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Thread: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

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    Default KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    hey guys! before i go into detail about the topic i would like to talk about the taylor fight and how i saw it.

    before the miranda fight i hadnt really seen a proper fight of pavlik. just heard his name, seen his HL, thats it. i thought he wont be able to take miranda's punch and miranda would be able to take his.
    in the fight though, pavlik showed a fighting spirit/toughness rarely seen these dayz. he seemed mentally tough, and took all miranda had to offer, he was like a man on a mission. mentally, he was solid, he had heart, determination, the lot. physically he is massive for a middleweight at 6'2ish and has freakish punching power cos of natural ability, build and proper technique!

    i saw two things in pavlik from the miranda fight (techincal things) that i liked. the first was his archie moore style defense/guard (which he used effectively against jermain taylor this morning) and his awesome punching power. now he said this himself and he couldn't have been more right "im a hard puncher, my punches may not look hard on tv put they really hurt my opponents" or somat along them lines.

    he throws the classic one-two combo perfectly. he uses the falling step to put all his weight behind his punches, he has a ram rod of a left jab cos of that step and a brutal right hand. the reaction of pavliks ko victims shows that his power is somat else, the way they fall is like they been shot.
    i have studied some of kelly pavliks fights and he has mastered the falling step, just as jack dempsey explains in his book championship fighting. he has long reach and makes the most of it by throwing his hardest punches (the straight punches). you cant get any harder than the straight right hand,

    cos 1) by doing the falling step you have got all you body weight in fast motion, and 2) you got a full waist twist which makes the punch devastating, pavlik does this brilliantly! by watching the miranda fight i noticed that you cant take straight punches from pavlik all night cos he puts everything into them, even IF THEY DONT LOOK HARD, THEY AWFUL! so i knew that no matter which middleweight supermiddleweight pavlik fights, he just needs to keep landing that basic one two and no matter how hard a chin you got you will fall, cos your body cant take stuff like that all night. also notice whoever he punches with that one two, just watch how perfect his technique is, and note how relaxed and effortless is....AND THE BIG THUDDING SOUND OF THE SHOTS. it doesnt look much on camera but it rocks em to their boots.

    the taylor-pavlik fight went exactly how i expected, apart from the knockdown. the knocdown happened cos he got caught with a good shot and decided to showboat and take more shots.

    i thought taylors speed would be a problem for pavlik, didnt think he would be able to hurt pavlik, cos taylor couldnt do fuck all to ouma a light middleweight, so whats he gonna do to a big middleweight who has taken punches from a beast called miranda.
    i gotta say that i could tell from the first 10 seconds that this is the best taylor and the best pavlik fighting. it jus made it more exciting for me cos i thought excuses for either men.

    at first taylors speed was bothering pavlik, pavliks timing defensively wasnt there YET. he got hurt in the second. recovered. showed true heart! notice how pavlik is bullying taylor with that battering ram of a jab (just like foreman did to frazier) he is stepping hard with that jab, increasing the power of it, often shooting a straight right behind the jab. and by now he had got his timing right (defensively) he was blocking nearly all the shots of taylor!, he was walking him down, with crab defense, and wam out that HEAVY one two combo!

    i was confident that if he recovered from that knockdown (which he did well) he would stop taylor later on. 1) cos i knew if he took 4 straight rights per round minimum, he will be ready to be knocked out in the tenth. 2) taylor has a habit of getting tired later on 3) he was already backing up cos of that battering ram of a jab and was in range for them powerful straight rights. and 4) cos he has his left hand low and was inviting pavlik to hit him with the right, its not like taylor is as good as james toney and use his defensive skills like the shoulder roll to counter that right.

    by the 6th i could tell taylors power was going down. by that stage i would have given him 4 more rounds of taking them straight jolts! jermain taylor would do good for awhile, head movement, and then he'd get hit with that one two and he'd stop doing anything, he'll jus back up, i could sense taylors power going down everytime pavlik landed. and then he'd carry on jabbing and moving.

    to my surprise them punches got to taylor sooner than i thought. i wasnt that surprised cos i thought the cause of stoppage would be accumulation of big right hands. it just happened sooner.

    i'd say kelly pavlik will be a force to be reckoned with for a while, he is a solid all-round fighter, he can fight any style. btw i think the calzaghe style would give him some problems if they were to fight, but that sort of style would trouble anyone!

    he punches really hard, one of the top ten p4p punchers today...easily!

    jus wondering if anyone else notice this when watching pavlik? the way he steps in with his punches, perfect timing, the punch lands at the same time as the foot (weight). if you have the proper technique then you can make it look effortless but still knock someone out. pavlik is a gifted middleweight cos of his reach he could hit guys with that one two all night, and i dont see anyone standing up to it, sooner or later them power punches will catch up to you!

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    First of all hooks or uppercuts are much harder punches than straight rights, because of how the arm is position and the leverage you can get with them.

    Second there are quite a few guys who hit harder than him p4p right now want some names? Rafael Marquez, Ponce De Leon, Pacquaio, Miranda(he was outlanded, outskilled by Pavlik), Miguel Cotto gets better leverage, Oscar's left hook. These are just a few people.

    Here are few other things that a perfect power puncher has that he doesn't.
    Head/body movement, explosive speed to get in, great chin, being able to land the punch nobody sees.

    Tyson, Hearns, lower weight Roy JOnes Jr, Julian Jackson, Dempsey, Louis, Robinson, etc, etc could all land that punch that would take you out immediately.

    Pavlik is a poor man's young Foreman. Which isn't bad at all, but definitely not the perfect punching machine.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    you hav your own opinion but i must say you make no sense. hooks and uppercuts are not the hardest punches, they very powerful, but you cant beat a straight right with the falling step and waist twist. when you throw a hook, you just have the waist twist. when you throw a uppercut, you have the waist twist and upward surge. niether are are as powerful as the straight right.

    come on man this is obvious. i mean pavlik has a long reach and throws mainly hard straight punches, if he threw hooks and uppercuts, they would look more devastating but not as powerful as a straight right. when you see oscar de la hoya knock someone out or arthur abraham, you see there head goin flying and you think a hook will be the powerful punch, yet it is the straight punches that are the proper power punches!

    i mean we see kelly pavlik throw a one two punch and then the guys starts wobbling, doesnt look brutal, but trust me the power is more than the hook.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    CC, pretty damn good post Lionman Pavlik might not be the prettiest fighter style wise, but he's a beast and at least comes to fight. After the knockdown he went straight back into the lion's mouth when alot of people wouldn't have. Like him or not, he's a fighter.
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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Taeth
    First of all hooks or uppercuts are much harder punches than straight rights, because of how the arm is position and the leverage you can get with them.

    Second there are quite a few guys who hit harder than him p4p right now want some names? Rafael Marquez, Ponce De Leon, Pacquaio, Miranda(he was outlanded, outskilled by Pavlik), Miguel Cotto gets better leverage, Oscar's left hook. These are just a few people.

    Here are few other things that a perfect power puncher has that he doesn't.
    Head/body movement, explosive speed to get in, great chin, being able to land the punch nobody sees.

    Tyson, Hearns, lower weight Roy JOnes Jr, Julian Jackson, Dempsey, Louis, Robinson, etc, etc could all land that punch that would take you out immediately.

    Pavlik is a poor man's young Foreman. Which isn't bad at all, but definitely not the perfect punching machine.
    Just because Pavlik tasted canvas doesn't mean he has a weak chin. He got caught with at least four very solid shots in that exchange, and a few more glancing blows - and popped straight back up. I'd call that a reasonably strong chin.

    As for being able to land the punch nobody sees, well - he's not exactly the classic Tysonesque power puncher. He's more the deceptively powerful type. He has a good jab that works beautifully for setting up the straight right - a good foundation for accumulating punishment. I agree he's not the prototypical one punch KO artist, but what he does works just fine

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Pavlik might not have speed, head movement and his haymaker is a straight punch instead of a hook or uppercut but all of these does not matter because he delivers and he is effective in knocking people out that includes Miranda and Jermaine taylor NEED I SAY MORE
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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    If it gets the job done, then it is powerful.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    I wouldn't call him the perfect power punching machine, but he is damn close. He needs a little better defense when throw some of his shots. At times he leaves himself too open for the counters. If he can do that, then maybe. But he is better than most at his power punches.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    i'd say he is the perfect power punching machine, cos COS defense has nothing to do with it. im talking purely about his offense.

    thanks for the cc LEGION, cc to 2 you too

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart Lacy
    you hav your own opinion but i must say you make no sense. hooks and uppercuts are not the hardest punches, they very powerful, but you cant beat a straight right with the falling step and waist twist. when you throw a hook, you just have the waist twist. when you throw a uppercut, you have the waist twist and upward surge. niether are are as powerful as the straight right.

    come on man this is obvious. i mean pavlik has a long reach and throws mainly hard straight punches, if he threw hooks and uppercuts, they would look more devastating but not as powerful as a straight right. when you see oscar de la hoya knock someone out or arthur abraham, you see there head goin flying and you think a hook will be the powerful punch, yet it is the straight punches that are the proper power punches!

    i mean we see kelly pavlik throw a one two punch and then the guys starts wobbling, doesnt look brutal, but trust me the power is more than the hook.
    You must know nothing about physiology. Hooks have way better follow up in terms of momentum and skeletal structure than any right hand has.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pavlik
    Pavlik might not have speed, head movement and his haymaker is a straight punch instead of a hook or uppercut but all of these does not matter because he delivers and he is effective in knocking people out that includes Miranda and Jermaine taylor NEED I SAY MORE
    Winky hurt Taylor in their fight, and Easton hurt Miranda in their fight. Enough said.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart Lacy
    i'd say he is the perfect power punching machine, cos COS defense has nothing to do with it. im talking purely about his offense.
    As for pure offense, yes. But i still believe you need defense to help in that catagory. He has decent defense, but it could be a little better.

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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    The word "machine" just doesn't fit for Kelly Pavlik if you ask me. Could you cast him as the evil robot assassin in Terminator 4?

    I am officially anti-pavlik. I look forward to his downfall more than any unbeaten fighter in the rankings. It's one of those cases where it's not the fighter himself but his fans that sicken you of him.

    I still think he is a KO waiting to happen with that vulture neck and button chin.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Taeth
    First of all hooks or uppercuts are much harder punches than straight rights, because of how the arm is position and the leverage you can get with them.

    Second there are quite a few guys who hit harder than him p4p right now want some names? Rafael Marquez, Ponce De Leon, Pacquaio, Miranda(he was outlanded, outskilled by Pavlik), Miguel Cotto gets better leverage, Oscar's left hook. These are just a few people.

    Here are few other things that a perfect power puncher has that he doesn't.
    Head/body movement, explosive speed to get in, great chin, being able to land the punch nobody sees.

    Tyson, Hearns, lower weight Roy JOnes Jr, Julian Jackson, Dempsey, Louis, Robinson, etc, etc could all land that punch that would take you out immediately.

    Pavlik is a poor man's young Foreman. Which isn't bad at all, but definitely not the perfect punching machine.
    Pavlik is nothing like young Foreman at all Pavlik uses a jab he uses straight punches young Foreman threw wild hooks and uppercuts plus Pavlik has a much better defence Foreman's defence was non existence.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: KELLY PAVLIK- The Perfect Power Punching Machine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Taeth
    Quote Originally Posted by Pavlik
    Pavlik might not have speed, head movement and his haymaker is a straight punch instead of a hook or uppercut but all of these does not matter because he delivers and he is effective in knocking people out that includes Miranda and Jermaine taylor NEED I SAY MORE
    Winky hurt Taylor in their fight, and Easton hurt Miranda in their fight. Enough said.
    Oh come off it Eastman had Miranda hurt only at the end of round 6 and Eastman has 42 wins and 35 KO's so i don't see your point.

    When did Winky really hurt Taylor ??

    Stop trying to discredit Pavlik.

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