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Thread: Today In Biden Land

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    rules for thee, but not for me
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

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  3. #1098
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    "The Overlooked Factor in Biden’s Unpopularity"

    I normally don't put opinion pieces up here. But a specific sentence from this particular one got a smile out of me.

    "Throughout Trump’s tumultuous tenure, political reporters in search of the president’s blue-collar base trekked out to Midwest and Rust Belt diners so frequently that the articles they produced inspired their own parodies."

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "The Overlooked Factor in Biden’s Unpopularity"

    I normally don't put opinion pieces up here. But a specific sentence from this particular one got a smile out of me.

    "Throughout Trump’s tumultuous tenure, political reporters in search of the president’s blue-collar base trekked out to Midwest and Rust Belt diners so frequently that the articles they produced inspired their own parodies."
    I'm going against the grain, the overlooked factor is simple: He was never the Democrat's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th possibly not even their 6th choice.
    Black folk whose media outlet for so-called politics like Chamalagne da god (where Biden said you aint black if U dont vote for me)...was THE last one asked on that show.

    In 2008 the Democrats chose Obama, Clinton, Edwards, Richardson....How then can we say Biden is NOT popular at the moment?

    IMO Because MSNBC and CNN are not -were never- ever pro-liberal, They are Pro-business -whoever invests in their ads sponsors, thats who they are loyal to and the constant- nonstop hollering from the media on Biden NOT being popular is proof enough - the media fascilitates divisiveness in America.

    As far as their claims on Afghanistan pullout, Iraq...they must've forget he LONGED held this position I quote FIX news: "He also opposed President George W. Bush’s plan to send more troops to Iraq, saying “there is no military solution” in the country."

    Biden would go on Meet the Press when Tim Russert did the show- he asked him on the war on terror-period and Biden said the same damn thing- THERE AINT NO SOLUTION to pull out.

    The truth is clear, now that the Democrats made it clear why they voted for Biden- Anyone but Trump...they got what they asked for.
    The same shit as Republicans in 2016...Anyone but Clinton...they got what they asked for.

    Biden was so easily disliked- remember when rightwing went crazy over this: The controversy:

    Biden drew controversy when in February 2007 he called Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” He later apologized, but the remark was not forgotten.

    How dare he! Call Obama, clean. Articulate..and the nerve! To call him bright! Worse, how dare A Democrat say he was the no other blacks were clean or bright? Considering this is FIX

    Let FAKE FOX name just one black man they think is bright and clean...and he will be a black-hating black man daring to insult all Democrats...just to be tolerated by Rightwingers.

    And we know Biden's 1st run ended in 3 months when he was outted as “lifting Mr. Kinnock's closing speech without giving him credit for it.
    Biden's position on blacks and their neighborhood was right alongside the thinking of southerners who dislike blacks....said he didnt want his kids in a ghetto -or jungle or something to that effect. It is called cold truth when republicans makes comments like that- but if a Democrat does...well there is the closet racist.

    Taking all that into context, Biden never had a positive rating by Americans -just his constituents in his homestate.

    And the rightwing media steps back and watch mainstream all by themselves declaring we need to see Biden by approval ratings.
    God forgive if we are reminded of what he walked into. Problems that are either very difficult to fix or problems created by design -which guarantees certain entites will always reap the benefits of unsolveable problems.

    What I highlight from @TitoFan link:
    1. He was not the first choice for many of them—the most popular Democrats early in the primary were Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

    2.When I asked co-op members how they thought Biden was doing, ... “He’s up against a lot,” Jennifer Percival, a 42-year-old speech pathologist, told me.

    3. My thoroughly unscientific survey uncovered no mass exodus from Biden’s corner in Park Slope.

    4. Others blamed the media for the president’s unpopularity (like me!!!!)

    5. Democrats are relying on robust turnout from white progressives and Black voters in urban centers. (Housenegro republicans stood by & did nothing to stop the closings of polls where their own people live. They pissed themselves and stayed silent on early voting, yeah Biden & Any Democrat can worry then)

    Because Biden was never a leftist rather a centrist he will always have detractors from the extreme left- In fact I outted a long time poster here who talked so much garbage about Biden....I dug up his posts from 10 years ago- and he was a guy who spoke down to earth, not political enough...yeah right!
    & because republicans hate in the name of a god...we know- that no matter how many times Biden would choose to side with a Republican- they will not see it that way...they will do always- say Oh Look Biden is so terrible he cant even get his own party to follow him.
    As opposed to -finally a Democrat breaks with liberal ranks.

    Hated by the extreme left & right makes a recipe for a president that at worst is hated. At best is tolerated, never truly liked let alone respected is Old Joe.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  5. #1100
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Good post! In the interest of keeping it short, I picked out several portions in order to comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    IMO Because MSNBC and CNN are not -were never- ever pro-liberal, They are Pro-business -whoever invests in their ads sponsors, thats who they are loyal to and the constant- nonstop hollering from the media on Biden NOT being popular is proof enough - the media fascilitates divisiveness in America.
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    The truth is clear, now that the Democrats made it clear why they voted for Biden- Anyone but Trump...they got what they asked for.
    The same shit as Republicans in 2016...Anyone but Clinton...they got what they asked for.
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Biden drew controversy when in February 2007 he called Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” He later apologized, but the remark was not forgotten.

    How dare he! Call Obama, clean. Articulate..and the nerve! To call him bright! Worse, how dare A Democrat say he was the no other blacks were clean or bright? Considering this is FIX
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    And the rightwing media steps back and watch mainstream all by themselves declaring we need to see Biden by approval ratings.
    God forgive if we are reminded of what he walked into. Problems that are either very difficult to fix or problems created by design -which guarantees certain entites will always reap the benefits of unsolveable problems.

    First and foremost... we 100% agree on the media being the most divisive element in the U.S. political landscape today. It's been this way for a while... and it's only gotten WORSE. Putting a divisive media together with the most divisive President in history was like purposely bringing a lighted match into the fireworks storage shed. Be sure to be at a safe distance. The media preys on the weak and easily swayed. Back in the day, respected journalists were almost emotionless as they gave the news and even when they stated opinions in editorials. Nowadays... tears and clenched jaws and angry spittle is almost a requirement for talking heads today. So the media is as much to blame as anyone. And WHY? For the almighty dollar (read: RATINGS).

    But Trump doesn't get off scot-free. Trump was divisive from birth. I can almost close my eyes and picture him in the schoolyard playground... pitting groups against one another. (His would be the entitled brat group.)
    Trump and the media may hate each other... but they're cut from the same cloth.

    BINGO! on the "anyone but..." vote. Count me in among the guilty in both elections (even though here in P.R. we can't vote for the POTUS). I would've said anyone but Hillary in 2016... just like I was begging anyone but Trump in 2020. It's not the public's fault, though. If a guy on Death Row is given his choice of execution methods... it STILL sucks and he's gonna die anyway. It doesn't mean he's gonna gleefully choose one over the other. All this shows is just how far the bar has fallen in the last 5 years. The office of POTUS is a shambles. Respect is out the window. Unity is but a pipedream that will never be achieved. Dignity in the office is a distant memory. Sad.

    The truth is... I was one of many who cringed when the Democratic Party finally spit out Biden as the challenger to Trump. The media may be foaming at the mouth for Biden's approval ratings... but they don't manufacture them. They just report them. And the painful truth is that Biden pretty much compares favorable ONLY to Trump.

    On Afghanistan, my position has been clear from the get-go.

    Yes, it was a decades-old problem which another POTUS started.
    Yes, it was Trump who rashly announced a timeline for withdrawal.
    Yes, it was Biden who was left holding the bag when Trump left.

    But as POTUS, you can walk back a timeline and say "I wasn't the one who promised that. Now I'M in charge and I will plan this correctly."
    Then you go back and make sure all your "i"s are dotted and your "t"s are crossed.
    Someone in the forum had a problem with that assessment, choosing to ignore the fact that withdrawals CAN be adequately planned in order to minimize the collateral damage.

    Following Trump in the WH can be called both a curse and blessing.

    A curse because Trump left behind a much worse American public than he inherited. He happily fanned the fans of divisiveness and hate (aided by the corrupt media, of course) and created a chasm as wide as 20 Grand Canyons.
    Given today's public to work with... it would be easier to seek unity with Martians than with the opposing, polarized factions in the U.S.

    A blessing because, let's face it..... there is LITERALLY nowhere to go but up.
    Again... Biden's numbers are disappointingly low.
    Yet they're STILL higher than Trump's.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  7. #1102
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Back in the day, respected journalists were almost emotionless as they gave the news and even when they stated opinions in editorials. Nowadays... tears and clenched jaws and angry spittle is almost a requirement for talking heads today. So the media is as much to blame as anyone. And WHY? For the almighty dollar (read: RATINGS).
    Huge statement there!

    FOX in full attack mode with headlines like Biden's weakness on Ukraine makes Putin feel free to act up

    Perusing FOX headlines on Biden brings a consistent message that is sure to make every viewer hate his guts;

    Aaron Rodgers sacks Biden, 'fake White House,' after president joked about QB's vax status

    Biden can be cranky as long as he holds press conferences: RealClearPolitics reporter

    Democrats bend facts 'to fit whatever narrative they need to keep their power': Bongino

    How the mainstream media backed Biden's controversial nominees

    These aren't news headlines, these are opinions presented as news headlines. with spit flying from their mouths, tightened jaws with clinched teeth as stated by previous post.

    Not a fan of Romney, however I agree with his sentiment on why Biden got elected:

    Romney says president Biden was only voted in to 'stop the crazy' of Trump

    The past 3 presidents were brought in to reverse the policies of the previous prez. America had to have the Supreme Court pick a prez (2000).

    Obama did more reversing policies of his predecessor than forging a new path. He used the conservative playbook for healthcare (Heritage foundation) he signed into law the horrible Common Core educational curriculum (written by Republican governors nationwide) and then he continued Bush Jr's war on terror- yet they still loathed the man from day one.
    Outside of gay marriage, he didnt do much on liberal policies...just my opinion. I mean the dude brought in more Wall Street thugs than Bush Jr. And it was billed as cronyism...unless Donnie outdoes him in picking wall street thuggery- well now it is capitalism.
    And ...

    Wall Street Praises Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s VP: ‘What’s Not to Like?’

    The role of Wall Street beneficiaries in Biden’s White House has not only been among his cabinet nominees. On his transition team, Biden filled a handful of jobs with employees from Visa, KeyBank, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs.

    Biden’s White House chief of staff is Ron Klain- general counsel at venture capital firm Revolution.
    Biden’s National Economic Council director will be Brian Deese asset manager BlackRock.
    Biden’s Covid-19 response czar Jeff Zients was CEO of investment firm Cranemere and will now focus on the pandemic health crisis.

    For real? of all people to run health to wall street?
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 01-23-2022 at 09:33 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #1103
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Trump bent his large fat mushy torso to all of the world banks- then reversed all of his predeccors policies he could- accept the gay marriage- let him have that legacy.
    And now we are back at it again. elect Biden to keep Drumpf out.

    yet we got a whitehouse still stocking their cabinets with wall street. Still playing Putin as a great guy when Repub is Prez- but under a Dem prez- well Putin is punking the prez.
    & despite the infighting of Republicans (Trumpers vs Rightwingers vs conservatives vs libertarians vs Grassroot teapartiers vs establishment teapartiers)...Biden's turn to deal with infighting and it isnt pretty.
    Liberals vs progressives vs democratic socialists vs Manchin's munchkins...all falling down to the alphabet people- none in democratic party can defeat the LGQBT group. Biden has 2 political parties infighting to the death.
    So no matter which party wins...there is a tumor inside both groups that will resist the party as a faction of the party.
    Joe, Aint no way to win.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #1104
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Wow Biden is more of a shit show than I imagined. But thank god we got rid of mean tweets and fake collusion. Enjoy paying for gas I cashed a few chips in driving a plaid now. How bad will the Biden shit show get before he taps out.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Wow Biden is more of a shit show than I imagined. But thank god we got rid of mean tweets and fake collusion. Enjoy paying for gas I cashed a few chips in driving a plaid now. How bad will the Biden shit show get before he taps out.
    Waited this long to criticize Biden? He has not done that bad then.
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Always interesting to see old faces 'ello Wally. Biden should never have relaxed on the Nord stream 2, got it right today. And in fairness pleeeenty of frailty and fawning regarding Putin during last Administration emboldened the hell of him. He played us for divided chimps and we obliged. Putin never was and never will be our buddy.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Always interesting to see old faces 'ello Wally. Biden should never have relaxed on the Nord stream 2, got it right today. And in fairness pleeeenty of frailty and fawning regarding Putin during last Administration emboldened the hell of him. He played us for divided chimps and we obliged. Putin never was and never will be our buddy.
    The Biden family has made billions from Russia and Ukraine. They are like a crime syndicate he had his hands in everyone’s

    pockets. Let’s see he took Crimea under Obama, and Ukraine under Biden. Who did he take under the guy your referring to? Wasn’t he warning Europe about Nord stream and enriching Putin and becoming overly reliant on Russian energy? But Biden’s buying 10% of our fuel from Russia as he amassed troops at the border? You want to blame this on someone else? Really. Can’t just say, “yup he fucked up like the majority of his policies. Shit I gave him a decent amount of time I didn’t start screaming “not my president” I didn’t get how the press completely overlooked his support of segregation on the senate floor, the racist Indian shit, the money, the inability to string together a sentence etc but that’s just how US press works. They can demonize you or have your back. I honestly do feel for the guy I think he has some serious issues and I don’t think him being in high pressure situations is healthy. But shit is pouring out that proves the press was complicit in some nasty shit.

    So judging Biden by Biden I’d say this is on him. I thought he was going to bring us together but if senators disagree with him they “Jim Crow”. (Ha ha the racist thing we just ain’t letting that go it’s the fail safe but I think they have used it so much it becomes empty and expected) so yup it’s a shit show. War is a horrible thing I hate to think how the lives of the Ukrainians is being torn apart. A recent survey from Europe showed that 61% of Europeans believe Ukraine would not have been invaded if Trump was in office. I have little faith in polls and I know fuck all about European polls but if true many feel different than views stated here.

    Well frig me though war really is a bummer and it’s strange a country is being invaded and the US isn’t doing it. But damn sometimes you need a break from the political shit that was really weird what went on under the last guy and I feel like I learned a lot about my country from it. Things I always thought were going on were kinda proven and it’s another bummer. All that hate. I’ll be honest I did get a feeling of hate when omnicron hit, I hated Biden because we were so unprepared and I witnessed medical facilities fighting over tests. Every single person I work with got it and then it finally hit me. I wasn’t an anti vaxxer I was vaxed remember he told us “Covid stops with the vax” shit ripped through my mothers nursing home took her out. Spread through that place like someone left a water spigot running. But it’s a virus running rampant through the world I let that Biden hatred go but fuck me he left the cupboards empty and diverted Covid funds to move around people at the southern border. Sounds impeachable to me. But I hope the guy does something good and everything works out.

    I hope everyone is well. Does anyone know if miles is single? I haven’t seen him. Is master still a turd face? My cat sooper dooper will turn 25 this year if she makes it that’s like 115 in human years. Not really uncommon but I never had a cat live this long.

    Today in the Biden shit show, poor dude he should be home resting he don’t need all this. Stay well.
    Last edited by walrus; 02-26-2022 at 05:37 AM.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    The first African American to serve on a presidential security detail is among three people to have been pardoned by US President Joe Biden.

    Abraham W Bolden Sr, 86, was convicted in 1964 on bribery charges.

    The White House also announced that the prison sentences of 75 others - most of whom were serving time on low-level drug offences - have been shortened.

    The US constitution grants presidents the authority to forgive convictions or shorten sentences.

    Tuesday's grants of clemency are the first of the Biden administration.

    "America is a nation of laws and second chances, redemption, and rehabilitation," the president said.

    "Helping those who served their time return to their families and become contributing members of their communities is one of the most effective ways to reduce recidivism [repeat offending] and decrease crime."

    The three people to be pardoned are Mr Bolden, from Chicago, Illinois; Betty Jo Bogans, 51, from Houston, Texas; and, Dexter Eugene Jackson, 52, from Athens, Georgia.

    Bolden was appointed to President John F Kennedy's Secret Service detail in 1961, aged 26.

    That made the former highway patrolman the first black man to guard a US president.

    According to him, Mr Kennedy once introduced him as "the Jackie Robinson of the Secret Service" - a reference to the first African American to play Major League Baseball in the modern era.

    In 1964, Mr Bolden was fired from the Secret Service after being charged with trying to sell a government file in exchange for a $50,000 bribe.

    He denied the allegations, asserting he was being framed for attempting to expose misconduct within the agency.

    Among his accusations were that Secret Service agents drank heavily on the job, missed shifts, and used their official vehicles to transport women or visit bars. He also said he had faced racial abuse from co-workers.

    He raised money for his legal defence through a series of piano recitals in Chicago.

    Following a hung jury in his first trial, he was convicted at his second and sentenced to 15 years - even though some witnesses said they had been pressured into lying by prosecutors.

    Mr Bolden served 39 months in federal prison, with a two-and-a-half year probation.

    2px presentational grey line
    Ms Bogan and Mr Jackson served time in federal prison for drug possession and distribution charges respectively.

    Mr Biden wrote that all three "have demonstrated their commitment to rehabilitation and are striving every day to give back and contribute to their communities".

    A pardon does not mean the person is declared innocent, but does remove restrictions imposed by the conviction.

    Many of the 75 Americans whose sentences were shortened on Tuesday "would have received a lower sentence if they were charged with the same offence today" due to recent criminal justice reforms, Mr Biden said.

    Several were already under home confinement because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Also on Tuesday, the White House announced a series of new measures aimed at helping former prisoners successfully re-enter society.

    They include a $145m (£114m) federal programme for job training and employment support, as well as expanded access to housing, health care and capital, including by removing criminal history from federal small business grant applications.

    With more than two million people behind bars, the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world, although the numbers have dropped in recent years.

    According to data from the World Prison Brief, the country has 639 inmates for every 100,000 people. The UK, by comparison, has 131.

    Mr Biden's pardons and commutations, which coincide with the end of national Second Chance Month, came on the recommendation of a pardon attorney at his Department of Justice.

    That marks a return to regular order from former president Donald Trump, who often solicited clemency requests from aides and friends.

    In the final hours of his presidency in 2020, Mr Trump issued over 140 pardons and commutations, including to his former chief strategist Steve Bannon, and rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black.
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    Old Biden has COVID :S 79 years old, let's see how well the vaccines work.

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