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Thread: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

  1. #1
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    Default Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    This may bore you, but for those who can be bothered to read it - thanks

    I have suffered with weight gain and an ability to eat a normal diet for the best part of 18 years. In July 2006 having reached 22 stone 8 pounds (316 pounds) and after trying every diet under the sun I decided to do a very drastic low calorie diet (520 calories per day) called The Cambridge Diet. This basically consists of 4 milkshakes a day and nothing else but water (at least 6 litres per day) After 3 weeks you can substitute 1 shake for a nutrition bar. Anyway in 14 weeks I lost over 100 pounds. After finishing the plan, I managed to adjust to a new healthy balanced eating plan and sustained my weight for about 3 months, but then xmas came and I went off the ropes and never recovered, ballooning back up to 19 stone 3 pounds (269 Pounds) Again I tried all the diets, tried herbal remedies and even prescription diet pills. I then did Paul McKenna’s I can make you thin programme and finally resorted to hypnosis and had 5 sessions with a hypnotist who specialises in Weight Management and curing eating disorders. None of this worked, so out of desperation I went back to The Cambridge Diet. After 4 weeks I had lost 30 pounds and the through healthy eating over the next few weeks I lost another 24 pounds, taking me back to 215 pounds (which for my frame is a pretty good weight) Again I managed to sustain for approx 3 months and then again xmas came and history repeated itself. So now in March 2008 I’m back to 240 Pounds and spiralling completely out of control. I don’t exaggerate when I say I just cannot stop eating. It is actually quite a frightening compulsion I have and I just cannot seem to beat it. I know I need to lose this ‘Diet’ mentality and just eat a normal balanced diet, but I just cannot do it. Through all of this I have exercised massively and still go to the gym 5 teams a week. I would say I am pretty fit (running 4 miles in 34 minutes currently – which for a 17 stone guy aint bad) but I am just way too heavy. I need to get down to 195 pounds and stay there.

    So my plea, can anybody give me some advice on how to change my ways long term and beat this addiction?



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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    How old are you?

    How much of your weight is fat and how much is muscle?

    How tall are you?

    How often do you eat?
    Hidden Content Boot Hill, Where the Real Fights Are Fought.

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    How old are you?

    How much of your weight is fat and how much is muscle?

    How tall are you?

    How often do you eat?

    30% Body fat

    5 ft 11

    Very rarely stop!!

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Hey Big H, I just wrote a huge reply to this, but it didn't post for some reason. I'll try to remember it all here. Hopefully this helps, even a little (even though you made me change my avatar j/k).
    I had to deal with my own addictions in the past, and shaking them is not an easy thing to do. I know, for myself, it took a ton of effort and no one was able to help me or do it for me. My family spent literally tens of thousands of dollars trying to get me help, but nothing changed until I was able to take responsibility for my actions and stop blaming everyone and everything but myself (not saying you are doing this, its just how it was for me). Addictions, and the quitting of said addictions, are, in my experience, a very personal thing. What works for one person may not work for the next.
    Perhaps in your case seeking professional help might not be a bad idea. I know in my experience, I was very hesitant and embarrassed to seek help, but once I did, in retrospect, even though it did not result in the end of my addiction, it helped me a great deal, particularily in the early stages of quitting. There's certainlly no shame in getting help if you need it, but in my mind there is a shit load of shame in knowing you need help and not getting it.
    One thing that really helped me was taking responsibility for my own actions. Not to be overly critical, but by saying things like you "can't stop eating", you take responsibility out of your own hands. In fact, you've demonstrated in the past that you can in fact quit, as evidenced by all the diets etc. you've attempted and been successful at. I do know, however, that the longer this goes on, and the more times you relapse (for lack of a better word), the harder it gets.
    I'm going to break this into 2 posts so I don't have to re-write it all again.

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    You ever think of developing a drug habit? A couple of lines of coke or a few bowls of glass will kill your hunger pretty quick.

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    I had a friend who was by all apperances a completely hopeless drug addict, destined for an early grave. He found that by going to N/A support meetings and by seeking help that he was able to stop using, and he's now a successful actor (and a real dickhead, but that's irrelevant).
    One thing you need to know, as I'm sure you already do, is that this is a potentially (fuck potentially, its certainly) a fatal issue, one that if you do not get control of it, it will end your life. Again, I found that recognising this, and taking responsibility for the actions that brought me to the point I was at helped me immesurably.
    You should also know that you can stop and reverse this process. Many, many people have done it, so there is no reason you cannot. A professional could help you recognise what starts your eating binges etc and help you identify what "triggers" set you off. Support meetings also help a great number of people quit their addictions.
    I know in my case, I often (and at times unnecessarily) felt sorry for myself and hard done by, going to meetings and interacting with others who share you problem, often to a much worse degree, can be a huge benefit.
    Again, I know for myself, ending my addiction was a very personal thing that I had to do on my own, but I seem to be in the minority in this sense. Most people who have cured thier addictions seem to have sought help.
    Sorry, but I can only remember about half of what I wrote the first time, but if you want to PM me or something I'd be happy to share my experiences with you. Good luck man, you can do it. Try anything you can to stop, its that important, you do not want to die for it.

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Demise View Post
    You ever think of developing a drug habit? A couple of lines of coke or a few bowls of glass will kill your hunger pretty quick.
    Been there done that

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by CFH View Post
    I had a friend who was by all apperances a completely hopeless drug addict, destined for an early grave. He found that by going to N/A support meetings and by seeking help that he was able to stop using, and he's now a successful actor (and a real dickhead, but that's irrelevant).
    One thing you need to know, as I'm sure you already do, is that this is a potentially (fuck potentially, its certainly) a fatal issue, one that if you do not get control of it, it will end your life. Again, I found that recognising this, and taking responsibility for the actions that brought me to the point I was at helped me immesurably.
    You should also know that you can stop and reverse this process. Many, many people have done it, so there is no reason you cannot. A professional could help you recognise what starts your eating binges etc and help you identify what "triggers" set you off. Support meetings also help a great number of people quit their addictions.
    I know in my case, I often (and at times unnecessarily) felt sorry for myself and hard done by, going to meetings and interacting with others who share you problem, often to a much worse degree, can be a huge benefit.
    Again, I know for myself, ending my addiction was a very personal thing that I had to do on my own, but I seem to be in the minority in this sense. Most people who have cured thier addictions seem to have sought help.
    Sorry, but I can only remember about half of what I wrote the first time, but if you want to PM me or something I'd be happy to share my experiences with you. Good luck man, you can do it. Try anything you can to stop, its that important, you do not want to die for it.
    Really appreciate your advice mate - I think seeking help is the next step

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    You know there are many people unhappy with their body's state. Some feel they are too heavy, some too thin, others too scrawny. The body is judged by the mind, but silmeltaneously controlled by the mind. The mind dislikes the bodies appearence yet prevents and significant progress being made to alter the body. Why is this....

    Well, there are those who believe that any form of addiction is supressed depression. Those who drink excessively, smoke excessively, eat excessively, even have sex excessively are using their addiction as a crutch to attempt to hold in their own ill feelings. Depression is treatable when identified, not medically, it may be treatable simply by identifying the problem and altering that part of your life. Dep[ression is also commonly misunderstood, people assume it is triggered by people who have had significant troubles or losses in their pasts, when in reality nearly everyone in the human population has to deal with it at some stage in their lives.

    Kicking the addiction will be easy once you identify the reason for the addiction.

    As regards to the weight loss, it can be done.
    Start a log today, record your weight. No goals just your current weight.
    In this log record the physical exertions you undergo, the sacrifices you make daily and the effort you put in.
    In one month, look back over the summation of your efforts and bask in the feeling of achievement. Then reflect on next month, how can you improve? Are there any details you need to include exclude, can you sacrifice a little more
    Trust me this will help....

    The best of luck with thus man, I truely hope you can find a way to,achieve happiness

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by hitmandonny View Post
    You know there are many people unhappy with their body's state. Some feel they are too heavy, some too thin, others too scrawny. The body is judged by the mind, but silmeltaneously controlled by the mind. The mind dislikes the bodies appearence yet prevents and significant progress being made to alter the body. Why is this....

    Well, there are those who believe that any form of addiction is supressed depression. Those who drink excessively, smoke excessively, eat excessively, even have sex excessively are using their addiction as a crutch to attempt to hold in their own ill feelings. Depression is treatable when identified, not medically, it may be treatable simply by identifying the problem and altering that part of your life. Dep[ression is also commonly misunderstood, people assume it is triggered by people who have had significant troubles or losses in their pasts, when in reality nearly everyone in the human population has to deal with it at some stage in their lives.

    Kicking the addiction will be easy once you identify the reason for the addiction.

    As regards to the weight loss, it can be done.
    Start a log today, record your weight. No goals just your current weight.
    In this log record the physical exertions you undergo, the sacrifices you make daily and the effort you put in.
    In one month, look back over the summation of your efforts and bask in the feeling of achievement. Then reflect on next month, how can you improve? Are there any details you need to include exclude, can you sacrifice a little more
    Trust me this will help....

    The best of luck with thus man, I truely hope you can find a way to,achieve happiness
    Appreciate your advice mate

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG H View Post
    Appreciate your advice mate
    Well, it may be worth very little, but if I can help in any tiny way, lemme know.

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG H View Post


    30% Body fat

    5 ft 11

    Very rarely stop!!

    Hmmmm, Do you do alot of drinking?

    You don't need a diet, what you need is too change what you eat (type of food) and when you eat it (set times during the day) and how much. ( 1 Wooper in stead of 3)

    I will be 50 in a few months, used to weight around 215 to 220 last year, currently weight around 190. Went from eating 2 meals a day to 3 meals a day with snacks and went down to about 180. Been cheating lately, thats why the weight has gone back up on me. Also do not exercise as much as the doctors want me to.

    6' ft

    Not sure of the body fat ( mostly in the mid section) Never been toned. (Six-Pack)
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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Hmmmm, Do you do alot of drinking?

    You don't need a diet, what you need is too change what you eat (type of food) and when you eat it (set times during the day) and how much. ( 1 Wooper in stead of 3)

    I will be 50 in a few months, used to weight around 215 to 220 last year, currently weight around 190. Went from eating 2 meals a day to 3 meals a day with snacks and went down to about 180. Been cheating lately, thats why the weight has gone back up on me. Also do not exercise as much as the doctors want me to.

    6' ft

    Not sure of the body fat ( mostly in the mid section) Never been toned. (Six-Pack)
    Cheers mate - I know what I need to know I just can't do it! Sounds like a cop out, but it's very real.

    Well done on your weight loss though fella.

    Been to the doc today and getting referred, so hopefully I can get something sorted

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    As regards mentality, It's tough to get motivated to completely abandon all luxury, good food and drink, but if you give yourself legitimate encouragement you should be able. Is there anyone apart from yourself, you'd like to lose the weight for?

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    Default Re: Big H needs your help (non boxing related)

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG H View Post
    This may bore you, but for those who can be bothered to read it - thanks

    I have suffered with weight gain and an ability to eat a normal diet for the best part of 18 years. In July 2006 having reached 22 stone 8 pounds (316 pounds) and after trying every diet under the sun I decided to do a very drastic low calorie diet (520 calories per day) called The Cambridge Diet. This basically consists of 4 milkshakes a day and nothing else but water (at least 6 litres per day) After 3 weeks you can substitute 1 shake for a nutrition bar. Anyway in 14 weeks I lost over 100 pounds. After finishing the plan, I managed to adjust to a new healthy balanced eating plan and sustained my weight for about 3 months, but then xmas came and I went off the ropes and never recovered, ballooning back up to 19 stone 3 pounds (269 Pounds) Again I tried all the diets, tried herbal remedies and even prescription diet pills. I then did Paul McKenna’s I can make you thin programme and finally resorted to hypnosis and had 5 sessions with a hypnotist who specialises in Weight Management and curing eating disorders. None of this worked, so out of desperation I went back to The Cambridge Diet. After 4 weeks I had lost 30 pounds and the through healthy eating over the next few weeks I lost another 24 pounds, taking me back to 215 pounds (which for my frame is a pretty good weight) Again I managed to sustain for approx 3 months and then again xmas came and history repeated itself. So now in March 2008 I’m back to 240 Pounds and spiralling completely out of control. I don’t exaggerate when I say I just cannot stop eating. It is actually quite a frightening compulsion I have and I just cannot seem to beat it. I know I need to lose this ‘Diet’ mentality and just eat a normal balanced diet, but I just cannot do it. Through all of this I have exercised massively and still go to the gym 5 teams a week. I would say I am pretty fit (running 4 miles in 34 minutes currently – which for a 17 stone guy aint bad) but I am just way too heavy. I need to get down to 195 pounds and stay there.

    So my plea, can anybody give me some advice on how to change my ways long term and beat this addiction?


    Hi just thought i would give some support in a way i kanda know what you are going through my best freind has suffered this problem for years, i think the positive with you and yes there is one she has never attempted to diet. I may be able to put her into perspective because i have known her for years and know nothing about you. she has had 3 children this is when the weight piled on her husband works long hard hours and she is left alone for most of time now the kids are gone. She tells me she is bored but is to big to do anything else but eat she started to walk the dog every morning that only lasted 1 week because she had no one to walk with, she was out of breath and her blood preasure was through the roof. i am rambling a bit but what i am trying to say you are really trying to beat this i think with some good advsie from a proffesional you will get through it. Please get help as soon as possible my friend is haveing surgery next month to staple her stomache and to be honest i do not think it will work as she has reached the point of no return very sad situation, the doctors told her she must be on a liquid diet for 3 months after the surgery i asked her to start with this diet now to get her in the swing she did it for 2 days then went back to eating enormous amounts of food she gained 3 kilos in the period over christmas. hope this helps and i know reading about you, you can do it.

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