LOLOLOL.... says Manny would be an "easy" fight for him. Also says he wants to fight Manny while Manny is still in his prime. lololol.... the man has gone crazy. But, what other mega payday so close to his weight can he get?

Broner is a very smart man. He apparently is not going to be a boxing lifer. He is under 25. He wants to make as much mega paydays and large paydays before he turns 28 or 30. After that, he is going to go on with his life as something else: either business or some other entrepreneurial venture.

Odd as it sounds, I see Broner opening up chain restaurants, a management company for entertainment or some other ventures. The boy isn't dumb, you know! But, calling out Manny is more than ballsy. And it also shows he can make his fights himself without Haymon advising as Haymon does with most of his fighters.