Just watched and rewatched the fight on HBO (thanks to DVR was able to see some close rounds several times). This is how I saw it:

Round 1: Cotto - (Cotto was the aggresor. Floyd did not land much of anything.)

Round 2: Floyd - (Floyd was more effective with his punches, particularly the right hand.)

Round 3: EVEN - (Decided to come back to this later.)

Round 4: Floyd - (Scored well with right hands. Widest margin in a round so far.)

Round 5: Cotto - (Commentators were ignoring Cotto's shots. Cotto going well to the body. Floyd not connecting effectively. Big Cotto left hooks toward end of round. Lederman also gave round to Cotto).

Round 6: Cotto - (Cotto outjabbing Floyd, who's not being that effective with his own punches.)

Round 7: EVEN - (Will rewatch it later also.)

Round 8: Cotto - (Best action so far. "Floyd coasting" MY ASS!! Nosebleed tells different story.)

Round 9: Floyd - (Cotto pressed but didn't connect much. Floyd more accurate and effective.)

Round 10: Floyd - (Had to watch it twice right away. Floyd won 1st minute of round, other two minutes were even... so Floyd wins the round.)

Round 11: Floyd - (Cotto tiring a bit... missing more. Floyd didn't land that much, but was more effective.)

Round 12: Floyd - (Cotto won the 1st minute of the round, but got staggered halfway through, and lost the round.)

Went back to watch rounds 3 and 7.

Round 3: Cotto - (Cotto wins 1st minute of round, with jabs and left hooks. Cotto wins the 2nd minute as well. Last minute is even. Cotto wins the round.)

Round 7: Floyd - (Floyd wins 1st minute of round. 2nd minute is even, with slight edge to Floyd. Last minute is even. Floyd wins the round.)

So my final score is:

Round 1: Cotto
Round 2: Floyd
Round 3: Cotto
Round 4: Floyd
Round 5: Cotto
Round 6: Cotto
Round 7: Floyd
Round 8: Cotto
Round 9: Floyd
Round 10: Floyd
Round 11: Floyd
Round 12: Floyd

7-5: Floyd

"Floyd was coasting" MY ASS. Only blind Floyd fans and Cotto haters, as well as people who hang on HBO commentators every word... believe that is was an easy night for Floyd... and that Floyd could've "turned it on" or ended it whenever he wanted to.

That assessment is an insult to Cotto's effort, and an injustice to the fight itself. At least Floyd himself knows the kind of fight he was in.