I think this would be an interesting match up. Floyd has not fought anyone like Whitaker let alone at welterweight were Pernell was at his best. It would probably be a good fight cause Whitaker likes to throw a lot of punches and he was also a defensive master so Think Floyd would be way out of his comfort zone. Now you could argue who is faster but I don't think it matters is more a matter of how they deal with each others speed. I think Whitaker would give Floyd a lot of angles and push the fight taking Floyd to places hes never been before. I think Floyd would not be able to get in his rhythm and Pernell would stay one step ahead getting in and getting out and maybe even frustrate Floyd. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be a competitive fight and Floyd would win some rounds but I think Whitaker would walk away with a non-contraversial unanimous decision win. What do yall think?