This a joke by Jerry Clower on of my favorite comedians.

A boy and his father were coon huntin' one night with their best dog Highball. It didn't take long before ol' Highball caught the scent of a big male coon and commenced to chasing him though the swamps and briers.

For 30 minutes the boy and his father chased Highball who chased the coon. Up and down, left and and right, here and there. Chasing, chasing, chasing. Finally Highball chased the coon up onto a railroad bridge and they started mauling each other. Tufts of fur were flying and the coon was squalling' while the dog was barkin' and growling. Rolling around on the train bridge with the father and son looking on and screamin' "Get that nasty coon Highball, get that coon!"

Suddenly, out of the darkness they hear a train whistle. WOOOOMP WOOOMP! Here comes the train barrelin' down--the dog and the coon still wrestling each other to the death. In seconds WHAM! The train goes slashin' over top of the coon and dog killin' 'em both graveyard dead.

The father starts bawling crocodile tears and hides his face in his hands. "NOOOOO! NOOOOO! Not ol Highball!" the father screams.

"It's alright daddy," the son says while patting his father on the back "we got some pups out of Highball and they'll be good as him."

The father wipes some tears from his eyes and looks down at his son. "Boy, you think I'm cryin' cause the daggum dog got killed?!" "I'm crying cause ol' Highball died thinking that coon killed him!"