Councils that bend over backwards to give hand outs to people who hav e never worked, don't want to work, and never will work. These people somehow take priority over people who work and struggle, when priority should go to people who work and contribute to the economy. In my work I had to go and visit many council residents. So many with state of the art plasma tv,s. So many tattooed, aggressive dog owning, weed smoking, wasters who refuse to engage you in English " ya get me bruv"!
National service would help, even if it got some of these low life out of bed before 11am. It couldn't make it any worse!!

Immigration is another, many migrants will share a house quite content to crash out 3 to a room and work for less. What should Jonny English do? Tell his wife and kids he must move out to live in a shared house because he is now having to compete with eastern European labour rates? In the future I predict even more because students cannot study, and therfore ambition is stifiled. They must now instead of going on to further education compete directly with migrants for mundane jobs.
This in turn will lead to top professional jobs going again to foreigners because of a skills shortage.
Our schools are an embaressment in London, and many more cities, as offstead think it a good thing if 80% of the pupils do not speak English as their first language! Speak to any teacher and ask them if it is easier to teach a class of 8 year olds if only 5 from 30 speak English as their first language! I think not. This is compounded by not allowing any disipline in school.
I was brought up in a single parent family on a council estate, and married a foreigner. I do not have any illegitimate children, never been arrested or even cautioned. Always worked and paid taxes. If I lost my job I know I would be treated like shit by the authorities, the shit on the shoes of the establishment for being White, English, law abiding, and for having a history that says I have worked all my life. Social security would laugh me out of the door