Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
Quote Originally Posted by GAME View Post
Didnt see the fight but sounds like the Barrera fight. Khan headbutts his way to a stoppage and a hometwon decision.

Lets hope Bradley gives him a taste of his own medicine in his next fight.
Sounds like the opposite to me, the first sign of a cut and they stop it. Barrera was cut to the skull and they wouldn't stop until it would go to points.

Still, it was hometown bias and the result of a butt.

Once again you have to question the matchmaking and officiating that the Brits gets. All the big fights overseas and then chump change and homecooking at home.

Nobody can be satisfied with that.
Except this time it was a different ref, doctor and promotional outfit running the show.

First they were wrong for giving the fighter a chance to fight on, now they were wrong for immediately stopping it.

You are such a child. Fact.
Poppycock and humbug.

In both cases it was hometown bias completely favouring the domestic fighter. Different individuals involved, but the same old motivations.

Are you telling me Barrera should have been allowed to go on beyond the second round?

Are you telling me that this fight should have been stopped?

I'm sure if you are unbiased then you will agree with me and say 'no' on both counts.

I don't think McKloskey would have done anything particularly upsetting if allowed to continue. He was never expected to, but at least allow an undefeated fighter to go on. He wasn't taking massive punishment and the cut in this instance was minor. It was an extremely poor stoppage and these things are beginning to be a regular occurence when it comes to Khan fights in the UK.

It is a farce that makes British boxing look comical.
I thought the stoppage was an utter joke. Especially considering I had money riding on McCLoskey to win by KO, and FULLY expected his chance to come in the second half of the fight. I actually thought his plan was working great, apart from the fact he was losing 6-0 ().

However, you are still a child (well, immature moany old fart). Barrera gets given a chance to win the fight. It's a conspiracy. The fight should have been instantly stopped. McCLoskey gets instantly stopped. It's a conspiracy. He should have been allowed to continue.

You're a shameless hypocrite. Fact.
I am not being a hypocrite in the slightest.

They are two seperate and distinct incidents with equally dubious officiating.

You admit yourself that the stoppage was a joke. So, we agree on that one. But you don't think Barrera with blood spurting out of his head from a gash to the skull should have been protected?

As I say, they are completely distinct events, but with extremely dodgy decision making behind both of them. There is no paradox in pointing out that it is the decision making that shows little consistency and both times is extreme.

You are the one being immature with taunts about being childish and other insults etc. I am simply pointing out the facts.
It suits you for Barrera to have been saved from the Khan humiliation. It doesn't suit you for McCloskey to have been prevented from possibly beating a man you childishly hold a grudge against.

Therefore it's a conspiracy unless it suits miles.

Now grow up. Cretin. Fact.