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Thread: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

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    Default How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    Having debated with many white supremacists all my life, the likes of @brocktonblockbust, @El Kabong and @walrus over the years these are the most common tactics they and others will use.

    Blame-shifting – This is their number one tactic. Blacks like to use the race card. Blacks cry racism and blaming whitey. Blacks are to blame for their own mess.

    Anything but race – Racism is over. There must be some Logical Explanation that has nothing to do with race.

    Ad hominem – question a commenter’s intelligence, character, age or motives.
    Whites are individuals – so you cannot make general statements about whites. Besides, that would be racist.

    “Blacks are racist too” – but they do not like to admit it. Find a case where a black person did something just as bad as what they are pointing out.

    “You are the racist one” – turn the tables.

    “I am offended” – how dare they call you a racist! You do not see a person’s colour – they could be purple for all you care!

    Arab trader argument – whites are not as evil as black people like to think. For example, it was not just white people who traded slaves: Arabs did it too! Few blacks know that, so make sure to point that out whenever you can.

    “But that happened to me too!” – whatever blacks complain about, try to find a case where a white person – you, a friend, someone in the news – experienced the same thing.

    Point out how “ghetto” and disagreeable black people are – because they are and it needs pointing out. No wonder no one gets along with them!

    Blacks need to be colour-blind – if they just stopped seeing race and talking about it so much then racism would go away.

    Start quoting rape statistics – out of the blue, if necessary. Rates of imprisonment are good too.

    The white inventor argument – whites invented everything so shut up already.

    Demand proof – Make them prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with facts and figures. Find holes in whatever facts they present. Find counter-facts.

    Make it about the past – and point out that your family never owned slaves. When are they going to stop living in the past?

    Go back to Africa – if it is so bad here, then go back to Africa already!

    Bootstrap – I made it on my own without help from anyone. Blacks expect something for nothing!

    Some of my best friends are black – so there is no way I am racist!

    Might makes right – all through history.

    Blacks people have the lowest IQ - This often said by the more advanced white supremacist. When white supremacists debate they say things RIGHT UP UNTIL it's clearly a racist statement. So they won't say "Black people are stupid" but they will say "Blacks have the lowest IQ" they won't say "Blacks are violent" but they will try and prove via so called crime stats they are black people are more violent. I will debate any stormfronter, any Jared Taylor, Tomi Lahren ANY OF THEM on this IQ thing.

    But what matters most is white people and their feelings, particularly about feeling good living in a racist society.

    By the way big respect To Colin Kaepernick for sitting down during the US National Anthem

    Last edited by denilson200; 08-29-2016 at 09:04 PM.

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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    When it comes to IQ, I struggle to see how it is racist to point out the there are variances in the measurement of IQ. I have no qualms with the fact that East Asian people have a higher average IQ than other races or with the fact that Ashkenazi Jews appear to have the highest IQ of all races. Admittedly it is not politically correct to say as much, but there are different theories why this may be so. My own perception is that education is taken far more seriously in East Asian countries and mathematics is for example studied to a significantly higher level than in the West at a young age. Kids can be studying from 9am until midnight with a variety of public and private schooling and it is pretty extensive. Is it racist to say that a young Asian schoolkid has a better level of mathematics than I ever attained? Not at all, standards are lower in the West. So, by logical extension you would have to assume that intelligence is something that can be attained, though not always as evidenced by the likes of George Osborne. Is it racist to say that under privileged working class white people tend to achieve less when it comes to academia than those who have been born into wealthier families and been given access to private teachers and private schooling? It's not an absolute, but it is a reasonable logical extension to make. Of course someone with guidance and access to quality tutoring is in all probability going to do better than the poor white kid from the council estate. See that isn't racial at all. It is economic and societal.

    You are going to get very intelligent people from any race and any class, but I think there are barriers that get put in place because of broken families, poverty and a lack of opportunity. If you want to improve IQ in a group, then you have to maintain strong family, increase wealth so that good education can be provided (can be state or private, but it must be invested in) and provide suitable outlets for that education to flourish and nourish society at large.

    You are obviously an intelligent person, Denilson and I respect that. I can see that you have read interesting source material and work at your understanding of the world. I agree with you on many points too, but I am not particularly racist. I am just realistic when it comes to seeing how poverty, the destruction of family and lack of focus on education can compromise people. I admire how the family unit is strong in Asian families and how education is given such priority. It doesn't matter what race you are for that to happen, but it is cultural. Asians tend to do well wherever they go including in the West. It is a fact that black families have been decimated and increasingly poor white working class families too. Those are serious obstacles and people can die or get killed before ever even realising where it has gone wrong.

    It is more difficult to study well when your peer group frowns upon it and where standards are reduced and you are struggling with identity because of how you were raised. I get that. Try to reduce the chip on your shoulder. To be stuck into the blame game and an obsession with race is reductive and also doesn't accept a few realities. If there are difference in IQ it is better to analyse why and see what can be done to improve that situation. Personally, I think it is something that can be overcome because it is arguably societal rather than genetic.

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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    When it comes to IQ, I struggle to see how it is racist to point out the there are variances in the measurement of IQ.
    Well because if anyone is saying black IQ is lower because blacks are “naturally” less intelligent. THAT’S an exceptionally radical statement that needs exceptionally radical proof to back it up – proof which I have never seen because if anyone is trying to say that IQ is a genetic or biological product of race then the very first thing they need to do is define race as a genetic or biological product.

    But I always, sit back, invite them to give such a definition. Mainly because their fumbling attempts to define race point out just how subjective such definitions are.

    In close to a decade of debating race with racists. I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific credentials, offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

    It’s not enough to say “Black IQ is lower. Now prove me wrong !!”

    Then I’ll say to you “What is a black person ?” because there is more genetic difference within races than between. So you maybe more genetically similar to a black Masai in Kenya than to your white boss. This is why bone marrow transplants work

    In neurology no one takes IQ seriously. It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important. Because the public is only concerned with what feels like it should be true rather than what is actually the case in reality.

    Another thing how come they never use IQ within races ? Who are the dumbest group of white people ?

    If there is enough genetic difference for white people to have different hair colour, eye colour and different average height, then why not intelligence?

    The answer is because this is not science, it’s politics—and to ask that question does not serve the political goals of racist Whites.

    They don’t want to face the idea that THEY might belong to the dumbest group of White people in their little hierarchy, so they theorize that “Whiteness” simply makes all Whites just as capable, and all Blacks equally disadvantaged.

    The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics. They are

    1) Facial structure
    2) Skin colour
    3) Hair texture.

    Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome and those genes have never been shown by any geneticist on the planet, any biologist on the planet, to be connected, or what geneticists call “concordant,” with any other trait known as intelligence.

    And NO - It’s not because we are all the same

    It’s clear that different cultures around the world define and express themselves quite differently. These differences are not initiated on the genetic level. We acknowledge that human beings adapt to their geography to some extent – but not enough to become different *kinds* of human beings.

    Now, if someone chooses to call the differences in groups “races” it stretches the original meaning of the word. But let’s accept that for a moment. Since there are many people out there who want races so badly, then I shall give them to them.

    But they're going to need more races (based on genetic variance) than they culled off in the past centuries. And the races won’t be arbitrarily colour-coordinated. There will be several European races, many Asian races, and a large number of African races.

    But if they still assume “race” as a biological subspecies they would have to assume a taxonomic hierarchy within the human species.

    Even Darwin already extrapolated that such hierarchy is incompatible with evolution theory.

    The only living subspecies of the species Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens sapiens. That is current scientific knowledge. And it is very likely to remain the only one, unless Sasquatch or the Yeti decide to walk into a science lab for a DNA test one day.

    Fact is - No human being can be baked down to a number. That is why racists do not drive their arguments to their logical conclusions:

    If IQ is so important and so trustworthy, then why not say "Fuck it" and give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I have no qualms with the fact that East Asian people have a higher average IQ than other races or with the fact that Ashkenazi Jews appear to have the highest IQ of all races.
    Of course you don't have a problem with that because you are not living under system of Asian Supremacy because saying black people are stupid or lower IQ is not really the issue.

    The issue is that statement takes place against a backdrop of systemic and institutional racism. And that backdrop–of housing and job discrimination, racial profiling, unequal health care access, and a media that regularly presents blacks in the worst possible light makes IQ statements take on a bigger meaning. Now if Asian people could do any of that to whites. you better believe you'd have problem with them saying "white people are not that smart"

    Also whites will say something like, “Asians may have higher IQs, but whites are more inventive.” So that’s their way to sort of get around the Asian IQ roadblock and maintain white supremacist ideology. Not to mention that Asian men are not a threat to white masculinity the way black men are.
    Last edited by denilson200; 08-29-2016 at 10:54 PM.

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest


    Oh yeah, Colin Kaepernick, the guy raised by 2 white adopted parents because Colin's black father ran away. I'd like to have him lecture me on the issue of race.....HA

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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    My conclusion was essentially that IQ ends up being a correlation between a stable upbringing, sufficient educational support and a society that nurtures the capacity for intelligence. It is down to culture and economics. Some argue it is down to genetics, but I prefer to view it as cultural, societal and plain old have and have not tuition. Most cannot afford it in the West. Well some can, but some societies save and put everything into schooling instead of family holidays. There are many exceptions to these patterns though. Plenty of poor, educated people out there too but they typically have more obstacles to overcome.

    I face obstacles because of race and know what it is like to be demonised in the media. But I ignore it and just try to be a decent person and people see that. For me the UK is more discriminatory against my wife who won't get a visa there until I prove my income for 2 years. This despite her being educated, English speaking etc. Meanwhile this far more tolerant place will even let me bring my Mum if I wanted to. Many of us are facing racism too in some form or other. It's an issue. I do think blacks have a lot against them, but things like not choosing a suitable father figure are reckless and a form of self sabotage.

    People need to go back to the basics of family and start it all again. It hasn't gone well and that just seems to be the reality.

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    To be fair, I haven't read any of your drivel above because I can't be bothered. But 2 things strike me.......
    1. I remember you once stating that 95% of your posts were not race related. I'm currently finding that very hard to believe!
    2. Despite me tagging you in on one of my posts, you still failed to answer my question about the Ryan Lochte incident and where it said the Brazilian cops involved were Black.
    I know why you didn't reply, it's because you HAVE NO ANSWER!!
    And as far as I'm concerned, the very fact that you ASSUMED that those cops were Black is a form of inverted Racism by yourself. You automatically went down the White US Swimmer/ Black cop route without one single thought that those cops could've been White. You insulted Black Brazilians more by doing that than any other thing that happened.
    Looks like I've done you again!! Have a good day! 😂😘

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    Denilson won't accept a view that black IQ is lower but accepts the view they are superior.


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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    I just can't argue with @denilson200 anymore now that I found out he is gay.

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    Default Re: How To Argue Like Suspected White Supremacist

    Plus I'm too busy enjoying my white privelelege. Today is free gas for white people day at the local gas stations, god it's great to be white

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