S. was always a little dirty... but now it's in ruins... courtesy of frigging Trump. Republicans are caught between a rock and hard place. They either continue to service Trump's manhood at every available opportunity... or they get ostracized by the rest of the Party for the mortal sin of having a backbone and individual thought. Any newcomer who even thinks about being an alternative to Trump gets immediately ripped to shreds by the GOP machinery. The regular Joe Blow on the street who could at least halfway decently articulate elements from their Party platform, now walk around with glazed looks... wearing MAGA hats and not knowing a damn thing (or caring) about the issues.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Kamala is being unfairly demonised by the media and opposition. She would make a good president and did a decent job when Biden was in hospital.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    There was no insurrection and the 20/20 elections were rigged and stolen


  8. #1343
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    There was no insurrection and the 20/20 elections were rigged and stolen

    You are lucky you did not go otherwise you would have been in jail.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  9. #1344
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Kamala is being unfairly demonised by the media and opposition. She would make a good president and did a decent job when Biden was in hospital.
    You may literally be the only human being who thinks that

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    There was no insurrection and the 20/20 elections were rigged and stolen

    You are lucky you did not go otherwise you would have been in jail.
    I did go and I was in jail

  11. #1346
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Even the installed president realizes it

  12. #1347
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Kamala is being unfairly demonised by the media and opposition. She would make a good president and did a decent job when Biden was in hospital.

    Oh wait... wha?

  13. #1348
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Back in 2019 when the Democratic runners and riders were getting ready and pundits were placing their bets almost none of them picked Biden. One of the few to do so was this guy who has quite a track record over the past few years. I agree with all of this:

    Biden Should Pick A New Running Mate for 2024: Gretchen Whitmer

    The president's advanced age and the closeness of the 2024 polls mean Joe Biden needs the partner who can best help him win, govern and lead. That's not Kamala Harris.

    When he is renominated as the Democratic candidate for president, Joe Biden will need to choose a running mate. The polls are close and the stakes are high, so he needs a partner who will do as much as possible to help him win re-election. Given widespread public concern about his age, it is even more important than usual that his running mate be someone that a majority of the voting public is comfortable envisioning succeeding to the presidency. And his pick should be someone who is credible as the future leader of the Democratic Party. Part of the problem in the 2020 primary campaign was that none of the younger candidates had a credible forward-looking pitch that was broadly acceptable across the party’s coalition in the way Biden’s was; since whoever Biden picks as VP is highly likely to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2028, he shouldpick someone who can pass that test in the same way he did. And let’s throw in one more bonus factor: It would be great if his running mate had a regional appeal that gave the Democratic ticket a leg up in one or more battleground states, such as, to choose a completely random example, Michigan.
    Who’s the available person who stacks up best on those measures? Could it possibly be Kamala Harris?

    Of course, the way I framed the question is not how people normally talk about this issue. Normally, the frame is that Harris has the spot on the ticket, and if she is to be replaced, it must be taken away from her. As such, the question people tend to argue about is whether Harris is performing so poorly that she ought to be fired from the ticket. But technically, there is no ticket yet to be fired from. The delegates to next year’s Democratic Convention will affirmatively choose a new candidate for Vice President, and if they choose Harris, it will be for the same reason they did in 2020: Joe Biden, who will again have won a majority of delegates in presidential nominating contests, will have asked them to do so. Biden should only make that ask if Harris is the very best option to help him win, govern and lead — that is, he should only pick her if she is excellent, rather than merely satisfactory.
    Kamala Harris, unfortunately, is not an excellent candidate for the vice presidency. There are better options available and he should pick one of them — specifically, as I’ll discuss below, he should pick Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer......

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