Quote Originally Posted by erics44 View Post
he definately wasnt robbed

he had a good start maybe winning 3 out of the first 4 and then hope had some good middle rounds and then proska came on at the end

Hope was winning the majority of each round, proska had a good 30 seconds in each and landed some eye catching punches but a round is 3 minutes long

i thought it was a close fight but i think hope deserved it on work rate

there was a point in the 11th (i think) where proska was looking for a way out
Wow. That is huge to hear. I'm somewhat shocked.

Did you think Proksa just underestimated him? Or do you think Proksa is/was overrated? To beat Sebastian Sylvester, a perennial top ten middleweight, in the way Proksa did, even if he was on the the slide, was super impressive. Geale beat him, but it took Geale 12 rounds, and Geale is a world titlist. To then lose to Kerry Hope is suprising to say the least. It has to be the biggest upset in British boxing in a while. I bet it will be the biggest upset this year in British boxing.