I know a lot of people see Cotto as the only Welterweight Mayweather needs to fight. But imo Williams will be a harder fight for Mayweather than Cotto would, Cotto's patient aggression would work well against Mayweather similar to how Castillo's patient aggression worked. Cotto also has a good jab and he uses it to good effect to close the distance between himself and his opponent, the only problem with that is that Mayweather counter's the Jab with his money punch the right hand, but i still see Cotto giving Mayweather a lot of problems. As for Williams first off his Height, Reach, would give Mayweather all sorts of problems add that to Williams amazing work rate and the great angles his uses on the inside, and Mayweather has got all sorts of trouble, i do think Mayweather would be able to counter Williams with good effect but Williams does take a great punch i really don't think Mayweather would be able to keep Williams off but it would be interesting to see how Mayweaher would try and figure out Williams.

I would love to see Cotto fight Williams the only problem is that i don't think Cotto's team would risk it. But it would be fantastic match up the key for Cotto would be the body shots, Williams is tall and skinny so i don't think Williams would take a great body shot, and as for Williams the key for him would be use his jab and combinations, use angles on outside and keep Cotto guessing. The only problem i see is that Williams like's to get in there and slug it out too much, but Williams does take a great punch and Cotto has never fought anyone with the work rate of Williams so it would be interesting.

I see Williams as one of the best Welterweight's in the world. Only behind Cotto and Mayweather, in a perfect world i would love to see Cotto vs Williams slug it out to see who truly is the best Welterweight to fight Mayweather, another problem is if this match up did happen and Williams won i couldn't see Mayweather fighting Williams.