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Thread: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

  1. #1
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    Default Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Hypnosis & stepping up your game

    okay first of all, this is very messy. I've just written it in my spare time at work. Â Given a lot of time I could set it out a lot better and explain the ideas a lot more but I think we're all smart here, and it's not hard to see how to follow these idea's and easy to see how they can benifit any of us. Â I also havn't gone over grammer & i'm sure their will be spelling mistakes and odd words in here and there.
    Secondly, I know it sounds like a dumb thing 'self hypnosis' especially to improve boxing skills. Â But when you consider that every single thing you do inside & outside the gym is a direct product of your brain, it makes a bit of sense for it to be 100% in tune with being the best boxer you can be. Â For the top boxers, this is probably a lot easier than most of us. Â They box for a living, & make a lot of money doing it. Â They have world class trainers pushing them, and them alone, every single day. Â If they perform, they get paid millions for it. Â For a lot of us though, we're fitting in boxing training with work & family and money commitments & everything else that pops up in our hectic lives. Â It can be hard to wake up 2 hours earlier than your peers every day to go for a run. Â Or to get home from a hard day at work and put in another few hard hours at the gym, and on top of that, we won't to train as best week can. Â No half hartedly because our boss was breaking our balls especially hard today. But we manage to do all this because we love it. Â That's why I know that everyone who adds this part of mental training into their daily routine will be able take their boxing to another level. Â They will box better. Â They will train harder. And most of all, they will enjoy what they are doing more. Â And the best part is all this will happen without having to add a single physical thing to your training routine. Â In fact, relaxing while doing this is the best way to acheive results.

    Okay now here's where I ask for your credit card details and offer a once only time price of $19.95 for this secret training breakthrough that will turn you into Ali..
    haha, i'm just kidding. (althouh coincedently some websites do charge for this sort of thing)

    Anyway, back to business..

    First of all you'll need a computer.
    Second. A microphone. (any crappy one will do)
    Third, a program on your computer which you can record your voice.
    Forth, a program that converts computer audio files onto cd.
    Fifth (optional) an audio file editing tool.

    Most new computers come with all this sort of stuff but all can be found online as well.

    Now, what you need to do is record yourself saying a number of lines.
    Basically they will revolve around boxing as this is the area in which you are trying to improve.
    Here's a few examples.

    0. Â I am never afraid of the guy who looks stronger in the gym, because my heart is stronger.
    1. Â I am never afraid of the faster guy in the gym because my brain is faster.
    2. Â I'm a skilled craftsman when it comes to boxing, and I use my skills to come out on top.
    3. Â I train like the best because I am the best. Â I know it and soon everyone else will know it.
    4. Â When sparring, I never let my opponent control the tempo of the fight. Â I'm always in control & let my opponent know it.
    5. Â I'm quick and agile around the ring.
    6. Â My defence is rock solid, and when my opponent punches, I always make him miss one way or another.
    7. Â I'm always confident when I step into the ring. Â I am a warrior going into battle and nothing will sway my resolve to win.
    8. Â When I feel like it, I can make my opponent looksilly with my boxing skills.
    9. Â I love pain while training hard & I love the soreness I get the next day.
    10. Â When I get tired at training, it only inspires me to push myself harder than anyone else in the gym.
    11. Â I'm in the gym because I want to be the best.
    12. Â Im training because i'm the fastest and toughest f*cker out their, and i'm going to show everyone.
    13. Â I can't be stopped in the ring. Â Every punch or blow to the head and body only strengthens my determination in the ring.
    14. Â I dont feel the pain of punches.
    15. Â I'm an expert at finding my opponents weaknesses & exploiting them.
    16. Â If my opponent doesn't expose any weaknesses, I will create them.
    17. Â If my opponent is known for being fast, i'm faster.
    18. Â If my opponent is known for being skilled, i'm more skilled.
    19. Â Inside & outside I treat everyone with respect, because I respect everyone.
    20. Â I respect everyone because I know they can give me a good match, but no matter what I will always come out on top.
    21. Â I have the speed & agility of a Floyd Mayweather.
    22. Â I have mental and physical toughness of a Gatti to go the distance with anyone.
    23. Â I have the charisma in the ring of a Roy Jones JR.

    Okay, you all get the picture now. Â Now tell me, while reading over all of those, did you feel even the least bit inspired?

    I mean, you could just record 20 messages alone on what at expert you are at using the jab in fight situations. The ideas are endless.

    Basically what you do is just record yourself saying all of these. Â You use the word "I" in the sentence because that's how you speak inside your brain.. Â You can listen to this c.d on the way to the gym in the car, through an mp3 player while out for a run, but the best time is while your falling asleep. Â Just pop the headphones in and listen to your voice while you go to sleep.. Hit repeat and let it all soak into your head while your sleeping...

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Even after the 1st day of this you'll find your commitment & determination & even skills rise up to a level they've never been before. It is an amazing thing how powerful your brain is. And when you BELEIVE you can move faster than you ever have, chances are you will. I mean, it's not hard to imagine the affects having all these thoughts implanted into your brain will have on you & your training.
    Anywayz, it's up to you guys if you want to give this a try. I've done it in other aspects of my life & it works absolute wonders. And doesn't take any effort at all really once you've done the initial recording. And just the experience it gives you when your in the gym & your mind is hightened to another level is just something that is priceless. You really do feel like a world class quality boxer. And suddenly you start to behave like it. Whether your on the mitts, in the ring sparing, or on the heavy bag. I've also found this is the only way to really implant feelings of greatness into your brain & carry them over into your training with such ease.
    Probably the absolute best use for it though is right before a fight. The few days leading up to it and the day before & even right before the fight.. The usual times when doubt starts to set in and you find the mind games taking over... "i've never fought this guy before, how will I know what do do". "I havn't trained hard enough and he's going to run circles around me". "what if all my training goes out the window as soon as I get a good one to the head". "i'm going to feel humiliated in front of my family and friends". "what if I get seriously hurt".... Surely 99% of fighters out there have at least some negative thoughts go through there head before a fight, whether it's their 1st or 100th. And it is absolutely well known throughout the fighting world, that the results of a fight can completely come down to who came with the mindset that they'd already one, & who came mentally prepared for the fact they may fail...
    Wouldn't the best words you could be drilling into your head before a fight be "I'm an expert in the ring, I have trained hard, I have practiced hard, and i'm a warrior ready for battle". "No matter who this guy is, i'm 100% prepared to expose every single one of his weakness". "Everyone has weaknesses and i'm going to expose them". "Even if I did have a weakness in the ring, I will never let my opponent expose it or take advantage of it. It is hidden beneath my mental and physical toughness". "as soon as that bell sounds, the rest of the world will fade away, and I go to work making my opponent look foolish". "I only get stronger with every hit I take". "My punches get twice as hard on fight night, and my opponent will feel every one of them". "I am a rising star and no one, NO ONE is going to stop me, especially this guy!".

    I'd also like to mention this same hypnosis goes for anything in your life, from quiting smoking or some other addiction, to being more commited to your partner, to being a better manager at work, to being a better guitar player, to becoming and expert at remembering peoples names.. Have to make an important presentation in front of 40 people, but you completely sh!t your pants being up in front of an audiance? Record 20 positive things about speaking in front of people like "I am a positive, confident person & maintain my composure 100% when in front of people".. basically anything, just make up 20 - 30lines which absolutely encorage the behaviour you want to acheive..
    If you're usually a shy person, record 20 lines like "I am an amazing wonderful person and everyone is lucky to be around me". "I find it easy to make conversation with people & people are always interested in what I have to say". Anyway, the uses for it are endless. Most of the time the differences in people's confidence come right down to how their mind works. 2 Identical guys could be standing in a group of people. One might be silent because he thinks he's ugly and has nothing that anyone would be interested in hearing & everyone will judge him if he opens his mouth. While the other has the group encapsulated by his chatter, simply because his brain is telling him, "all these people are dying to hear what i'm saying. I don't care what people think of the way I look because I'm happy with it..
    Another thing -- Money!!! for most of it's hard to come by, and even harder to keep. Record a heap of lines like "I am a money magnet, it seems to grow without me even doing anything". "I am an expert saver and only make purchases when I have thought them out". stuff like that.. and after a while, watch as some how you've changed the way you think about money & how it some how magically grows and stays with you... Someone with depression would probably benifit a lot more from playing 50 positive message to themselves each night rather than a few pills a day to forget they're depressed. Why not turn their thoughts around so their brain tells them they are HAPPY. Happier than everyone around them becuase they have so many great qualities & opportunities..
    blah blah blah, I could go on forever so i'll just end here as i'm sure you all get what i'm saying. Sorry this is so long too, but I really want you guys to realise how much can be taken from this exercise. Everyone is striving to be a better human being and get more out of life, and this helps that a LOT. In any area of your life. Not just boxing. Hey, even become an expert at picking up girls? (or boys)..

    Sorry if this all sounds preachy too, usually I tune out big time when it comes to crap like this, and feel like a goof typing all this, but it's definetly something to consider... And it definetly works without a doubt.. And everyone has something in their life they feel the are not confident about and would benifit from that added confidence. And EVERYONE has another level of their boxing game that is waiting to be tapped into via a powerful boxing mindset.

    please post any feedback or questions or critisizms you may have as I welcome any discussion. It would be much more appreciated though if some of you could give this a try for a week & tell me how it works for you. This website is all about helping people to improve their boxing skills & training and I definetly beleive this can take you a BIG step forward.


    Also if anyone see's an interest in me making this a pure instructional article in PDF format for download on the net anytime, please let me know and i'll see what I can do.
    If their is interest also, I may start a webpage with a huge list of positive lines people can add to, or take for their own recordings.
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    One FINAL note. Anyone with a bit of creativity can download a .wav editor and add a slight echo to their voice, or have a message play in the right ear and another in the left ear (this still works). Also I added some relaxing music in the background which helps your mind relax and really soak up all the positive messages.
    I could even post a few of my recordings if anyone is interested. Although it is 100% best if it is your own voice "convincing" your brain of these things, it will still work if someone else has recorded these messages... But it's surely not as powerful as who does anyone trust more than themselves?
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    You say you wrote this during your spare time?

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    really great post man i printed it off so i could try it when i get my mp3 player out of my car.

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Great post. I would cool click ya if I could. I too am a big believer in the power of the mind and will definitely try this.

    What's funny is I find myself saying things like this while I'm running and want to stop (I hate running). I'll start saying, "Come on Josh, you wanna win that fight in september?" etc. But if I record it I can hear these things without screwing up my breathing pattern.

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Very nice post. Ima have 2 try this when I get back from school

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    gonna be very useful for sure. My question is, is it really true that while your sleeping and listening to the recordings that your mind will absorb this while you sleep?

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Quote Originally Posted by vex
    gonna be very useful for sure. My question is, is it really true that while your sleeping and listening to the recordings that your mind will absorb this while you sleep?
    I beleive it does yeah. Well you at least get about 30 minutes of it before falling asleep. And during the night you go through phases of being nearly awake and i'm sure your brain would be hearing it then.
    The first time I tried it, it was to quit smoking. I only listened to it at night and felt I fell asleep straight away. The next day my brain would barely even let me THINK of cigarettes because when I did, I immediately heard my voice going over all these messages that were playing all night. I mean, I cant say for sure whether you can hear these thigns while sleeping, but i personally don't doubt that your brain takes in the messages.
    Sometimes it can get very boring to listen to & generally during day light hours you want to be doing something more interesting that listening to yourself talk over and over. So it's just easy to listen to while your laying in bed with absolutely notttthing better to do.. And yes I do beleive that it has just as much impact on your brains while playing when your asleep compared to awake..
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Quote Originally Posted by YounGun
    Great post. I would cool click ya if I could. I too am a big believer in the power of the mind and will definitely try this.

    What's funny is I find myself saying things like this while I'm running and want to stop (I hate running). I'll start saying, "Come on Josh, you wanna win that fight in september?" etc. But if I record it I can hear these things without screwing up my breathing pattern.Â
    I think a lot of people do this too. Hard training and boxing is just as much a mental game as a physical game.  Anyone who has gone very hard on squats will know that after 5 or 6 reps, to get any more out comes completely 100% down to your mind.. Your body can still do another 6 reps even though it feels like it's going to shut down. It all comes down to if your mind can take you there..

    Same with your running. You eventually get to that point where your whole body aches & you feel like you'll collapse, at that point it comes down to your mind and how much further it can take you...

    So while your out on the road or in the gym, every workout is just as much testing your brain strength and stamina as it's testing and training your physical strength... Probably more so...

    Listening to those message over and over just re-inforces those messages in your brain. The good messages that push you further and further past where your brain normally tells you to stop. And leaves a LOT less room for negative messages that hinder and hold back the performance your body is capable of.
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)


    I found this post and it is a great idea - HOWEVER - this is not hypnosis, these are affirmations. Affirmations are powerful, but not nearly as effective as hypnosis. I am the cofounder of The Hypnosis Network, the most popular hypnosis website in the world and a huge boxing fan.

    We have audio programs created by an amazing sports psychologist, Dr. Jack Singer

    We have 3 programs for athletes, one is for better performance overall, and the other two deal with being able to manage pain more effectively and to accelerate the healing process - I can tell you that they work.

    We have not tested these with boxers and I am extremely curious. If the owner of this site gets in touch with me, perhaps I can arrange a nice discount for members of this forum. I possibly can give a couple away to competive boxers who would provide me with a product review.

    If you are interested, you can get in touch with me at:Â, or just post to this forum.Â

    I looked for contact information on this site and could not find one, if you are the owner of this site please get in touch with me and we can discuss getting a huge discount for all of your members.


    Michael Lovitch
    Co Founder
    The Hypnosis Network

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    im gonna try this as soon as i get to wal mart and buy a cheap 5$ crappy mic, lol let u know if it helps me

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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypnosis

    We have not tested these with boxers and I am extremely curious. If the owner of this site gets in touch with me, perhaps I can arrange a nice discount for members of this forum. I possibly can give a couple away to competive boxers who would provide me with a product review.

    If you are interested, you can get in touch with me at:Â, or just post to this forum.Â

    I looked for contact information on this site and could not find one, if you are the owner of this site please get in touch with me and we can discuss getting a huge discount for all of your members.


    Michael Lovitch
    Co Founder
    The Hypnosis Network
    ^^^^^ Any moderators around to look into this?

    Also thanks for the corrections. I always thought of it as self hypnosis but I guess technically it's not really that.. But i'll have a look through your site. I'm always open to new training ideas.
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Does this stuff benefit beginners too?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Hypnosis & the next level of your game! (long)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellbore
    Does this stuff benefit beginners too?
    i am a big believer in the power of the mind. but all this is is a way to convince yourself. train and work hard enough so that it is the truth and you dont have to convince yourself, it will actually be true and you will believe it

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