Quote Originally Posted by Poom

I dont really understand whats going on here, this seems like a buildup to a real fight, Seriously Gyrokai stop thinking about it or you will get so tense when you get in the ring :P

Sparring is just sparring and the point of it is to practise without getting hurt so there is no reason to stress or get worried about it, it is just another element of training getting introduced to you like skipping or hitting the bag, something regular that you will do

In a normal gym they will just start you off jabbing at eachother or something anyway , dont "Prepare" to spar, do it and then after you know what it is like think about it more.

Your enthusiasm is great but just dont build it up in your mind much, it will all be for 2 minutes of gentle jabbing probably !
Haha, I know.

Your right.