Boxing legend Ricky Hatton 'caught in dramatic open gunfire' after drive-by shooters target charity fundraiser at city bar

Boxing legend Ricky Hatton was caught in dramatic open gunfire after drive-by shooters targeted a city centre bar, according to reports.

Five shots were fired into the Living Room, in Manchester, at around 10.15pm on Wednesday during a charity fundraiser.

No one was hit by the bullets, but one man was injured as he dived for cover.

It is now being reported that 38-year-old Mr Hatton, a former world champion, was among the guests at the event which was raising money for the The Christie.

A source close to the star today confirmed he was inside the premises at the time of the incident, Manchester Evening News reports.

But he said he said the star was upstairs at the time of the incident and not hurt.

The event was organised by bosses from Stonegate pubs, who run the Living Room, and included live music, entertainment, and a raffle and auction.

It’s understood the Hattersley fighter, who now runs his own gym and is a trainer and promoter, may have donated some of his own memorabilia to be auctioned off.

They were raising money for The Christie’s own charity.

Lewis Seery, 29, who was appearing as DJ Merca at the event, said: “I was upstairs on the balcony and we got told to shut the music off.

“I turned round and could see damage on the door. It was all smashed where the bullets had hit it.

“At the time I didn’t know what was going on, I was just shocked. We were told to shut the music off and we went out of the back door.

“It was an event for The Christie and unfortunately this happened. They shot at a charity event.”

Eyewitnesses said shots were fired into the windows of the bar of by two men on a motorbike who then fled the scene.

Police chiefs say they believe it was a "targeted attack that poses no threat to the wider community".

Deansgate, in Manchester, was closed for several hours last night as detectives carried out enquiries and combed the area for clues, but the area re-opened this morning.

The council’s city centre spokesman, Pat Karney, said the bar’s owners will be summoned to the town hall as part of a licensing review into what happened.

Boxing legend Ricky Hatton 'caught in dramatic open gunfire' after drive-by shooters target charity fundraiser at city bar