I'm seriously thinking of taking Trenabol. In case you haven't heard of it, its basically a bad ass supplement for buffing up and bulking up. Its very close to a steroid and I've heard it referred to as one before on the internet. Its totally legal and safe though, they sell it at stores like Max Muscle everywhere. One of my best friends has taken it, and with eating a lot of protein and lifting like crazy has bulked up and gotten ripped in an amazingly short amount of time, like a couple months.

So I was hoping some of you might have some advice on Trenabol. I weigh like 155 lbs now, I'm 6 foot, and I have some definition but could look much better. My main concern is that I don't want to bulk up that much maybe like 10-15 lbs tops. I just wanna get ripped and stronger. I figure long as I don't eat too much and I still do my roadwork and work out at the gym I'll still be fine for boxing. I don't wanna get all bulked up and sacrifice speed and agility.
Any advice? Besides sarcastic one liners . I would really appreciate it. Thanks.