Yoga and Ayurveda are two distinct gems to humankind which remained buried for many centuries. Yoga is now fairly accepted as a good method for meditation and exercise that strengthens mind, body and soul. Ayurveda too emphasis the importance of strengthening mind, body and soul.

Vedic time presentations, yoga and Ayurveda share the same goal of ensuring a healthy mind, healthy body and healthy soul. Both yoga and Ayurveda texts are written in Sanskrit and by yogis and acharyas. Yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable as elements of yoga practices can be found whenever Ayurveda talks about Ayurvedic Treatments, body health, healthy lifestyle, daily routines, etc. Yoga can be said as the meditation and exercise portion of Ayurveda. Different yoga positions also have specific effects on tridoshas. Yoga postures act as a method of flushing out toxins (Ayurvedic term ama).

What do you think about the concept of panchabhoota creation in both the sciences? What is the significance of the occurrence of the direction to take only as much food as your body requires?

While Ayurveda is more about yoga is more about mental power, emotional stability and pleasant feeling of mind. Directions of both Ayurveda and yoga are to keep a lifestyle close to nature. When combined, yoga and Ayurveda are mutually complementing.

Take a close look at the directions of Ayurveda and yoga regarding lifestyle, thoughts, food and hygiene practices; you will find they are the same in both. See the concepts of psychology in both the sciences closely merging with each other.

This all lead us to the fact that yoga and Ayurveda have emerged for attain not similar, but same goals.