Originally Posted by
First, don't pretend to speak for others. Speak for yourself. That is the adult man thing to do. Second, the fact that you repeat the same phrase over and over again ("exaggerations, hyperbole & double standards") doesn't make any of your claims true. That's just another one of your trademark childish techniques you use, like when you repeat your bogus, outlandish claims about COVID. No one here takes you seriously, and yes... this time I'll make an exception to "not speaking for others" because everyone here knows just how deluded you've always been about the subject.
Your questions? I've answered the ones I see fit to answer. I've asked my own which you ignore. At that point I stop answering yours. That's the way the game is played, and when you put your big boy pants on, then you and I can engage in the boxing banter you previously claimed we were having.
It's perfectly clear that my opinions on Canelo bother you. And all you do is bring up irrelevant after irrelevant examples. Then you ask all these nonsensical and irrelevant questions, expecting answers, and claiming some sort of moral victory when they're not answered. I used to see these same arguing techniques in middle school, so you'll have to excuse me if sometimes I find myself questioning your age. Not your physical age... but your emotional one.
I know you have a pathological need to have the last word (another middle school style behavior), so obviously you'll have a retort to this. But this suddenly stopped being about Canelo... so I'll be leaving the conversation soon.
I know what really eats at you (LOL). It's my colorful list of adjectives for Canelo. Is this what offends you? Does it bother you personally when I refer to Canelo as a cherry-picking, coddled, redheaded diva, manufactured, trinket-grabbing, WBC teacher's pet (new one), judge-buying, ginger-haired, ducking & marinating bitch ass clown? Does this affect your emotions in any way? Does that prevent us from having that "boxing banter" you claim we have? Would you like me to stop using these colorful descriptions of Canelito? Does it really bother you that much? Are you so invested in Canelo fanboyism that these conversations hurt you?
Answer all my questions. Otherwise I'll "take the ball and go home."
It's just a boxing.forum, dude. Quit looking for confrontations, which you seem prone to do. After this I'll be going to have breakfast... and I'm sure you'll go back to your Etch-N-Sketch, Play-Dough, or whatever other activity it is that you're doing. Learn to live with differing opinions. You'll have a fuller and more rewarding life.
okay so it's fine for you to speak for others?
i repeat the same phrases because you bore me, what clsims are you referring to? i'm just giving my subjective opinions on canelo, you don't have to agree with them
i just ask people what they believe covid is & how they proved those beliefs are true. it's only outlandish to you because you are unable to prove your beliefs are true
answer what you want, no one is forcing you to do anything here
why would your opinons about canelo bother me? i'm not canelo. he's just a boxer that i've enjoyed watching over the years, somethings i've liked some things i've disliked about his career
am i not allowed to ask questions? you aren't forced to read them or respond
i have no need to have the last word but i'll respond if i feel like it. if you reply to this post does that make you the one with the pathological need to have the last word?
call canelo whatever you like. i'm all for free speech. why would i be offended by words on a screen? again i'm all for free speech, so please say what you like. i'm not canelo. i don't think he cares what you or i say on here. your words about a boxer don't bother me at all, as i said i'm all for free speech
it is just a boxing forum. i'll post what i like, are you trying to restrict my free speech? i'm happy you have your opinions. i hope your happy i have mine