I'm not certain if the topic has ever come up (I hope it hasn't) but I'm interested to know especially given our varied backgrounds of who in sport (in general) are the biggest villains and why? This is very general and please specify when you respond. This is a broad topic and some villains are going to be viewed as villains light heartedly like Christian Laettner just your typical Duke basketball player overhyped and just all around hateable or Roger Clemens pitcher who would be in the Hall of Fame but for his PEDs use vs someone who was in real life a villain like Rae Carruth who had his pregnant girlfriend murdered or Aaron Hernandez who murdered Odin Lloyd.

Villainy is a matter of perspective so let's all keep that in mind.

I started this thread specifically thinking about Lance Armstrong. While on one hand he did a lot for cancer research (fundraising etc) but he attempted to ruin peoples lives like Greg LeMond (Original American Hero of Cycling) for exposing him as a fraud. He built up the sport (a sport really nobody cares about for the most part) and damn near tore it all down...but that tearing it all down wasn't 100% on him that was on officials and the people running that sport who allowed for the prevalence of doping. Armstrong won 7 times in an era FILLED with doping! Which is quite incredible regardless, but he was/is not a good person to lie & cheat & bully to get his way.....his downfall DID lead to Britain having a resurgence in the cycling world so I don't know what you guys think of him.

Anyway, go on with your choices.