Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?