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Thread: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    No worries Youngblood - i'm only into talking to myself a little so I don't mind some replies to my posts

    Was given some free movie tickets yesterday so won't go to the group run. Didn't gym this morning because had a late night picking Adam up from the bus station etc. Some crazy dude had to be dragged off the bus at Port Wakefield by the cops and it held the bus up.

    So will do a lunch run today - the area i work is flat so it's hard to get my dose of hills etc but i'll try to improvise!

    Looks like it will take about a week to get the specialized trike hub they need from interstate so Adam will catch up with Steven on the other side of the Nullabor. I think he may have missed me but at the same time in his head it's a bit of a failure so i doubt he'll sabotage his trike again!
    Last edited by Sharla; 11-09-2010 at 11:57 PM.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Have taken a few days off work to do PhD stuff. Having a nightmare about a serial killer preying on people who hadn't finished their PhDs kinda motivated me to get on track with it again. Have not had structured training - just a few long walks with my family's dog while trying to get on track again.

    I've decided there are two things i have to do every day from now - some kind of exercise and some PhD work - on basically because my mind starts playing tricks on me if i skip a day and I suddenly start believing I'm incapable of training or studying despite doing so many years of both!

    I also think i still have some kind of fear of injury that makes me hesitant to run unless i'm distracted by the group run atmosphere. I think there may be something to it though so some swimming cross training a few times a week will be mandatory for me from now on too. Will help train my core and overall body strength and let me work hard aerobically when i feel hesitant to push hard while pounding the road etc. It just goes back to how i've never felt disabled in the pool! It should help on recovery days from hill runs etc too.

    So anyway the news I really want to announce - the greatest news ever - I became an auntie! Last night around 8 pm little connor my nephew was born - Yay!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    congrats on the becoming an auntie Sharla! that's awesome.

    Still not sure if will start a log of my own again or not. Just got back from winter games training camp and we are all keeping detailed log books, and then back for more a week from Fri. It was a great learning experience there with some great people and a really strong team of talented boxers and coaches. Got the honor of being named captain, and made a few mistakes to begin with, but learning from it!

    Can't imagine the rigors of doing your PhD and intensive physical training side by each, but knowing a bit about you, you'd likely be bored if not for the challenge.

    Again, enjoying your posts and glad to see you back.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    congrats on the becoming an auntie Sharla! that's awesome.

    Still not sure if will start a log of my own again or not. Just got back from winter games training camp and we are all keeping detailed log books, and then back for more a week from Fri. It was a great learning experience there with some great people and a really strong team of talented boxers and coaches. Got the honor of being named captain, and made a few mistakes to begin with, but learning from it!

    Can't imagine the rigors of doing your PhD and intensive physical training side by each, but knowing a bit about you, you'd likely be bored if not for the challenge.

    Again, enjoying your posts and glad to see you back.
    Thanks Youngblood

    Yeah I'm not sure I'd manage to keep two logs so I can understand why you wouldn't want to do that! Congrats on being captain! That's awesome! Winter games training camp sounds pretty productive and educational too - I bet you've learnt heaps!

    Aside from the technical boxing things does a winter training camp involve travelling to somwhere nice and sunny or running through foot deep snow?

    Being an aunti is pretty cool - he's so much cuter than i expected he ever could be being my brother's son!

    As for training Tuesday - didn't manage to get any significant training in - Adam finally got his new hub and is off on his journey again. I did do some uni work and got my hooping cough vaccination - originally planned to happen before Conner was born but he came early the little trouble maker!

    Wednesday walked to work -it's a decent walk - tried out a small pack of Adam's that might be better than my Berghaus for long distance lightweight hiking. It's a 20L OMM wheras I have a bigger Berghaus. My Berghaus has a mesh in the back that holds the pack out a little so you don't make yourself sweaty.I found when I was doing the North Face I kept getting phone calls and had to stop, take my pack off and get my phone out only to find several times telemarketers were calling me! Damn it people I'm busy!

    The OMM can come with an attachment around the front that can carry a reasonable amount and has a map case thingy too. Might be more suitable.

    Cycled home enjoyed it - suprised how much i enjoyed it actually. I think i might work up to long bike rides before long runs as a low impact way to build up my endurance while my core and stabilizing muscles strengthen to deal with long runs more.

    Thursday (today) walked to work with strong running intervals. I can't forget how much faster i used to run and i feel like what i do over distance now is a shuffle that i don't enjoy. I've decided walking with strong intervals might be a way to build up some good running muscle with good form that I won't maintain continuously over a long distance at this stage. I'll just keep building on the intervals until that's how i run the whole way.

    No gym today or RRs run last night as have too much to do at work at the moment and have to do some extra hours to catch up.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Well Friday was a rite off as far as training goes. Had a meeting with my PhD supervisors and spent from the early morning hours preparing for it. Crappy PhD crap!

    Didn't train at night as had a silversmithing course to go to that i enrolled in a while ago. Soooo much fun! Yes I have too many hobbies! But it was sooo much fun! Got home late and Slept in on Saturday.

    Saturday was the 1st stinker we've had in SA for a while - just too hot to run or cycle. Would've been perfect for swimming but i spent most of the day rearranging stuff in my room so i could use a corner for an office with a mini laptop table and make the dining room table available for other people again. I justified it as preparing to do lots of PhD work but really I was slack. I don't like how slack i can be sometimes lately. I'm not sure if it's chemical/nutritional or because i haven't had the chance to settle into a routine or just me getting - well slack!

    Sunday went for a 50 km bike ride with my mum. She's an avid cyclist while i've mainly been just a reluctant transport cyclist. I had fun though. The first 25 km was mostly up hill even though sometimes it seemed flat it was all gradually uphill which became obvious on the way back! I liked pushing myself on the way up and enjoyed it overall but i don't think my bike is very ergonomic.

    The forward posture of the road bike means i have to crane my nack back a little too much and i don't like that. Also I probably have standard crank length of 170 mm but for my height i should have shorter ones around 165 mm so i can keep up a decent cadence. I rather develop cadence as this will translate to better running form etc. As a woman the handles have a drop that is a bit too deep for my hands too and they're a bit wide so i'd like to change my handlebars.

    The shitty thing is these things all cost money. The ideal as far as I can tell would be to modify a new Colnago Ace (has a more upright position for long distance riders) with women's handlebars and shorter cranks but then we're talking thousands of dollars and i have to save up for a unit deposit!

    Adam would want me on a trike but they're not cheap either and they're heavy and mum hates how low they are to thr ground because she thinks traffic won't see you. Being squished doesn't really seem all that ergonomic either .... Why do people make normal things so damn unhealthy!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post

    Yeah I'm not sure I'd manage to keep two logs so I can understand why you wouldn't want to do that! Congrats on being captain! That's awesome! Winter games training camp sounds pretty productive and educational too - I bet you've learnt heaps!

    Aside from the technical boxing things does a winter training camp involve travelling to somwhere nice and sunny or running through foot deep snow?
    lol the training is just a cold as our country has to offer.

    Sure am learning a lot. Both in the training plus what it involves given the extra responsibilities. I made the mistake of focusing too much on bonding with my team members (most of them know each other already...i'm kinda the new dude), which led to some late night fooling around in the hotel. In short, we shaving creamed a guy sleeping who is a seriously dedicated fighter (he didn't appreciate it), and as well led to us not getting much sleep. Next thing I knew I was sparring him the next day, wayyy overtired and he whupped me pretty good! Guess I had that coming.

    So yea, much as bonding is important, it is more important to consider the seriousness of our actions, the time and money spent by our organization and coaches...and try to lead by example. They really are a great bunch of people and am fortunate for the opportunity.

    Being an aunti is pretty cool - he's so much cuter than i expected he ever could be being my brother's son!
    I'm going to tell him you said that!

    As for training Tuesday - didn't manage to get any significant training in - Adam finally got his new hub and is off on his journey again.
    Nice that you 2 got to spend some time. Am looking forward to reading and following his trip. Thanks for sharing the link.

    Wednesday walked to work -it's a decent walk - tried out a small pack of Adam's that might be better than my Berghaus for long distance lightweight hiking. It's a 20L OMM wheras I have a bigger Berghaus. My Berghaus has a mesh in the back that holds the pack out a little so you don't make yourself sweaty.I found when I was doing the North Face I kept getting phone calls and had to stop, take my pack off and get my phone out only to find several times telemarketers were calling me! Damn it people I'm busy!

    The OMM can come with an attachment around the front that can carry a reasonable amount and has a map case thingy too. Might be more suitable.

    Cycled home enjoyed it - suprised how much i enjoyed it actually. I think i might work up to long bike rides before long runs as a low impact way to build up my endurance while my core and stabilizing muscles strengthen to deal with long runs more.

    Thursday (today) walked to work with strong running intervals. I can't forget how much faster i used to run and i feel like what i do over distance now is a shuffle that i don't enjoy. I've decided walking with strong intervals might be a way to build up some good running muscle with good form that I won't maintain continuously over a long distance at this stage. I'll just keep building on the intervals until that's how i run the whole way.

    No gym today or RRs run last night as have too much to do at work at the moment and have to do some extra hours to catch up
    I've been working on adding to my aerobic base lately, as in, just started. I found down there in the spar already mentioned...that I was lacking the ability to go non stop start to finish. I've focused a lot on interval running, tabatas the explosiveness is there...but I did find myself getting winded. Would like to discuss this more with you at some point.

    But off again for another 12+ hr one way trip for round 2 of training on Thurs-Mon. Good luck with your continued training and keep the log going!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Sounds like you had some fun - at least to begin with! I guess you may have annoyed your shaving cream target but as long as he knows it wasn't a personal thing to target him i'm sure all will be forgotten - and when you've had some sleep you won't suffer so much in the ring against him again!

    I guess one positive of the situation is that your team mates know you are not against having fun so when you decide to be serious, get to bed early and train hard it won't look like you're just a boring person and might remind them of how important that phase is for everyone's training/development/competitions.

    When i traveled to compete i was probably the boring one being one of the older team members and a girl. While I never bothered anyone and was not treated badly in any way I doubt I ever 'led by example' because I didn't have much in common with any of the younger lads.

    I think maybe some of the youngest and quietest members appreciated having me there because I'd never pick on them but the difference is i wouldn't ever be captain either because I couldn't relate to the main group.

    Pity to hear about the cold weather! Do they make you run outside? I'm such a cold sissy I think I'd struggle! I assume you have well developed methods for getting and keeping warm for safe training in sub zero temperatures though.

    As for the aerobic stuff I'm sure all people tend to have a preference for being explosive or have a more endurance. I've always been more of an endurance person. I think easy jogs of 5 km to 8 km and 3 min rounds of shadow boxing probably would help but i suspect what you do sometimes involves this already? Maybe you need to try some middle distance tempo running/swimming/cycling to mimic maybe a 75% effort for a sustained period?

    I also wonder how much is psychological. I know I can go out and run 30 km now if I want to but my confidence is not what it used to be and i might fear the pain of it a little more now for no rational reason. Mentally I think I knew I did more endurance work than most so in the ring if i was getting tired i'd never stop moving because i was 100 % sure even i if was hurting my opponent would konk out 1st.

    When I went cycling with my mum we had a little race (well she choose to race me) and i gave up pretty quickly (she's a nut) but i was told afterward i didn't have to because other people are much closer to giving up than we often realize. That is a point i have never considered much in day to day training even though I have always done it in competition (possibly because I'm slack). You may have more endurance than you believe you do it you know what i mean? Not saying you're slack like me but you may find with a little specific training for it the added confidence with have a much greater effect than the actual physiological adaption alone.

    Well as for me I was my birthday yesterday and I spent it in Perth with Adam. Still here and go back to Adelaide on Friday when Adam flies out to Cape Town. We're sleeping on the floor in a room in the scout headquarters and it's pretty good really. A big room - lots of space for Adam to spread out all the gear they brought over plus the 26 kgs of extra stuff Adam had me bring. They've replaced a lot of stuff, changing over tents to their more protective enclosed 'moment' tents to keep the mozzies out in Africa. They used one tarp tent in Australia since it's a bit lighter and malaria isn't a problem but their 'moment' tents are pretty good for anyone wanting a light weight good quality tent.

    Sleeping on the floor has been good for my back which hasn't been the same since the bike rind on Sunday but I may have the bike issue sorted. Went looking at bikes with my mum just to get a idea of what i might get in a year or so if i've saved up a decent amount for the unit deposit. She's been thinking about getting a new bike for 18 months or so and fell in love with one while we were browsing. Looks like i'll be inheriting her old one which is only a couple of years younger than mine but was top of the range new (mine was bottom) and has had some of the componentry upgraded.

    For my birthday i get the bike, i'll replace the wheels as they're not staying with the bike and mum will have it professionally fitted for me. I'll be extremely difficult during the fitting and if i have to pay extra for more appropriate handlebars, bar ends etc etc to make sure it's ergonomic.

    I've read up about the marathon times some triathletes do as part of their ironman event with a peak of only 90 km running a week in training! The times are crazy fast and to me means i have a good chance of just picking quality runs and doing a lot of cycling to build endurance in preparation for another attempt at the North Face. Adam is excited to see me finally getting into cycling properly and i think we'll be doing a few long rides together when he gets back and possibly before.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Happy (belated) Birthday Sharla!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Thanks Youngblood I had a good birthday and a bit of a break to celebrate that and spend time with Adam for his last week in Australia. It was my firt visit to perth and i have to say it is a beautiful place. Nice weather, nice beaches, two impressive rivers there too. Kings park is the best inner city park i've ever seen with awesome views. Worth a visit!

    Anyway with the birthday has come too much cake. Cake from Adam, cake from friends and cake from family. I am rapidly turning into an oompa loompa and need to address the issue before Christmas comes along and completely finishes me off!

    I am ashamed to admit that this mornign was my first designated exercise session for a while. I walked 12 km to work. It's not a huge session but for the first day back into the world of activity i think it'll do.

    A swim would've been awesome but as i found out when packing for Perth I must've given my last pair of bathers to salvos and forgotten to replace them. I've ordered some on wiggle since they're on sale there and in Adelaide I won't find any chlorine resistant bathers my size for less than $60 at the moment.

    A bike ride would've been great too but my bike doesn't have a seat post at the moment and my new bike is stuck in the bike shop. The carbon seat post is jammed in there because the previous owner never greased it and rode in some wet weather. They are working on cutting the seat post down and soaking it in stuff to free it up so they can take it out. Until then - no bike.

    A run felt a bit too jarring this morning. Will run tomorrow with the RRs though. Will write more in my nest post a little later RE other health aspects I'm contemplating at the moment.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Ok so there is one aspect of my health i don't usually discuss but I figure in a way it is stupid to pretend it is something that can not be talked about and a factor for everyonje at some stage in their lives. i'm convinced of this even if people don't acknowledge it for themselves and well managed will help improve performance in all areas.

    I'm referring to mental health. All biological systems have to have something called homeostasis. Homeostasis is in ecological systems, your water and electrolytes and body temperature all have to have some homeostasis. Meaning small changes within a certain range can be buffered by the system and larger ones can not. If this homeostasis is displaced the system will either collapse or a new state of homeostasis (usually not an ideal one) is created. I'm not sure why some people miraculously think the human brain should behave differently.

    Some people think that you are weak to acknowledge any stress or depression etc. People often vow mind over matter as a solution to all things but what if it's your mind that is sabotaging you?

    Anyway, like many people I have met I did not imagine I would require any medical help to deal with phD stress but about 2 years ago i went to a coucellor for some advice in dealing with some difficult personalities and was recommended some medication.

    I think the stress had bumped me off of my natural level of 'morale' down several notches and while I continued to function enough to get by I really only operated at about 65%. I spent too much time feeling anxious, depressed, tired etc and probably worst of all helpless to change my situation. I believe the medication was crucial for turning that around for me.

    I have been told by a doctor that the brain can make miraculous recoveries yet it usally takes about a year. The medication provided naturally produced nueroreceptors that are known to be poorly produced by chronically depressed or anxious people. It didn't give me any artificial highs but it did allow me to feel the cloud over my head slip away after a few weeks. My situation career wise etc has picked up and the causes of my stress become much more managable since then and perhaps my skills for coping with stress also.

    The only problem is once you're on it you can't go off of it too suddenly. I guess your brain needs to adjust to making it's own chemicals again. I have tried weaning off of it before unsuccessfully. I got a lot of mouth ulcers (which i usually get if i don't take vitamin B) and started to get symptoms of anxiety again. Then I found out you're not meant to reduce your dose by any more than half a tablet a week (usually take 1 a day).

    So now i'm gradually reducing and have managed to reduce my dose by 1.5 tablets a week already. I'm happy with that. Yesterday I forgot to take my tablet. That is no biggie as my weekly dose can still work out to be about the same as it's meant to be. However I woke up after having nightmares all night feeling anxious.

    What turned it around for me was forcing myself out of bed for that walk. ironically i think this is very hard to do when feeling anxious. All i wanted to do was sleep in to the last moment and then face the day at work just on 9 am. I didn't want to face anything earlier than i was expected to do just for my own personal goal or health. Ironic it's the one thing we need the most when we're stressed that probably falls off first - exercise followed by the other things we need like adequate sleep and nutrition.

    Nutrition may be key i think. I heard recently that children with ADD have to supplement long term with magnesium and zinc as their main treatment over other drugs which are short term only. The reason for this is that farming land has been leached of a lot of vital nutrients over time and our food contains less vital components than it once did. It seems silly to think that this does not effect adults in some way too. Also the fact I (and others i've spoken to) get physical symptoms related to vitamin B deficiency when they try to come off the medication too quickly all seems to point to nutrition as being more key than we are taught.

    I'd also like to add that of all the people I have known with similar experiences they are motivated, educated people facing challenging long term stressful conditions - not people who choose to be lazy and 'weak'. Depression has a stigma as if it's a choice - somehow wimping out - but i think it's people who work hard and care enough about what they need to achieve who are most prone to it. You have to care about something for it to hurt if it seems unobtainable or slipping away.

    Anyway i have noticed some minor 'numbness' with the medication. I can function fully as a full time employee but the accute drive and motivation required to also do a part time PhD and train everyday has sometimes seemed to be lacking. That is part of my motivation for weaning myself off. I want to see if that is just something i have to build or something that will return as I wean off.

    Anyway before the walk I felt really anxious and two things helped - the walk itself and also something Andre said once that I remembered. I think eh was referring to fear during a bout and he said "just remember it's just a feeling". It's all too easy to start explaining reason you should feel anxious when you do. However when I remembered what Andre said i think that really made me step back and realize I have it pretty good at the moment and to come up with reasons for being anxious would be to imagine problems that may not exist and to just get myself worked up for no reason. I recommend that. It has made the rest of my day feel cheery when i could've slipped into a rut that would take days to get out of.

    A website about depression they recommend in Australia called 'beyond blue' recommends at least 30 mins of exercise a day. I've been aiming to stick to that for not only my mental but physical health. I have not succeed as yet but now I'm back in Adelaide with a predictable routine for a while hopefully I'll have more success!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    I've been working on adding to my aerobic base lately, as in, just started. I found down there in the spar already mentioned...that I was lacking the ability to go non stop start to finish. I've focused a lot on interval running, tabatas the explosiveness is there...but I did find myself getting winded. Would like to discuss this more with you at some point.

    But off again for another 12+ hr one way trip for round 2 of training on Thurs-Mon. Good luck with your continued training and keep the log going!
    It only just occured to me that perhaps your coaches can give you some ideas of how your boxing technique can be more economical when you're tired - perhaps just for a few seconds - before you go hard again. That would make good use of your interval training strength and only require a moderate aerobic base if done effectively.

    I'm not 100 % of your style as it is at the moment but if you use your angles a lot to make your opponent follow you and then step across at another angle just as they step you can counter punch easily without having to present or face a strong forward momentum. I tended to do that a lot sparring bigger people but if i was a heavier, stronger and more explosive person perhaps i wouldn't have trained that part of my technique as much. Of course if your strength is being explosive and strong and direct then go for it but it doesn't hurt to work the angles in between. Of course that's just a suggestion and for all I know you've been working your angles like a pro for years!

    Tonight walked another 6 kms towards home until it got dark and then caught the bus the rest of the way. Would've walked about 18 km all up today but it's late now so I'm not sure it's the best choice for times when I have to work extra hours. This week is busy since I have to make up flexi-time at work and i don't think i'm coming up with the most effective solutions so far!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    I've been working on adding to my aerobic base lately, as in, just started. I found down there in the spar already mentioned...that I was lacking the ability to go non stop start to finish. I've focused a lot on interval running, tabatas the explosiveness is there...but I did find myself getting winded. Would like to discuss this more with you at some point.

    But off again for another 12+ hr one way trip for round 2 of training on Thurs-Mon. Good luck with your continued training and keep the log going!
    It only just occured to me that perhaps your coaches can give you some ideas of how your boxing technique can be more economical when you're tired - perhaps just for a few seconds - before you go hard again. That would make good use of your interval training strength and only require a moderate aerobic base if done effectively.

    I'm not 100 % of your style as it is at the moment but if you use your angles a lot to make your opponent follow you and then step across at another angle just as they step you can counter punch easily without having to present or face a strong forward momentum. I tended to do that a lot sparring bigger people but if i was a heavier, stronger and more explosive person perhaps i wouldn't have trained that part of my technique as much. Of course if your strength is being explosive and strong and direct then go for it but it doesn't hurt to work the angles in between. Of course that's just a suggestion and for all I know you've been working your angles like a pro for years!

    Tonight walked another 6 kms towards home until it got dark and then caught the bus the rest of the way. Would've walked about 18 km all up today but it's late now so I'm not sure it's the best choice for times when I have to work extra hours. This week is busy since I have to make up flexi-time at work and i don't think i'm coming up with the most effective solutions so far!
    I believe you are right on the money about the conservation of energy part, and it is the one thing over all else I brought back from this last camp. Which is, my oh so very fancy footwork, is quite shit actually. While I move and dance all around the ring, I'm not doing it properly for both function and economy. Or of even strategy and effectiveness with things such as combos, moving in out. Can't see how angles wouldn't figure in also, as it is pretty much everything.

    So back to the drawing board we go! ...but I do still feel I need to consider the aerobic base in also...just that it will not really be the fix all I was thinking it would.

    So that was some damn good insight from the other side of the planet, my friend. Almost like you had a little bird with a big blabbering mouth following me this past 5 days.

    Wish I had something to help you back with, to manage flex-time, but I don't, so for now will just say - thanks.
    Last edited by Youngblood; 11-30-2010 at 05:08 PM.

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    I remember being very bouncy myself for a while. I'm sure you'll work it out and it will be natural for you soon enough. I think you're more helpful to me than you realise too just by being positive and encouraging. It means a lot thanks .

    This morning's gym session:
    10 mins on the rower
    Alternating 2 min rounds of skipping and the following:
    - footwork orthodox, footwork southpaw (2 rounds each)
    - shadow boxing orthodox (with little arm and hip movement warm-up), shadow boxing southpaw (x 2 each)

    Then with approx 30 secs break 4 rounds on the bag - untimed (can't see the clock from this part of the gym, really need to get myself a timer!)

    Technical Notes:
    - Found during the footwork i have become a bit automated in my footwork patterns in that i know if i am going to take two steps or one. This is a bad thing as when you're moving you want to be able to change your mind at any moment and i allowed myself to be too high on my toes and my body weight a little too far over the lead leg after the 1st step. That means i pretty much have to take another step to regain balance. Not good.
    - Going to work on allowing my weight to drop a little with good suspension through my knees and ankles etc.
    - Got my cross back! I think I was letting my elbow rise from my side a little too much as I threw the punch. I was trained to be able to throw a cross simultaneously to stepping with the right foot. I think this cross can't ever really be a very hard one as the rear foot needs to be anchored to get a good pivot in. It's also too easy to lean to the left too high over your hips and to throw something reminiscent of a sloppy overhand without that rear foot anchor.
    - Southpaw is much easier in shadow than on the bag! possibly because they've swapped the bag for a shorter lighter one that moves a lot and I'm just not fluent enough as a southpaw yet to keep up with the bag movement. Need to do more southpaw shadow.

    After that finished off with another round of shadow boxing, 3 sets of alternating counterweight chin ups and tricep dips, then 3 sets of seated row and shoulder press. Only stretching i had time for then was a stretch band cheat stretch. Wanted to more especially some core work but I had to get to work to make up flexi time. Felt good though even if I now have panzy arms!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    So Yesterday I didn't train. I had to start work early and had friends over for dinner in the evening. I planned it forgetting I had a lot of hours to work up this week - opps!

    I should say though even though this week has been a bit crappy I love flexi time. So many jobs out there you work long hours and they're never counted. Most jobs don't have very flexible shift times either. I get to come and go each day at non-specific times and if I let my work mates know I can take up to 2 whole days off a month and make up the time on other days. That works very well when we have public holidays for extra long - long weekends. It will be awesome when I can use it for recreation time rather than PhD meetings etc!

    This morning I ran with the road runners. Did about 10 km over small rolling hills - a combination of dirt tracks and streets.

    Some nutter in a hotted up black sports car decided to pull over and abuse all the runners going past. Apparently we're not registered vehicles and we shouldn't be on the road. I've heard that many times riding my bike places. Thing is it's not illegal to ride your bike on the road and registration is for vehicles with engines greater than human legs pumping that have far greater potential to kill someone or cause wear and tear to the road.

    As it is were running at 6 am - there are very few cars and we have time to get off the road if we see them - unless they're speeding well over the speed limit as this knob was when he approached us.

    Most of the runners just ran past ignoring him but John - one of the road runners who volunteers a lot to organize things for the group stopped to talk to him. Immediately i thought that was not a good idea so i stopped too in case i had to step in if this guy lost the plot completely. Luckily he just had a bit more of a rant and John handled it very professionally saying "we'll keep running here and there's nothing you can do about it have a nice day" basically.

    Thing is I'm a bit dissappointed with my instincts. I didn't get his rego number! WTF that's the first thing I should've done! Plus I stopped in case things got physical but i watched from the other side of the car.

    If he had gone into a sudden frenzy I would've gotten there way too late to prevent John from getting injured. Plus he'd see me coming which would've been bad for me since he was a big-ish guy. I should've walked around to quietly stand behind him. Apparently this guy has been frequently abusing the runners lately so hopefully I remember to do that if it happens again!

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    Default Re: Sharla's New Log - Attempting to Avoid Becoming A Slovenly Pig

    Saturday was another stinking hot day. I lazed around pathetically wishing i had my bathers so i could swim because even inside it was too hot to do anything else. Our home airconditioning policy seems to be to allow it to get at least as hot inside as it is outside - just to confirm that it is a very hot day - and then when you are extreemely uncomfortable turn the aircon on which is only in the living room. Then we all just fall asleep in there.

    Sunday looked like it was shaping up to be the same until i winged to someone and they leant me their bathers! Why didn't i think about that earlier!

    Sunday swim in a 50 m pool
    2 X 200m freestyle warm up
    2 X 100m backstroke normal
    2 X 100m backstroke drill with paddles - pausing with arm at top and then going back to meet other arm extended - a bit awkward trying to get my arms right - need to practice.
    6 X 100 m freestyle normal - strong/steady pace
    4 X 100 m freestyle with paddles
    1 X 100 m freestyle normal
    1 X 100 m backstroke
    2 X 200 m breastroke

    LOVED doing this out of the heat - was so much more productive afterwards!

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