Both of these methods of doping seem to be highly effective and next to impossible to catch. Do you think they've entered the sporting realm and if so what sports for which?

Gene doping is complex. Basically you take a virus and remove the problematic attributes and attach possitive traits like improved oxygen capacity for instance. The virus spreads as normal but instead of spreading something bad it spreads something good. I'm not even sure of the moral stance with this. It seems like it would be used in endurance sports. Word is we are decades from being able to catch people for this.

PED Tattoos are as they sound. Delivering PEDs through tattoo needles. Apparently with the agitation of a tattoo needle the body responds by increasing blood flow to the area so you can take a much smaller dose and have the same effect. Small enough doses to pass PED tests. I could see this running rampant in the NBA.