Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by ykdadamaja View Post
Got my second Pfizer shot today. Within two weeks I should be fully vaccinated the nurse said. No side effects except for a bit of soreness in my arm, which is not a real side effect unless you are a little whiney bitch!

I'm good.
you are right. if you got sick within those two weeks you would be considered unvaxxed. that is some bullshit

Your knowledge of how vaccines work in general is mindboggling.

i asked you to back up your claim with proof & all you have done is shit yourself & tell me you believe what other say. that is not proof of how you know

You won't accept any rational standard of proof. You're clinging to an irrational standard that's impossible to prove and you're terrified to even say you'd accept the virus exists if it could be proved.

As far as attitudes to the virus itself goes there are three groups of people.

The first group is the vast majority of the world's population who accept that the virus exists due to the overwhelming evidence. This includes every person on this board apart from yourself and, crucially, every single medical experts and virology-related qualified and credentialled person in the world.

The second group are the anti vaccine people and similar people with low levels of social trust. These are the people eating horse dewormer because they believe conspiracy theories about the vaccine. However even these people believe the virus exists.

The third group are the world's short bus people, the people who believe -- with zero evidence -- that the virus is some kind of hoax. This is the group that you're in. It's incumbent upon any of the nuts in this group to come up with any kind of evidence to back up their fantastical claims, not on the group containing every single expert that's qualified to speak about the virus in the entire world. If you can't come up with any evidence to show that the virus is a hoax, and of course you can't, then you're just another crazy person ranting on the internet.
you are claiming something is real & i continue to ask you to prove how you know this to be true. if you claim something to be real it is rational for me to ask you to prove how you know this to be true. i am disputing the claim that is being made. it is not my job to prove someone else's claim to be true. where is seven time larry to call you out on your fallacy? saying that because so called experts believe something to be real is not proof of that claim being true. it's a fallacy. why do you keep bring up other people? i am talking to you. you made a claim that you know it exists. i am only interested in you proving your claim of how you know that to be true. read this very carefully. believing what others have said is not proof of how you know that claim is true

How the fuck you have not choked on your own word salad by now is beyond me but let us pretend for just one moment that you are worth even replying to.

Here you are in a posted reply displaying not just for everyone who posts and reads on Saddo but anyone who chooses to browse the internet, your own breathtaking ignorance of not just life in general and the sibject in hand but the actual mechanics of debate and building an argument.

The only one being fallacious here is you. In fact it would be more accurate to define your deceptive and fallacious reasoning as specious.

It is a textbook case of specious reasoning.

It begins by masquerading your opinion as fact. It is based on your emotional beliefs and delusions and displays very clearly your own disdain for facts and actual evidence. You create a false unattainable bar, that by definition, no evidence can ever reach. Making you God and everyone else an idiot. When Kirkland said you reminded him of a child imagining that the vegetables were not on his plate in order to avoid eating them, he hit the nail on the head. You hate science because it requires you question and test your own assumptions and you refuse to do that.

You change the subject with Strawman arguments all the time, and then accuse others of doing so. This is common in specious arguments. People ask you questions and you refuse to answer. You use selective arguments to ignore any unfavorable evidence which is again classic specious reasoning and start with such a flawed premise that all your following logic is pointless. Circular logic, Syllogisms, Rhetorical traps, Virtue Signalling all elements of specious reasoning litter your posts and replies.

Look at the bollocks you typed above

" I am asking you to prove something is true but will not let you know the standard or rules i will accept as proof it is true. Even though nobody has ever asked me to, I am going to pretend they have, and suggest it is not my job to make your case for you. Where is Beanz and why do you keep calling in other posters even though i have just done that? So why do you keep bringing up other people, because even though i just did, really i am not attention seeking, but just speaking to you. Read this very carefully. I am a patronising prick and i will never ever engage with any of you losers on this board because I am the King of the teenage edgelords and I can win any argument by simply pretending that there is no such thing as science, books, research, knowledge, facts etc..only my opinion, the opinion of a cheesy puffs filled Kool Aid drinker counts"

go take your pills spastic. you can't even understand what is being said. he made a claim & was asked to prove it to be true. he keeps mentioning other people such as so called experts. that is a fallacy. nothing to do with other posters retard. you want the standard of rules? if you claim that convid is a virus caught from outside the body through the air or off surfaces then you need to prove how you know that is true. i am an example of that claim being false. so prove how you know the claim is true or sit back down & keep your belief to yourself. i don't want to be apart of your mass psychosis seven times larry