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Poll: Reparations... for or against?

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Thread: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

  1. #61
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by mrbig1 View Post
    First we have to end working class slavery.
    So close the border and allow American citizens to have the wages pump up to where they SHOULD be if not for illegal immigration and shady hiring practices and payments under the table....yeah?

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Lets start with this rather predictable response.

    Not only is it not the only article he has ever written you are talking about a very celebrated and award winning writer who has authored books, been an editor , a columnist, screenplay writer, has written comic books and poetry, a professor in writing , journalist and distinguished writer in residence. This is a guy who is very good at his job and you can't handle it. Why?

    Let us be honest and let me ask you, how hard are you having to work in order to discredit someone in order to avoid engaging with the subject or admitting you may actually learn something?

    Like i said you are trembling mate

    "Mine is mine and if YOU or anyone else wants to come and take it you're welcome to try. "

    Those are not the words of a calm man.

    What are you worried about?

    Nobody is judging YOU. All this hyper sensitivity is like a front. For what?

    When you are a nationalist and a Christian, in a country like yours or mine, you should know about the principles and values you are defending. However secular each country claims to be both Great Britain and America are founded on Judaeo-Christian principles. You can't just divorce that from the evolution of your laws or history. Reparation and justice is a huge part of both the old and new testament and lies behind so many of the laws that govern the democracy i live under and your Republic. You seem to want to fight even about things we have in common. In fact more so. It seems to offend you when people do not conform to stereotypes and you are required to operate on more than a superficial level.

    You may be a stenographer or a lawyer or even a copper for all i know but you don't seem very able to look at anything but one side of any argument.

    The merits of self examination are not just an individual process they are a way in which societies and communities learn and move on. I am sorry if you think everything is some YouTube soundbite quick fix self help meaningless platitude, but that is what happens when you refuse to engage.

    You have not addressed anything but your own desire to never change. You are aligning yourself with the very thing you claim not to have anything in common with.

    A victim mentality. It's not about YOU or YOUR MONEY or YOUR PROPERTY.
    If it's predictable why bother?

    "Not only is it not the only article he has ever written you are talking about a very celebrated and award winning writer" .... So you read that literally instead of as hyperbole, you're so smart. I'm saying Coates, like Denilson is a real 'Johnny One Note'. He plays the "white people evil, black people naive and bereft of any internal locus of control or personal responsibility" that is ALL he does and he gets awards from effete lefties who enjoy giving awards that showcase their social justice beliefs because it makes them feel superior to everyone else. It's an ego stroke nothing else.

    "Nobody is judging you" .... "When you're a nationalist and a Christian" ....really? Nobody is judging me? It's all you do.

    What is YOUR answer on American borders? Do we have a right to exist as a nation or don't we?

    "you don't seem very able to look at anything but one side of any argument."... He posted with no sense of irony.

    "The merits of self examination..." ...he again posts with no hint of irony. At the end of the day you're pleading with me to see things how YOU see them and I specifically don't do that because I believe you view the world in a sad and twisted manner where you have absolutely no agency in life, no say over anything, you're a victim acted upon by everyone else. You DREAM that you're a revolutionary while you do nothing but tilt at windmills Don Quixote. Like Ta-Nehisi Coates you fetishize white supremacy, if it's not an imminent threat who are you and what are you doing with your life?

    So who are you and what are you doing with your life?

    I addressed the issue as I see it. Reparations #1 will never happen and #2 they're a pandering so low it's unimaginable. It shows how desperate the Democrats are...but you want to make this about ME... I've never owned a slave not now not ever, I've never kept anyone from doing anything based on their race, but I am supposed to pay because I'm Christian? I am supposed to pay because I believe I'm not a perfect human? Great reasoning.

    Now as I asked before "play it out, say Reparations happen. Then what?" It's not "a game" it's a question and you didn't answer as per usual.

    You're super good at standing in judgment of others, you're piss poor at taking your own advice.
    I have only just seen this. What do you mean El Kabong by

    "You have absolutely no agency in life, no say over anything, you're a victim acted upon by everyone else. You DREAM that you're a revolutionary while you do nothing but tilt at windmills Don Quixote"

    Only you are curiously incredibly active all over the forum during the hours when most of your state are out working, and you are determined not to tell anybody what you actually do? A bit like Gandalf insisting that I am supposedly unproductive while he sits at home and reads a book after working for only a few hours a week. I have been incredibly candid and it is quite easy for me to point you toward everything I do, because it is my job to document things, but you seem to think that achieving things makes me the victim. What have you achieved? Seriously answer the question. Today, last week, in your life? Where is all this agency you supposedly have? Why if you are so in control are you so worried about acknowledging other people's achievements? Why are you so insistent that somebody in another country apologise to you for an incident which has nothing to do with them? Why are you both so keen to portray yourselves as fighting for liberty when neither of you seem to leave the safety of your keyboard?

    No wonder you couldn't read the article. It was simply too much like hard work. You are both part of the easy answers brigade. Coates is not perfect but it is a solid piece of work and he makes some very good points. What have you ever written? What has Gandalf ever written? Come on if you are going to pretend that only you and Gandalf get to designate who are writers and journalists, what is fact and what is fiction. You both think you are experts on things like English Law, of which neither of you have even the most cursory knowledge of. Of course you are entitled to an Opinion, but that is not enough for either of you. What you really want is to shut down dissenting voices and dismiss anything that challenges your myopic world view.

    Look at the second hand reasoning employed by both of you. You think everything revolves around you. Both of you. You think because you did not own a slave then nobody deserves anything. Gandalf thinks because he has a job (allegedly) then anyone who does not earn what he does much be lazy like he is prone to be.

    You are both stuck on class and identity, so much so that you can't handle anything that threatens that bubble you have built for yourselves. Lets have some honesty from both of you for once. Just a tiny bit would be a start.

    Why have you never mentioned the reparations paid to slave owners for losing slaves? is that just too squirmy for you. One would have to ask why.

    What about all the former colonized countries paying back reparations to countries that colonized them in return for independence? Like for example Madagascar has to your precious France

    What about all the War reparations that should have went to Jews being used to pay the pensions of Nazi collaborators?

    This is where the incredibly shallow, vacuous and tenuous assessment of the issue by you both is revealed.

    Its not left vs right or Democrats v Republicans or Blacks vs Whites or Jews vs Nazis like you both pretend. It is something that needs to be addressed by people less fucking stupid than you pair.

    From now on I will address you both as El Gand Bong

    Last edited by Beanz; 07-03-2019 at 10:33 AM.
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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Wow. The kind of quote Denilson would undoubtedly approve of.
    What quote ?
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Well that's totally disappointing. Here I was thinking I was just emphasizing the importance of looking forward, instead of wallowing in the past and stirring up the shit so it will smell up the room all that much more.
    White man - You are the one that brought up the past and now your saying the past should be forgot about and people should look forward.

    Make up your mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Here I was thinking that such an idea would be next to impossible to implement..... and would only leave tattered emotions and serve to separate people even more..... as reparations distributions would surely be uneven and unjust in many cases.
    Black people built the USA. So black people should get cash payments.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Here I was thinking that paying black people today for the sins of yesterday would never change people's minds on either side of the equation. (In other words..... resentful blacks (see Denilson) will ALWAYS be resentful blacks..... and white supremacist will now be resentful white supremacists).
    If black people were as resentful as you claim, then there would be no white ppl.

    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to white people.
    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to Asian people.
    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to Latino people.

    Black people have been the most peaceful on the planet. You also know on some deep buried level, that if whites were in our position ? They would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

    I think on a level that's so buried deep in white people's subconscious. They are aware of the violence and the THREATENED violence that it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

    Black rage is justified.

    If black people (who are PLACED BY WHITE PEOPLE at the BOTTOM of the RACIAL hierarchy) can be racist, what does that make the white people who created/invented/continue/enjoy the system/hierarchy that benefits them at the expense of everyone else[​IMG]

    I couldn’t care less what white folks think or say in regard to anything I write here. Why should I? If they cared (as a collective/group) about black people, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

    There’s something SPIRITUALLY wrong/lacking/woefully amiss in a group/collective who will continually support a diabolical system that mistreats people based upon the color of their skin — for centuries.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. Anyone against this idea is really a closet white supremacist that believes white supremacy is an invention of hysterical leftists.
    I suspect that all white people are racists / white supremacists. That means even whites who marry and have kids to black people. Even whites who write books on racism.

    All of them
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 07-03-2019 at 01:56 PM.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Wow. The kind of quote Denilson would undoubtedly approve of.
    What quote ?
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Well that's totally disappointing. Here I was thinking I was just emphasizing the importance of looking forward, instead of wallowing in the past and stirring up the shit so it will smell up the room all that much more.
    White man - You are the one that brought up the past and now your saying the past should be forgot about and people should look forward.

    Make up your mind.

    Brought up the past as a point of reference to say we should move on and look ahead. A difficult concept to grasp, I know. Believe me, it taxes all of my patience and then some to have to explain to you the very elemental aspects of conversation. Not to mention this.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    I have no racial hangups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    What's a racial hangup ?
    It's painfully obvious to anyone who engages you that you're not dealing with a full deck. But that's ok. We all have our issues. Yours is that you have very low reading comprehension... that you seem to be stuck on one gear regarding racism... and that you probably had a traumatic, life-altering experience as a child (not long ago) which scarred you forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Here I was thinking that such an idea would be next to impossible to implement..... and would only leave tattered emotions and serve to separate people even more..... as reparations distributions would surely be uneven and unjust in many cases.
    Black people built the USA. So black people should get cash payments.

    That's your opinion. Fair point.

    However, if you think this is, in any way, going to improve racial relations in the U.S., you're sadly mistaken. I realize this don't mean shit to you.... but it does to intelligent people that actually live in the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Here I was thinking that paying black people today for the sins of yesterday would never change people's minds on either side of the equation. (In other words..... resentful blacks (see Denilson) will ALWAYS be resentful blacks..... and white supremacist will now be resentful white supremacists).
    If black people were as resentful as you claim, then there would be no white ppl.

    How resentful did I claim they are? Answer the question. You said "as resentful as you claim". That presumes a magnitude of resentfulness that I did not speak of. So HOW resentful did I claim they are? Either make sense with your words, or STFU.

    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to white people.
    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to Asian people.
    Black people (As a group) have not done a thing to Latino people.

    Black people have been the most peaceful on the planet. You also know on some deep buried level, that if whites were in our position ? They would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

    I think on a level that's so buried deep in white people's subconscious. They are aware of the violence and the THREATENED violence that it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

    Black rage is justified.

    If black people (who are PLACED BY WHITE PEOPLE at the BOTTOM of the RACIAL hierarchy) can be racist, what does that make the white people who created/invented/continue/enjoy the system/hierarchy that benefits them at the expense of everyone else[​IMG]

    I couldn’t care less what white folks think or say in regard to anything I write here. Why should I? If they cared (as a collective/group) about black people, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

    There’s something SPIRITUALLY wrong/lacking/woefully amiss in a group/collective who will continually support a diabolical system that mistreats people based upon the color of their skin — for centuries.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. Anyone against this idea is really a closet white supremacist that believes white supremacy is an invention of hysterical leftists.
    I suspect that all white people are racists / white supremacists.

    Stop using the words "I suspect". One time it's "ALL white people are racists" and the next time it's "I suspect all white people are racists." You can't have it both ways. To use your words... make up your goddamn mind.

    That means even whites who marry and have kids to black people. Even whites who write books on racism.

    All of them

    You speak 5% that makes a wee bit of sense..... and bury it with your 95% nonsense.

    Your assertions that "ALL white people this....... ALL white people that....." are childish, exaggerated, ludicrous, and obliterate any speck of credibility you might be able to build with people you address.

    You're doing blacks a disservice by being the racist, deluded nutcase you are..... because racism IS a real problem, and one that needs to be addressed. But addressed between intelligent whites and blacks. Not by deluded loons like yourself.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    Brought up the past as a point of reference to say we should move on and look ahead. A difficult concept to grasp, I know. Believe me, it taxes all of my patience and then some to have to explain to you the very elemental aspects of conversation. Not to mention this.......
    You are the one that brought it up. You are the one that talked about.

    What's there talk about ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    It's painfully obvious to anyone who engages you that you're not dealing with a full deck. But that's ok. We all have our issues. Yours is that you have very low reading comprehension... that you seem to be stuck on one gear regarding racism... and that you probably had a traumatic, life-altering experience as a child (not long ago) which scarred you forever.
    Says the person whose last two topics he created were about racism but I'm stuck on racism ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    That's your opinion. Fair point.
    That's not an opinion that's a fact.

    Black Americans need Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS. Foundational Black Americans are owed cash payments. The federal government made MONEY from free Black labor.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    However, if you think this is, in any way, going to improve racial relations in the U.S., you're sadly mistaken. I realize this don't mean shit to you.... but it does to intelligent people that actually live in the U.S.
    OK. The floor is yours. What should be done to change systematic white supremacy / racism ?

    Go on give me a good laugh

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    How resentful did I claim they are? Answer the question. You said "as resentful as you claim". That presumes a magnitude of resentfulness that I did not speak of. So HOW resentful did I claim they are? Either make sense with your words, or STFU.
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    resentful blacks
    Your words. You claimed that, in fact, stated that black ppl are resentful.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Stop using the words "I suspect". One time it's "ALL white people are racists" and the next time it's "I suspect all white people are racists." You can't have it both ways. To use your words... make up your goddamn mind.
    Yeah I suspect that all whites are white supremacist.

    Why ?

    Because I can't prove it.

    So I suspect them all

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    Your assertions that "ALL white people this....... ALL white people that....." are childish, exaggerated, ludicrous, and obliterate any speck of credibility you might be able to build with people you address.
    I've noticed this is a very common thing that white people do when I make comments about their group.

    I get it.

    You’ve been taught to think of blacks in monolithic terms and that you being white doesn't have much of anything to do with who and what you are. You think it’s just something coincidental about yourself, like having red hair or hazel eyes or a birthmark. You don’t see that being in that racial group has a lot to do with your life chances, psychology, emotions, reactions to others.

    And so when I come into Saddo and say that you being white has 100% relevance in your life and thinking and behavior, you’re not used to thinking about yourself that way, and so you reject observations about “white people.” “Hey, I’M not like that!” “I’m a good person! Okay, I’m white, but just because I’m white doesn’t mean I do any of the bad things you’re claiming white people do. Look at me, I’m white, and I don’t do that!” And so on and all that stupid shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You're doing blacks a disservice by being the racist, deluded nutcase you are
    Name calling again. Eh ?

    We are getting desperate. But I suppose you know if you don't name call you will eventually run out of knowledge. But if you resort to mudslinging, it's become a problem of character, not smarts.

    So it turns any discussion into a petty competition, just like it does in school-yards and it quickly deteriorates into a 'pushing and shoving' contest. If you're discussing something and you think you're opinion is superior for whatever reason, then show it, you lose the moral high ground when you return to an immature attitude that you should have grown out of a long time ago.

    You believe you can vanquish someone by using forceful words but arguments stand or fall on their own merits, not on who made them and why. But I suppose directly quoting something an argument stands or falls on and showing why it is wrong, going after the facts and reasons that the main argument depends on, takes the most work for you. Right ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    because racism IS a real problem, and one that needs to be addressed.
    It's been discussed for the past 400 years. There are tons of books on racism, tons of songs written on racism, tons of debates about racism, tons of films made about racism, tons of blogs about racism, tons of speakers who talk about racism, tons of demo's about racism, tons of black people who have been killed for standing up to racism.

    What are you talking about ?

    The talking stops now it's time for action and that starts with cash payments that black people are owed.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    But addressed between intelligent whites and blacks. Not by deluded loons like yourself.

    I'm not deluded. I just disagree with you.

    Remember - I never personally insult people on Saddo.

    Masculine men like me always stay in control. You got too much female over emotional energy

    A huge part of the “anger” that you and other white racists feel towards black people and their “attitude” is that black people aren’t 100% “under their thumb" anymore.

    They liked black people when they had to serve white people. They liked it when it was still correct to call black people any degrading name in the book. They liked black people when black people couldn’t do anything about how we were treated. They like black people who prove their inferiority by being poor and living in ghettos.

    Any black person being like me who is happy, proud, or better off really burns you because black people should hate themselves and exist purely to reaffirm your racist ego.

    But you still want a discussion ?

    Well first off - You're going to have to humble yourself. White people have a lot to answer for, and racism won’t go away as long as white ppl are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

    As I've said in the past being nice to a black waitress doesn't you a medal.

    I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture, and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


    As long as you just view the situation as a case of “Hateful black people” "Mad black people" "Crazy black people" "Loony black people" instead of viewing things from a perspective that doesn’t favor the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” they keep asking for.

    But look : You can run a long and have that discussion with conservative black people who they put on CNN knowing that they're just putting a black face on white opinion and power and they'll start talking about black single motherhood and crime and black IQ. You know ? All them white supremacists talking points that you'd prefer the conversation to go in
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 07-03-2019 at 03:43 PM.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    You’ve been taught to think of blacks in monolithic terms

    WHA?? Wow! If you don't see the incredible irony in what you just uttered, you're beyond help (but we already knew that).

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    Masculine men like me always stay in control.

    WHA?? Oh c'mon..... stop it! Just stop it! You're killing me here. I should probably stop goading you. This is bordering on child abuse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    But you still want a discussion ?

    No. Denilson. I don't. Want. A discussion.

    You see, discussions are between mature adults. You are neither mature and are barely an intelligible adult.

    Your defense is that you don't do "name-calling"? It's weak. You use it to cover up your penchant for, let's see......

    1. Talking about places and peoples you've never been and you'll never know. First sign of arrogant ignorance.

    2. Saying stupid shit like "ALL white people are racists." When you've talked to EVERY single fucking person on Earth, you're then qualified to make that statement. Till then, STFU.

    3. "Foot in mouth" disease. (See the first quote above).

    I argue with Lyle about guns. I argue with Beanz about transgenders. But I will never argue with you about race because you are a mental midget. A child.

    Get back to me when you've reached emotional puberty.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    No. Denilson. I don't. Want. A discussion.
    Well go on discuss away. I'm not stopping you

    @TitoFan "Well actually no. I'm not discussing because your too stupid to discuss"

    There is seven levels of disagreement

    You operate at Level 0

    I operate at level 6

    You need to step your game up.

    One of the main tactics white supremacists use and in fact many ppl use is to turn the tables by getting the black person angry. Once he is then you can say that it is pointless to continue.

    You “win” and never had to address the substance of his argument!

    The way white supremacist try to do this is to never take what they say seriously. Belittle it. Demand facts and figures, studies and surveys that back up what they say. You need evidence! You need proof! If their English is bad, jump on that. If their English is too good then they probably have a good education, so what are they complaining about?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You see, discussions are between mature adults. You are neither mature and are barely an intelligible adult.
    Once again. Name calling. Does not reply to anything I said

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Your defense is that you don't do "name-calling"? It's weak. You use it to cover up your penchant for, let's see
    Once again. Name calling.

    If whites are interested in helping with the cause of racism, they you must learn that it’s not easy. Discussions on racism will include harsh truths and extreme emotions.

    So if whites want blacks to stop having so much disdain towards them for UNDERSTANDABLE reasons, then whites have to stop having disdain towards blacks for ILLOGICAL reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    1. Talking about places and peoples you've never been and you'll never know. First sign of arrogant ignorance.
    OK. So name me a majority white country where there is no racial problem ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    2. Saying stupid shit like "ALL white people are racists." When you've talked to EVERY single fucking person on Earth, you're then qualified to make that statement. Till then, STFU.
    I don't have to talk to every single white person on earth. Every white person that I know insists they don't have a racist bone in their body. The denial of racism is essential to it's maintenance.

    All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have internalized elements of racist thinking: certain beliefs, stereotypes, assumptions, and judgments about others and themselves. So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority and domination have been historically placed, then everyone in such places will have soaked up some of that conditioning.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    I argue with Lyle about guns. I argue with Beanz about transgenders.
    You can't connect the dots. Can you ? The gun is a racial issue. The transgender issue is racial

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    But I will never argue with you about race because you are a mental midget. A child.
    Get back to me when you've reached emotional puberty.
    It was turning into a "last person talking" contest anyway

    To me. You know what you are ? You're an amateur gunslinger.

    All you do is just aimlessly point & shoot and hope for the best. But whenever you try shooting that sh!t at me - I go for the heavy snark because in a full-on blast, the guy (or girl) with the bigger gun is more likely to leave a smoking bullet-ridden avatar on the ground.

    And besides, at that point I know the convo is over, so might as well have some fun.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 07-03-2019 at 07:17 PM.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    I have no racial hangups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    What's a racial hangup ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    You’ve been taught to think of blacks in monolithic terms
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    Masculine men like me always stay in control.

    Man..... these are some true nuggets. Please keep them coming. You are entertaining as long as you understand your place here.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    victimhood is a pit you'll never escape because compassionate people keep pushing you back in
    so i will assume
    that's your mistake. victimhood engineering. we distribute victimhood like free samples at the mall. racism is a corporate mind control tactic designed to groom victims
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  10. #70
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Transgender is racial??

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Transgender is racial??
    Thanks for that catch. I'd missed that one. Gonna add it to my nugget collection.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    I have no racial hangups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    What's a racial hangup ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    You’ve been taught to think of blacks in monolithic terms
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    Masculine men like me always stay in control.

    Man..... these are some true nuggets. Please keep them coming. You are entertaining as long as you understand your place here.
    Got another couple nuggets here for my collection.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    The gun is a racial issue. The transgender issue is racial

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Transgender is racial??
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Transgender is racial??
    Of course it’s racial.

    The white LGBT community has their own institutions neighborhoods, resources and economic base that whites control.

    If “intersectionality” is genuine.

    When and where have they assisted the BLACK LGBT community in controlling the same tangible resources ?

    Hell, just a few days ago they signed orders to protect transgenders. The question is who are they protecting transgenders from ? Who do you think they are going to punish with these new executive orders? (hint: not white people)

    Everyone else can get "Protected class status", but yet black Americans cannot and black ppl are the ones being targeted. Where is the executive order protecting Black people from being murdered by police officers? Every other race/nationality is receiving tangibles except for us.

    The LGBTQ community will have more rights & protection under the law than blacks. It boggles my mind how a sexual orientation and lifestyle is even considered but are mostly successful in getting civil rights before a race of people brought here against there will, brutalized, tortured, exploited and forced to build the very economy of this country for free.

    Plus there are tons of anti-Black white supremacists in the LGBT community, right?

    A white LGBT police officer in Philly (Philip Nordo) was charged with raping Black male witnesses during investigations for over a decade. Gay Actor Kevin Spcaey said he didn't want "n*ggers watching his trailer" Gay white supremacists like Ed Buck having multiple gay Black men mysteriously dying in his home and yet no one in the white community, LGTB or other does a thing to bring justice for those Black men.

    Yeah sure the white LGBT organization will prop Black people up as mascots so that the white orgs can RAKE IN THE MONEY. Here we have black people living in a system of white supremacy. Living in the mud, can't get biscuit....but if you're black man and you wanna lead the gay parade ?


    They only give gay Black people non-tangible things like "a voice". And when Black LGBT brothers end up dead, they do nothing.

    Get out my face, trying act like the LGTB movement isn't racial

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post

    The LGBTQ community will have more rights & protection under the law than blacks. It boggles my mind how a sexual orientation and lifestyle is even considered but are mostly successful in getting civil rights before a race of people brought here against there will, brutalized, tortured, exploited and forced to build the very economy of this country for free.

    You remember this Jurassic Park III scene? Where Dr. Grant has to dig through a huge pile of dinosaur dung in order to get to something useful? His phone? Remember?

    Well.... likewise I find myself digging through your gigantic pile of verbal dung, just in case there's something of use in there.

    Now, if you were a coherent, logical, mature, open-minded black person...... even an angry, resentful one....... I would chime in, saying how I agree (my thoughts on the LGBTQ movement are well chronicled here) with your basic principle.

    But I won't. You know why? Because you've fucked up that point for good. It's why I maintain you do a serious disservice to the cause of the black man in America.

    Thank God you are in a very minute minority. 'Cause if the majority thought like you, there would've been a mass extermination by one race or another by now.

    But I'll go ahead and state my own opinions about the "cell phone I had to dig through tons of verbal crap to retrieve"........ and here's my disclaimer up front:

    I couldn't give less of a rat's ass what your twisted mind thinks about what I have to say. You've automatically disqualified yourself from any "serious, honest" (your words) discussions about race.

    Having said that, (and addressing everyone else but you)........... it IS sad that the LGBTQXYZ activists are continuing to ram their agenda down society's collective throat (unfortunate choice of words, I'll admit).

    What took black people (AND women) long decades to sort of achieve, these people are trying to achieve in a comparative nanosecond.

    PLUS........ blacks are born blacks and women are born women. Transgenders have a mental sickness that should be humanely addressed. I DIDN'T MENTION GAYS, Fenster.

    So there. Those are my two cents.

    Cue Denilson to spew more verbal dinosaur dung, and Fenster to come rushing in to incorrectly assume I want to kill all gays.

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Its a shame it was quite a decent thread before most of it was lost in the server change.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    Default Re: Reparations for slavery...... yay or nay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    "The popular mocking of reparations as a harebrained scheme authored by wild-eyed lefties and intellectually unserious black nationalists is fear masquerading as laughter. Black nationalists have always perceived something unmentionable about America that integrationists dare not acknowledge—that white supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to imagine the country without it."

    It is brilliantly insightful. Thanks Kirkland. People do not like difficult questions and would rather dismiss them, so I expect it would be beyond many to even contemplate the value of another perspective, let alone try and reexamine long held beliefs thru another lens. It is worth the effort, but it is an effort nonetheless, and so it is easier to just mock, roll the eyes and pretend that confronting difficult questions us in itself a vapid and stupid exercise.

    Fuck that kind of entrenched privileged cowardice.

    Wow. The kind of quote Denilson would undoubtedly approve of.

    So....... anyone who feels reparations are a bad idea is secretly harboring a deep fear that white supremacy will be found out as a real, deeply-ingrained issue rather than "the work of hotheaded demagogues"? Damn..... that's deep.

    Well that's totally disappointing. Here I was thinking I was just emphasizing the importance of looking forward, instead of wallowing in the past and stirring up the shit so it will smell up the room all that much more.

    Here I was thinking that such an idea would be next to impossible to implement..... and would only leave tattered emotions and serve to separate people even more..... as reparations distributions would surely be uneven and unjust in many cases.

    Here I was thinking that paying black people today for the sins of yesterday would never change people's minds on either side of the equation. (In other words..... resentful blacks (see Denilson) will ALWAYS be resentful blacks..... and white supremacist will now be resentful white supremacists).

    No. Anyone against this idea is really a closet white supremacist that believes white supremacy is an invention of hysterical leftists.

    It is a brilliant essay. A very accomplished piece of work. I would recommend reading it. Don't let Walrus and El Kabong's predictable fearful response put you off engaging with a difficult subject, in a nuanced way. Just because they will do anything in their power to reduce everything down to primary school level mudslinging, there is no reason to buy into their one dimensional world view.

    Forget about slaves, forget about money, forget about anything from 100+ yrs ago and read it with an open mind and tell me that the essay is laughable?

    They employ the same tactic when people talk about fascists as though it is all just a big game that they can stay on their high horse and snigger about.
    Can anyone use that word snigger

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