Willingly like England had a war they had to run and they just left South Africa.

Black settlement in South Africa predated European by hundreds of years.
Yeah, nobody said otherwise. My only point was whites were actually farming the land and doing so for hundreds of years

We are talking about home owners who had their land confiscated and their houses bulldozed because the area was declared whites only.
So you're of the "turn about is fair play" belief? If that's the case then take your ideas of "white privilege" and stuff them because you're saying if blacks were in charge then they'd do everything in their power to oppress whites AND THEN SOME....soooo yeah, take that whole belief system and go fuck yourself

As long as whites in SA are not examining their prejudices, then black people in SA should stay hard on them
Ah yes, that is brilliant, what's the skin color...oh, white, well you must be guilty then. Yeah that's brilliant denilson a great way to run a society.

Which is under the control of the white supremacists
Oh I was unaware that the Chinese were white

Coming from a white yank and he's talking about brutality ?

Really ? But what governments are you talking about ?
Yeah, I'm fairly certain it's been a while since our last race related machete attack...much less the DAILY assault on farmers.

I'm talking about: Charles Taylor, Idi Amin, Paul Biya, Robert Mugabe, Sani Abacha, Sekou Toure, Macias Nguema, Siad Barre, Omar Al-Bashir, Hissene Habre, Mobutu Sese Seko.....I mean shit I could list them all fucking day long.

African armies were only defeated when the Europeans got access to gunpowder
Considering Africa was colonized in the 1870's through the 1900's ....yeah the white folk not only had gunpowder by then but they also knew what to do with it strategically. Meanwhile what were Africans doing? Working on the flying car?

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport
Yeah I hunt for food. I'm fairly certain that a lot of Africans also poach animals for fur, skins, ivory, gallbladders and whatever else the Chinese want. I'm not a trophy hunter, and I'm white.

And even then white Europeans never did a Rambo on Africa (At First)

The came in as friends, with smiles. That's the tactic they still use to Today with the Red Cross, Oxfam and missionaries (A bag of rice for a bag of diamonds)

But there is no question that whites used to gunpowder to take over the world. That meant they could shoot and kill someone from distance. Rather up close and personal, Sword with Sword.
Sure sure it's a great big old "what if"....."what if there had been no gunpowder?" well obviously black people would rule the world! Play this fantasy in your head fine, but it won't change the way things are today. "What if, What if, ummmm, blacks did as well in America as Asians do?"....I'd LOVE to see it, honestly I would because I like many other people am tired of the bitching and the excuses, do for yourself.

Just be thankful I'm not running shit in SA. I'd open up the gates of hell on those robbing white supremacist bastards down there. I'd destroy them economically. I'd turn them into a total underclass. I'd make sure they're begging on the streets. I'd reduce them to nothing and then laugh and mock them for being in that position.
Yeah, that would really help you grow your nation.

Oooooh what's that in Zimbabwe? 2-4 skyscrapers OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

I guess white people make those folks live there as opposed to those fancy skyscrapers

If you're applauding those in South Africa that's your decision and I'd say it makes any complaining you do about say Trayvon Martin or any other black person who happens to die due to some sort of confrontation in America as kind of hollow....you reap what you sew.