Since I have been at my new gym, I have turned into the main coaches beat stick. Part of the reason for this I think is that I listen to whatever he says. The other is since I got here (we are a new gym) that barring a few people, I can pretty much walk thru anyone there. It was a bit of a novelty at first, for most of them are in their early 20's, not too great or experienced much, and getting an ass-whooping from the young kid was the in thing to do for a few weeks or month. But now it seems to be getting old. Few want to spar me any more, and when they do it is often reluctantly. I still get my ass kicked on a regular basis by one person, and am close with another, but the rest are a bit easy.

So to the beatstick part. The spars are done with variety, obviously. But at times and usually if I am strapping on with someone who has been not working hard lately, the boss comes to me and says.."Go hard." And I do.

They know what is coming, I know what is coming, everyone knows what is coming and it pisses some off. I love to go hard, but also don't like having people hatin on me because of it. Also I get them trying to take my head off with one shot instead of boxing, so I am not sure if it is really even productive to them.

I'm not trying to come off as all that, it simply is what it is. We don't have a lot of really good people yet as we are new, and if someone is dicking around and not working hard...guess what, we are going in the ring.

My question is, is this the norm?