It seems to me that sometimes we have fights ended too early on a premature stoppage when the stopped fighter is still on his feet and fighting back.

Rafael Marquez last weekend in the most recent example and of course Manfredo's ridicoulously early stoppage earlier this year stand out, another one that sticks in my mind is Angel Manfredy being stopped against Floyd Mayweather.

Anyway in these situations rather than end the fight prematurely wouldn't it be better if like in amatuer boxing the referee could enforce a standing 8 count, so that the fighter gets the benefit of the doubt and a second chance and just as importantly the paying fans don't end up being shortchanged?

I know there would be a danger of them being too standing count happy and interupting the flow of fights but if it was done in a last resort in a situation where a fighter was under pressure but still on his feet and fighting back, and the referee would otherwise stop the fight, an 8 count alternative would be better?