Sin acuerdo combate Cotto vs Gómez

A pesar de que públicamente ha trascendido que Miguel Cotto expondrá su corona welter de la AMB el 12 de abril en Atlantic City, la realidad es que no ha llegado a un acuerdo con su promotor Bob Arum y continúa negociando su bolsa según dio a conocer Gabriel Peñagarícano, asesor legal del invicto monarca.


Without an agreement bout Cotto vs Gomez

Although it has been made public that Miguel Cotto would put up his WBA Welter weight title on April 12th. in Atlantic City, against Alfonso Gomez, the truth is that Cotto has not come to an agreement with Bob Arum and will continue to negotiate his purse according to Gabriel Peñagarícano, legal adviser of the undefeated monarch.