CC#390 on me Majesty and thanks for the mention of the shades in the Intro episode....

Alright I think all the ideas you've gotten are great. Really great advice....

Heres some advice now from me as far as you....

1. I like that you don't bring papers in hand with you, I think that's really good and it speaks volumes.
2. You need to slow down just a little bit, I think your still a little nervous and when you are you slowly rev up and start talking a little too fast and you can hear it in your voice. So my advice would be to just relax and breath man just chill out and talk to the mic like you and I were sitting in your front porch talking.
3. Try to set the mic up either to your shirt or somewhere, where you can just set it up and leave it there. OR the other option is not to move the hand you are holding the mic with too much.

IMO if you can work on those 2 things your shows gonna be that much better...
So remember man just breath, relax I know you only got 10 minutes but still just take your time with it. Caus like I said at times it just sounds like a run on sentence.

Good luck to 'ya Majesty.