Usually when some one walks by with their head cocked to the side with their hand over their neck, they'll usually say, "I must've slept on it wrong." Although I can't laugh it off, mine must be the funnier variety.

Early this morning while typing away at my computer, my neck was turned at a slight angle when suddenly I sneezed 3 times in a row. On the third sneeze it was as if an invisible screwdriver was jammed into the side of my neck. Ah, you know that feeling...

With my neck turned and slightly bent, my neck muscles were in awkward and prestretched position and being as it was early in the morning, they weren't warmed up to take a beating. Now I got the notorious crick in the neck, the worst one that I've ever felt.

Going for a run afterwards felt like an act of Braveheart, I was tempted on yelling "Freeeedom" everytime the stabbing bain surfaced. What ticks me off is that I had a hard workout planned later, and now all I can think of is how I can get over it sooner.

All I can think of is trying to relieve the inflamation, take boiling hot showers when that's taken care of and listen to "Time" by Pink Floyd.

Now if any of you have a magic bullet short of an Evangelical Minister's faith healing that will help me get over it faster, then please by all means tell me.