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Thread: ~CutMeMicks Log~

  1. #1
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    Default ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Well I gues I'll give it a go see what I can change or add to the training I do.

    I know for a fact I need to learn more training techniques and I also need to work out more consistantly.

    I tend to loose my routine/schedule due to the fact that I HAVE to assit my grandman whenever she calls sooo sometimes I'll be getting ready to do my thang and she'll call me that she needs to go to the store so I jump in my car to take her.

    Anyway... The issue I have is that according to this table I looked it by entering my age, height, sex and all that it told me I'm supposed to weigh from 166 lbs. to 174 lbs. BUT I've weighed 167 lbs. and I look dead I mean my face looks lean and you can see my bone structure my grandma thought I was sick at one point when I weighed that then little by little I started putting on weight and when I got to around 170 people started telling me I look good, so since then I've tried to keep my weight there but it's hard to keep it steady. So I find myself eating more food to keep my weight up. But being that I'm not constantly/routinely working out I'm starting to gain weight in the wrong places as opposed to before when I did have a good work out routine.

    Here we go.
    5' 11''
    173 lbs. - I just weighed myself.
    25 yrs. old
    Goal: To get back in shape and stay healthy.

    User Keys
    Cereal = Honey Bunches of Oats, it's my cereal of choice it's the only one I eat.
    Salads = I always ask for Italian and I go easy on it (Or at least try my best to :P ), no cheese.
    Beans = Boiled in water with a little bit of salt.

    Sun. July 8th - Played full soccer game 90 min., Had cereal for breakfast, steak and vegetables for lunch, 1 orange and 1 apple at dawn.
    Mon. July 9th - Morning jog for 25 min., Afternoon work out I hit the punching bag for about 20 min. mainly jabbing 10 min. with each
    hand. Treadmill for 25 min., 2 Granola bars for breakfast, Boneless Chicken with Rice Pilaf for lunch, Cereal for dawn.
    Tue. July 10th- Mainly stretching and running in place for about 15 min., Was running late skiped breakfast, Cesar Salad with Pita Bread for
    lunch, Pinto beans and Soup.
    Wed. July 11th- Morning jog 30 min., 1 apple, 1 strawberry juice and a granola bar, Tuna salad with crackers, Afternoon workout reps. (jump rope,
    sit ups, push ups) for 20 min. Was doing sets of 15, hitting the bag for 20 min. mainly jabbing and reseting.
    Thu. July 12th - Had to clean up my backyard as people are coming over Sat. for the fights.
    Fri. July 13th - Nothing. Too busy.
    Sat. July 14th - 45 min on tredmill, swiming for about 1 hr. not constant.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Sun. July 15th - Soccer game 90 min., a bowl or cereal and 2 Oranges for
    breakfast, Chicken corn and spinach with chocolate pudding
    for dessert, afternoon workout: heavy bag for 30 min., 3
    sets of push-ups, sit ups and crunches x20, 1 ham and
    cheese sandwhich with tomato/lettuce and onions.

    Mon. July 16th - Morning jog 30 min., Granola bar and a glass of milk, 6" Sub
    from Subway (ham, turkey, bologne) lettuce, tomatoe, onion
    Jump rope for 10 min., Punching bag for 25 min, push ups,
    sit ups and crunches x20, for dinner I had lobster with white
    rice and vegetables.

    Tue. July 17th - Yougurt and Cereal with bananas, afternoon run for 45 min,
    punching bag for about 30 min, jump rope for 15 min.,
    treadmill for 15 min, Turkey with creamed spinach and garlic
    dill potatoes.

    Wed. July 18th -

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~


    For the more experienced people here can you guys see anything that I'm doing wrong or not enough of or too much of?

    Thanks in advanced for the input.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    If I may sugest something. I'm no expert, but I think you should be eat more often. You have the same kinda job I do and I think you have a desk. Keep some peanuts and cashews in there it's better to graze all day than to eat the 3 big meals we are all used to. It will help you process everything you eat too.

    Also I don't know if you are getting enough protein. Try staying await from white rice instead dig some wild rice. Also try to keep all your carbs as whole grain your body will process it better and it will help you burn it longer.

    As far as your workout goes, you aren't really doing anything for your back or your quads.
    I would try to throw in some pull-ups or rows and some kind of squat maybe some deadlifts
    as well......

    Once again I am definately not an expert, but these things should help optimize what you are doing.

    For every story told that divides us, I believe there are a thousand untold that unite us.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Are you working out for boxing or to be in shape? I didn't see mention of how long you've boxed or anything and it doesn't sound like you're working in a gym with a coach.

    How are you working the bag? You said something about jabbing and reseting but I'm not sure what you mean by resetting and if you're going straight through your 25 or however many minutes doing the same thing with no breaks. If you're looking to get into boxing I'd recommend going to a round system on the bag (and for other things like skipping,etc) where you do 2-3 minutes hard activity and 30 seconds to 1 minute resting. If you know how to properly throw the punches you can vary working on combinations, speed, power. If not maybe stick with jabs and crosses and you may want to get some instruction before doing too much so you don't end up developing bad habits.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Quote Originally Posted by killersheep
    If I may sugest something. I'm no expert, but I think you should be eat more often. You have the same kinda job I do and I think you have a desk. Keep some peanuts and cashews in there it's better to graze all day than to eat the 3 big meals we are all used to. It will help you process everything you eat too.

    Also I don't know if you are getting enough protein. Try staying await from white rice instead dig some wild rice. Also try to keep all your carbs as whole grain your body will process it better and it will help you burn it longer.

    As far as your workout goes, you aren't really doing anything for your back or your quads.
    I would try to throw in some pull-ups or rows and some kind of squat maybe some deadlifts
    as well......

    Once again I am definately not an expert, but these things should help optimize what you are doing.
    CC#879 Sheep and thanks for your input.
    You and I are the same I'm just getting into this whole eating right and the right amounts of things myself so at times I have to stop and do some reaserch before I start anything....

    About the works also thanks again and will def. look into it as I just finished printing out some excersises from the trainer board in the sticky threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutbuster
    Are you working out for boxing or to be in shape? I didn't see mention of how long you've boxed or anything and it doesn't sound like you're working in a gym with a coach.
    I'm just doing it to get in shape (not of a ball) and stay in shape.
    I work out in my backyard where I have this set up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutbuster
    How are you working the bag? You said something about jabbing and reseting but I'm not sure what you mean by resetting and if you're going straight through your 25 or however many minutes doing the same thing with no breaks.
    I switch it up on, ex: Sometimes I'll do 75 jabs with one hand then 75 with the other then move around the bag reset/start over and the same sequence from there. Then I'll rest for a couple of minutes then Over again.
    I also just started looking for videos/instructionals of combos I can practice and put to use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutbuster
    If you're looking to get into boxing
    No, this is just to stay in shape/get back into shape.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutbuster
    I'd recommend going to a round system on the bag (and for other things like skipping,etc) where you do 2-3 minutes hard activity and 30 seconds to 1 minute resting.
    Good idea I like that I'm gonna give that a go.

    Thanks a lot for taking the time and for your input CC# 6

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    What's happened to the updates man? Get that lazy ass working!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    What's happened to the updates man? Get that lazy a** working!
    Yeah cmon you fat bastard. You're a waste of space you lazy ass Mexican bandit

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    It is because oyu cant wear shades while working out.
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Where you go?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    So I started working out and just to show you guys how much weight I gained from the 1st post I made in this thread up until 2 weeks ago.
    I was weighing 200 lbs... I could not believe that. I sware I checked the scale to make sure it was right and I almost passed out.

    It's crazy how I didn't pay much attention and I didn't think I was gaining that much weight...

    Well now since I got my everlast gym here's my daily routine.

    Breakfast - Banana & Strawberry shake with proteins.
    Stretch out and run for 2 miles.
    (leave to work)

    For lunch I alternate with Tuna, Chicken & Steak for the most part served with Wild rice (thanks greg) vegetables and fruit.
    (go home)

    Stretch out and work out for 1 hr. to 2 hrs. as time permits.
    I run another 2 miles
    Skip rope for 15 min.
    Push ups x20 (2 sets)
    Sit ups x20 (2 sets) I also do the one handed side ones x20
    Heavybag workout non-stop for 10 min.
    Double end bag workout non-stop for 10 min.
    (I try to do these 2 back to back without resting but have only done it once)

    When I have time I also lift weights nothing to heavy mostly light lifting.
    I first want to concentrate on the weight loss then I'll work full effect on the muscles.
    (Unless I should work both things out at the same time, advice anyone?)

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Welcome back to training and Good Luck.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Just looking at it now actually. If cutting weight is your goal, then I think you have the right idea focusing on the running as opposed to the weights. That is a fair bit of running to start, plus the skipping. See how you feel with it, but if you stick to that and the healthy eating the pounds will shed.

    Then you can work on building muscle on a leaner frame. I think it looks good. Might be a bit much to start? Dunno...your body will tell you.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    Just looking at it now actually. If cutting weight is your goal, then I think you have the right idea focusing on the running as opposed to the weights. That is a fair bit of running to start, plus the skipping. See how you feel with it, but if you stick to that and the healthy eating the pounds will shed.

    Then you can work on building muscle on a leaner frame. I think it looks good. Might be a bit much to start? Dunno...your body will tell you.
    Thanks for the comment...

    I've had the same routine for the last 2 weeks (not exactly the same but very similar) my bodys responded well. I don't feel anything abnormal as far as tired/sore body it's been normal. I also play soccer on Sundays 90 minutes so when I get home I do my floor excersizes push ups, sit ups etc. etc. and I call it a day. I've rested in between there in the 2 weeks depending on how I've felt.

    I've already lost 12 lbs. I weigh myself in the morning when I wake up as of yesterday I weigh 188 lbs.

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    Default Re: ~CutMeMicks Log~

    I've also cut out ALL the bad foods.

    I come from a Mexican family so you gotta understand the more lard/oil in our food the better.

    As god as my witness I've gone ALL out since the arrival of the gym. I cleaned out my food cabinets & fridge. Everything I have now is either Light, Low Fat or something along thos lines.

    I no longer eat Tortillas (corn or flour)
    I haven't had not even a slice or bite of pizza.
    I haven't had anything like microwavable burritos, sawndwiches, pot pies all that garbage.
    No more soda, all I drink lot's of OJ & Apple juice & water. Lot's of White & Green teas both cold & hot.
    Lipton has this Diet teas that are really good.
    I eat fruit everyday at least 2 different kinds.
    Greens daily, whether in a salad or steamed.
    For breakfast I use egg subsitute, my fav. breakfast to make is a veggetarian omelette with spinach, onion & tomatoes.
    I also switched my corn flakes to Special K, it's the best one I found.
    Anyone else use this?

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