Quote Originally Posted by 0james0 View Post
So I've been in quite a healthy way of life for about 10 months now, occasionally fall off the wagon, but actually enjoying the exercise and the food.

For about 8 weeks now, I don't seem to have made any progress, I've not lost any weight and my shape hasn't really improved. I've added some different sports/ exercises to my plans, but it's still not making much difference.

My main aim is to get fitter and look better, while also hoping to get in good enough shape to actually box a few white collar fights. Short term goal though, I'm going ibiza in 4 weeks and would love some form of decent abs. I'm not a million miles away now, it's just that last layer of fat, especially at the bottom of my belly. Never had them before and always been a bit chunky, so what I've achieved so far I'm really pleased with, just want to be better!

Does anyone fancy giving me some advice on what I can do to help get these abs out? I try look online and it's either "eat less, run more" or some 30 day shred rubbish that wants me to do a millionaire sit ups with no diet. I understand it's going to be mostly dropping my fat percentage that will get me there.

So I train 6 days per week, it will normally be:

Boxing (90 minutes of tough shit, including sparring)
Swimming (1000m various strokes)
Various weight training on top half (at least an hour)

My general diet each day will be something along the lines of:

Porridge with water and 25g protein shake
salad with lean meat or 200g potato and 200g chicken
Egg on wholemeal toast or mostly egg white scrambled egg on toast
lean meat (steak normally) and green veg
Casein shake before bed

I'm generally taking a grenade black ops tablet when I wake up and two before I train.

Any suggestions as I'm keen for the first time in my life to have abs!

If only @ono would see this! he would know what to do!
Hiya mate, i'm actually in a similar situation. I took a good few years off training because i honestly just totally lost interest in it. Anyway, i'm back on the wagon again now and i'm trimming down my holiday in about 8 weeks (8 day tour of Madrid, Seville, Alicante and Barcelona with the Mrs - can't wait)

In terms of losing the lower part of your belly to reveal your abs, the best advice i can really give you is to stick at what you're doing. 4 weeks might not be enough just because it's such a stubborn area. It's also the area of your body which covers your intestines, so abdominal bloating can basically make you look heavier than you are.

I wouldn't normally recommend this, but you could start a deetox about 2 weeks before you go away. It's not brilliant advice, but you obviously need something to make you look ace in Ibiza.

There's a few knocking about on the internet. I've started the Bootea one, purely because the Mrs had some success with it. It's full of Senna, so basically it's a natural laxative. Like i say, i'd never normally recommend anything like this, but 2 weeks won't harm you, and it should give you a good result. It's also a diuretic so it will dry out a little, which will help with the abs. Just be careful not to dehydrate yourself, especially if with you going somewhere so hot.

Training wise you seem to have it covered. People can argue about all the different variations of training, but bottom line is, you want to burn calories, which, given your diet and training plan, you should be. Maybe, if you feel ok, you can up the intensity or the duration. Again, your immediate goal isn't sport specific, so over-training isn't a major worry, of course unless you pick up an injury.

I think your training plan is actually a good long term plan because it obviously focuses on the activities that you enjoy. Enjoying cardio is half the battle.

Diet wise, you seem ok. If you were training for a sport, i'd recommend upping your carb intake by quite a lot, but, focusing the intake around periods of starvation - for example, first thing on a morning, or immediately post workout.

All in all, there isn't really a 4 week mircale that i can give you.

A deetox will probably allow your abs to show more. Maybe if you can, add in an extra couple of weights sessions, including your abs as any form of toning or firming will be beneficial.

I know i'm not being very scientific with all of this, but quick fixes and science don't go hand in hand

Just crack on as you are mate, it will come. And enjoy Ibiza.