The yearly some crank bitching about Christmas
Why do you care?
Im a Buddhist/Agnostic(it makes sense if you follow Buddhism) I could care less if you paid me. So what? I have to be a parent and explain Christianity to my kid,oh heaven forbid,its not like he's not going to be exposed to it anyway.
This years,this dope had a cow,because the school was singing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer at the school pagent, because it mentioned Christmas.

What a retard
Christmas,no matter if you celebrate the Pagan version,or the Christian version,or your own version,is a day for us to put aside our differences and to celebrate our fellow man,not look to create further divides among ourselves. Christmas,however or why ever you celebrate it,is a beautiful day, that even if its secular,is a reason to celebrate.
I dont care about nativity scenes on public grounds,I dont care about Oh Holy Night being sung in school,or menorahs on every street corner for that matter,all I care about is "Peace on earth,good will toward man"if only for one day