By this I mean a superstar or great fighter taking on someone who was completely unheralded and losing, only to fight them again in a rematch and get beat again.

Boxing history is full of upsets, Hasim Rahman KO'ing Lewis, Brewster KO'ing Wlad, Montiel winning via DQ over a prime Roy Jones etc but in each case when the rematch was set they were simply dismantled and blown away by the superior fighter who didn't make the same mistake again.

My question though is has there ever been a fight where a completely unheralded guy wins against a huge name in his prime, and then in the rematch stuns everyone by winning again?

I don't count guys like Tarver here as Tarver however much people hate on him is a world class fighter, and Jones was past his prime but I mean guys of the calibre of Rahman or Corrie Sanders etc KO'ing a highly fancied prime fighter and then against all odds doing the same thing again in the rematch?

The best example I can think of is Ricardo Mayorga twice beating Vernon Forrest but is there a better one, boxing historians and ICB this is directed at you.