I was thinking of Floyd's most dominating performances of late , Gatti - Zab-Baldomir.
1. He look like superman againest Gatti but now it unfolds that Gatti was possibly shot anyway , as the form since suggests.
2. Zab , well he is not and never was the fighter he was hyped up to be.
3. Baldomir , well he was a tough club fighter who beat....Zab and Gatti , hmmmmm is there a pattern here ?
Mayweather didnt dominate Castillo in either fight , well not totally , so that brings me to Ricky Hatton............................................ well he hasnt looked good against 2 of his last 3 oponants , but he is no mug either , i am going to bite the bullet and say Ricky Hatton does bring something to this fight. He has the ability to rough up Floyd and i think has a better chance with Floyd than with say Cotto , Floyd is not a big puncher in a Cotto mode.
Yes Mayweather is lightning fast but to dismiss Hatton completely is a mistake.
Yes i have to favour Mayweather but i am very interested in all your views guys , EVEN THOSE WHO THINK HATTON IS A BUM
I also think anyone who is not a Massive Mayweather fan would love to see someone shut his big mouth