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Thread: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

  1. #376
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr140 View Post
    Funny thing is that Tyson failed a drug test and Holyfeild never did just goes show how well the testing must be if he did it for 26 years. Also have to agree with Bean on why would a fighter admit to doing something they were never official caught in testing doing makes no sense at all to do.
    Tyson failed a test against Golota for a recreational drug, big difference than PED in fact it probably made Tyson mellow.
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    I take it nobody has ended the debate yet then.
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  3. #378
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Master you don't get the point of what i am saying i don't give a shit what Tyson was smoking. Saying that don't you think its funny that you blame this guy for peds yet he never in 26 years tested for them. I mean if this is such a main user and he never ever git caught on a drug test how are other fighters free to say they did not and we take word for it. I mean for all i know all heavyweights and every other weight have been doing peds for a long time because boxing testing sure as shit does not seem to find out good 90 percent of the time i would say.

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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr140 View Post
    Master you don't get the point of what i am saying i don't give a shit what Tyson was smoking. Saying that don't you think its funny that you blame this guy for peds yet he never in 26 years tested for them. I mean if this is such a main user and he never ever git caught on a drug test how are other fighters free to say they did not and we take word for it. I mean for all i know all heavyweights and every other weight have been doing peds for a long time because boxing testing sure as shit does not seem to find out good 90 percent of the time i would say.

    Of course no fighter would admit to it, even if they were caught like Holyfield (not from failing a test). As much as they are busting the big PED doc's I would say eventually we will hear of other big names.

    Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong never failed a test either. They got busted the same way Holyfield did.

  5. #380
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    You @Mr140 cannot however accuse every fighter of taking PED but there is a strong case that Evander may have taken some. You are the first person and only person in the history of boxing to accuse Tyson of PED, the case for Holyfield is far more compelling.
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  6. #381
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Master did bean not just question it as well i didn't say Tyson was taking peds i said most likely everybody is because why not if you don't fail the test. If a fucking guy did it for 26 years and never failed what makes you think others could not as well. I mean i am not even mad about it i could fucking careless about Holyfeild taking steroids or any one else for that matter. I mean he never failed a test and did exactly what the rules of boxing says pasted the fucking piss test. So do you think all the fighters are clean master please i am all ears if you do after all shit that has happened in the past years.

  7. #382
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr140 View Post
    Master did bean not just question it as well i didn't say Tyson was taking peds i said most likely everybody is because why not if you don't fail the test. If a fucking guy did it for 26 years and never failed what makes you think others could not as well. I mean i am not even mad about it i could fucking careless about Holyfeild taking steroids or any one else for that matter. I mean he never failed a test and did exactly what the rules of boxing says pasted the fucking piss test. So do you think all the fighters are clean master please i am all ears if you do after all shit that has happened in the past years.
    I really do not know and it does annoy me when my favourite fighters are found to have used them like Jones and Mosley. However I hope that the majority are not taking them, innocent until proven guilty.
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  8. #383
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Master judging by way talk about fights a take it you are not super young. When there is so much evidence of steroids and the testing being as weak as it is that its pretty hard not think they did. Also why is it so bad to use something to make you better steroids the new supplement these days it seems.

  9. #384
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    Default Re: Lets end the Mike Tyson debate

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr140 View Post
    Master judging by way talk about fights a take it you are not super young. When there is so much evidence of steroids and the testing being as weak as it is that its pretty hard not think they did. Also why is it so bad to use something to make you better steroids the new supplement these days it seems.
    Call me old fashioned but I want my fighters to win just being training hard, eating well and using the right strategy. Is that too much to ask?
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