
1. Your "double-standard" charge was aimed at me? You must have me confused with someone else. Since when did I ever insult fighters? Since when did I not like Cotto? I love nor hate anyone. However, I have respect for every world-class fighter regardless of their personality. If you think making a factual statement like "Cotto got knocked out by Pac" is hating or insulting then you need serious help. Trust me.

2. It upsets you that Haye trash-talks but doesn't back it up? OK. Trash-talk doesn't bother me. It just sells fights. I laugh or totally disregard it and it has no bearing on who I believe will win a particular fight.

3. You thought the Haye-Wlad fight was a disgrace? I thought Haye would be pretty cautious because of his performance against Valuev. So I wasn't surprised by his tactics. I advised people that Wlad was overpriced and a very good bet.

4. Lyle couldn't let Haye fans "have it" because a) he made a million posts telling everyone Wlad would be exciting before scoring a KO and b) hardly ANYONE on this site picked Haye to win.

5. "You don't lose?" I didn't even know it was a competition. I just give my views on stuff. Nothing more, nothing less. Fact.