I know its early, but I am too excited to not get a thread going about this one. 10 days to go and I am so excited for it. I have been looking forward to a fight like this for a long long time. I am so happy Froch and Kessler agreed to the rematch because out of any of the top 168 fighters around today this is the fight that needed to happen.

I want to use this thread to post all of the news for the build up to the fight as there is not long to go and I am sure we are going to see a lot more build up in the news as we are approaching the fight.

As for the fight who is everybody picking for the rematch? Both men seem to be on top form in their preparation for the fight and we all know they are both so up for this rematch. Kessler won the first fight albeit it a very close one in his home town, Froch now has the home advantage and momentum going into this fight so Froch has no excuses come fight night. Kessler was impressive too in his last outing, it was an improvement on the Green perfomance IMO. He no doubt still is a top class operator at the highest level and this is why this rematch really is going to be fight of the year IMO. Two very exciting fighters with a lot to prove and a lot to lose, who is everybody picking??

I am going with Froch to win this time around, I think hes learnt a lot since his last fought Kessler and the home advantage and experience and desire to avenge the loss I think will be too much for Kessler this time round. Dont get me wrong, Froch is going to have to perform even better than he did against Bute if he has a chance against Kessler. If he holds off like he did against Ward then he wont be able to beat Kessler. But if he boxes like he did against Bute, I think Kessler is in trouble this time around. Froch is so up for this, and I know Kessler is as well so this is what is making this fight a spectacle! I am pulling for Froch to win a late KO or a close UD, but I think Froch will make it clear at the end that he is now the better fighter and I am backing him the whole way! COME ON FROCHY!!!!!!

I cant wait for this fight though and I am looking forward to seeing how everyone else feels about the fight.