There are many reasons the United States is more individualistic than the rest of the world be it for the fact that this nation was born out of a war against a tyrannical government or for the fact that colonists begat settlers who went off and did for themselves, by themselves, with little to no help from the government, or be it for another reason Americans are how we are and ever since we have arrived the rest of the world has attempted to tell us how to live, how to govern, how to rule....OUR nation, the nation built with the blood sweat and tears of our ancestors. America has attempted to export our values, I don't deny that for one second and some places find these ideas scary, some find it new, some find it silly but again these people these nations aren't from the same birth that America came from, they have different experiences, different cultures, different values.

I for one don't want to deal with the government as a part of everyday life, I would assume most people feel like that if they have ever had any true dealings with bureaucracy...but some people apparently are gluttons for punishment, I am not.