For all of you, what kind of training/workout routines (centered around boxing) did you do?

@ the moment, this is what mine looks like:

-Jump Rope for 2 minute round
-Shadow box (slow to medium speed straight punches) for 2 minutes
-Crunches, leg lifts, and side crunches
-Clapping pushups
-1 minute waterbreak

Repeat routine but with medium to fast straight punches for shadow boxing

-Jump Rope for 3 minute round
-Shadow box (medium to fast speed sweeping punches, hooks and uppercuts)
-1 minute water break

-Shadow box (medium to fast speed all punches)
-1 minute water break

Then I finish off with heavy bag work; 2-3 minute rounds x 3 rounds with 1-2 minute rest in between <-- I'm definitely working on increasing the # of rounds.

I do this on my off lifting days (tuesday, thursday) as Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my lifting days; if I feel like boxing on a lifting day, I do about half of what I posted.

My roadwork is just my regular cardio running, I admit it's a bit irregular, as I do them whenever I have time; for the most part I try to run anywhere from 2-3 days a week (most definitely not on Friday after legs workout ).&#160; My cardio usualyl includes stadium stairs @ an extremely vigorous pace, or HIIT sprints.