Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
Speaking of getting arrested, what a coincidence:
[12/3, 12:06 PM] : The neighbor was arrested for shitting on a kid's birthday cake while on meth. Parents caught him as he put it back in the refrigerator in the party room in the lobby.
[12/3, 12:08 PM] : 44 years old
[12/3, 12:08 PM]: He will get 7 days in jail
[12/3, 12:35 PM] : He deliberately ate prunes, about 3 hours before he did it, to try to get diarrhea so he could really mess up the cake. The police said it was a deliberate and malicious act so he will get 7 days in jail
[12/3, 9:37 PM] : He shit all over the birthday cake
[12/3, 9:37 PM The police arrested him in his home
He deserves to be arrested, charged and convicted for this.
Totally -- the little kid was looking forward to a nice birthday cake and by the time this happened the bakeries were closed and the parents supposedly had to go to the supermarket to get one of those normal white cream cakes and somehow had to write her name on it. I think the little kid was probably heartbroken. Nobody knows why he did this and of course methamphetamines will be blamed.