I didn't really answer the question there. I think only Baker truly knows the intent, but I would just prefer we do not get so hung up on these things.

I think it is quite common to compare people to animals based upon how they look or act. I am sure many a parent has called their child a 'Cheeky Monkey' at one time of another and it is preferable to 'Little bastard' or some of the things we hear on here.

Michelle Pfeiffer used to look very feline like a cat. Tom Hanks these days looks like a big cuddly bear now he has let himself go. There was one chap at school who was called Slug. It wasn't because he had no legs, but because he looked a bit like Slimer from Ghostbusters. A bit mean perhaps, but that's kids for you. I think comparing people to animals is quite common really.

Is it something to get upset over or lose a job? My personal thinking is that people should lighten up on things that really do not cause any real harm. In my deleted post I did make the comparison of John Sweeney who not only made racist jokes, but also suggested framing a man for sexual things he did not do. It is a bit of a diversion, but that is what came to mind immediately when this thread was made. In that sense it makes you wonder if there is Classism in the BBC. They already practice racism against white people in their hiring processes.