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Thread: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

  1. #31
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    I stopped in my parents place after work yesterday.
    My Dad had just switched on the news.
    He's still the hardest working man I know, but he's been through cancer and has just paused to enjoy life now.

    I broke the news to him before the sports headlines were announced.

    He didn't believe me.

    When the story was announced my Dad just shook his head and repeated 'Not Hagler' two, maybe three times; genuinely incredulous.

    Hagler was Dad's favourite of the Fab 4, probably the second fighter he introduced me to after Ali.
    He couldn't believe anything other than God himself could stop Marvin.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    I’ve been thinking about this a bit.

    Everybody on the newspapers etc is agreeing that Hagler was absolutely the real deal in the ring, a complete fighter with very very few discernible weaknesses. A guy who came up the hard way and paid all his dues on the way up. A genuine fighter’s fighter.

    I’v not been able to find any ‘bad’ stories about him. He stayed loyal to his very first trainers - something just about unheard of in the sport. His sparring partners all say he was a total beast in the ring, and a nice guy outside it. Even the weasel that is Bob Arum said he was the most loyal and dedicated fighter he met.

    By his own account, he went a bit haywire after the a Leonard loss/robbery
    , but can’t really blame him for that and it didn’t seem to last long. He got divorced, which is in itself not unusual and his ex wife has never said anything horrible about him.

    He went off to Italy, stayed off the celebrity ex boxer circuit, remarried, learn the language and was apparently very happy.

    Good on you, Marvin.
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  3. #33
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    Default Re: rip marvelous

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post

    So a perfectly healthy Marvin Hagler who had the "vaccine" has sadly passed away. 2 weeks after having the perfectly safe, fully tested for humans vaccine that's still under trial until 2023.

    Right OK.

    A man who at the, far from old age of 66 can run a 6 minute mile and is in better shape than guys half age just gets taken out like this.

    Right. OK

    It takes 10 years of trials and test to get a vaccine half way right, and they pushing that poison after 2 months of development under Trump.

    I wouldn’t be shocked if they try to say it was long term trauma from blows to the head. Say no to the #covidvaccine

    Another one bites the dust eh Bill ?

    Pure and total bullshite. His death had nothing to do with Covid.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    "This is how our area (the Mount Washington Valley in New Hampshire) reacted. Marvelous Marvin was a long time resident and lived in the Attitash area of Bartlett. It’s about two miles west of my house but the only time I ever saw him on the road was when he was jogging. We did have some lively communications at the IBHOF week every June.

    "He was pretty much adored around here mainly for being a pleasant and uplifting guy who had time for anyone as long as they were being civil. He was “our” Marvelous Marvin and he mingled among the town folk without flaunting his fame. He just fit in. His personality—punctuated by a great smile-- lit up every room he entered.

    "People like Hagler don’t die. He was an iron man. He was indestructible. But suddenly you hear a “rumor” streaking through town and you check out the news on your phone. It says he’s gone---can’t be so---so you quickly call some friends to confirm that this can’t be so---that’s it’s a hoax. But then hoping against hope, you reluctantly come to grips with the fact he is no longer with us. It makes you realize that no one is indestructible.

    His wonderful wife Kay has taken it hard….and so has the Valley…and so have

    “If you want loyalty, buy a dog.” Ricky Hatton

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    I recalled quite a few fights I saw while having a brew and at home on a Saturday afternoon but this particular muscularly chiseled fighter who looked like a statue out of a sculpture's imagination with the perfect rock to be shaped and I heard an announcer which the passage of time escapes my memory said about Marvelous Marvin Hagler, "He is a blue collar fighter." You could see the evidence of a training camp that said during the hours of perfecting his fighting plan, his strategy, the hard work and blue collar effort that got him the name Marvelous in addition to the Marvin Hagler we already knew.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    does marvin get a pass for fighting smaller guys & cashing out towards the end of his career?
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  7. #37
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    does marvin get a pass for fighting smaller guys & cashing out towards the end of his career?
    If this is a way of justifying Canelo v Crawford you are way off.
    1. Hagler was a career MW. He didn’t yo-yo up and down the weights. The fact that so-called smaller guys came up to his weight as you say, at the end of his career was because they wouldn’t have dreamed of it at Hagler’s peak.
    2. These smaller guys are some of the greatest fighters to lace up gloves at any weight.
    We cannot compare Crawford with Hearns, Duran or SRL.
    3. Hagler was a small MW . I would argue that Hearns was a bigger guy than him. Leonard would probably have beaten any MW or SMW today, and it was Duran cashing out against Hagler, not the other way round.
    4. The guys back then earned a fraction of what Canelo does today. Surely they can’t be blamed for trying to get what they’re worth and what they deserve. And it’s not like they were fighting patsies for it.
    Let’s be honest , not just Canelo, but none of these top fighters today are worth the millions they are paid, in Canelo’s case tens of millions.
    Back then, it was their pensions they were chasing, nowadays Canelo, Fury, Joshua and others could fund multiple generations of their family tree.
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    & marvin lost to a smaller guy who had been inactive for almost three years
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    marvin should have fought mike mccallum instead of john mugabi
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    & marvin lost to a smaller guy who had been inactive for almost three years
    And your point is? Canelo lost to a smaller man in Floyd. 🤷*♂️ if that is you trying to say “Canelo was better than Hagler” you’re wrong. Don’t forget Hagler used to weigh in on the same day.
    Nowadays he would be a Light Middle and he would batter everyone.
    Guys get beat by smaller guys. Do you know why? Because they’re getting beat by better guys. That’s all there is to it really.
    And the fact that SRL had been out of the ring for 3 years says more about him than Hagler.
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    you are the only one mentioning canelo here. i know marvin did most of his work coming up but he is frequently mentioned as part of the four kings, the other three all started at lower weights than marvin. his biggest threat around eighty five to eighty seven in my opinion was the bodysnatcher who also began at a lower weight than marvin but marvin bent the knee & took the money to fight an inactive guy instead
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    you are the only one mentioning canelo here. i know marvin did most of his work coming up but he is frequently mentioned as part of the four kings, the other three all started at lower weights than marvin. his biggest threat around eighty five to eighty seven in my opinion was the bodysnatcher who also began at a lower weight than marvin but marvin bent the knee & took the money to fight an inactive guy instead
    If you go back to the first line I wrote on this subject , you’ll know why I mentioned Canelo.
    But you chose to ignore that.
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    you are the only one mentioning canelo here. i know marvin did most of his work coming up but he is frequently mentioned as part of the four kings, the other three all started at lower weights than marvin. his biggest threat around eighty five to eighty seven in my opinion was the bodysnatcher who also began at a lower weight than marvin but marvin bent the knee & took the money to fight an inactive guy instead
    If you go back to the first line I wrote on this subject , you’ll know why I mentioned Canelo.
    But you chose to ignore that.
    this was your first line

    "If this is a way of justifying Canelo v Crawford you are way off."

    you're making assumptions. i'm posting about marvin, nothing about canelo. you also assume i ignored it. i didn't, it just had nothing to do with what i am posting about. bud jumping three weights is completely different from what i'm posting about marvin
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    I can remember going to the video shop in 1988 to rent the Hagler Leonard fight. We also rented one my favourite movies in Young Guns. I was about 8 yrs old.

    I just love the music to that film and the film itself. So anytime i think of Hagler I always think of childhood memories of young guns

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    Default Re: RIP Marvelous Marvin Hagler

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    marvin should have fought mike mccallum instead of john mugabi
    I am a huge fan of the Bodysnatcher but it is easy to say that after he had beaten the then undefeated, knocked out all his opponents Beast Mugabi. Most people would have said why take on the untested McCallum who still had not beaten Milton McCrory or Cobra Curry until a year later.

    Marvin athletic peak were probably before he became champion, when he fought the hard Philly fighters as a skilful Southpaw. Marvin was robbed by judges and became champion later than he should have so he took on the best that were around at the time.

    Marvellous avoided Herol Graham to take on Sugar Ray. No one is blaming him for that.
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