I know it's talked about lots in other threads, but am I the only person starting to wonder if I was too quick to slap him with the glass chin tag?

Me, like many others have since his beating to Prescott have doubted he has the chin to take a good punch, now I'm not sure if I am being over critical of him.

I'm still not convinced that Khan is going to be the next PFP best, the fight at the weekend did little to convince me otherwise, it was pretty much exactly what we all thought was going to happen.

But to be fair to him, when he got sparked out, it was all started from the best punch Prescott has ever thrown, a punch that would have rocked most heavyweights IMO. From that punch, it was easy enough to pick him off.

So the question is, does Khan have a glass jaw? Or did Prescott hit him with a shot that would have floored anyone else in that division?