Quote Originally Posted by jahmez View Post
Exact same thing happened to me. Start using a heat pack and massaging the area. I've found that I know I've done a good massage when the next day it is too touchy to massage again. Get sum anti-inflammatory tablets. I found that Voltaren helped for me. Don't hit the bag again till you cant at least do pushups with your fists without any pain. Learn how to wrap your hands properly with more emphasis on wrapping the wrists. When wrapping be careful not to wrap your knuckles so much that excess wrap stops you from properly closing your fists. When shadowboxing focus on properly closing your fists and hitting the bag with your index and middle finger knuckles. Get some 16 oz gloves. Warm up and stretch properly.

Thanks for your imput on this.. I have had pain now for over 6 weeks and havent hit the bag or done anything strenous since then. The pain has lessoned throught the weeks, but that semi sharp pain is still there when do I certain motions.. how long did it take for your wrist injury like this one to heal completely using this treatment of heat and massage?