
Ive been boxing for about a year but last december i fell hard on my left elbow (full bodyweight fall onto the point of the elbow on concrete). I rested it for a month but when I went back to training when I threw a straight left (southpaw) I would get a shot of pain at full extension. The pain would last for 10-15secs then it would be tender. I had an xray in Febuary but it showed nothing. Started physio therapy but no real help.
Ive worked around the injury since I had a comp in march (trained myself not to fully extend when throwing the straight), but in the final of the comp I injured it again.Throughout the course of the injury I have being getting pins and needles in my hand(mainly my fingers while sleeping). Ever since the fight in march ive being getting pins and needles when I sleep in my ring and baby finger.I have been resting it since the fight, and am due to see a specialist next month.
Just wondering if you have any opinions as to what this may be? especially linked with the pins and needles?
Has anyone had an injury like this before?
