HOMO EXTINCTUS ıs the new name I have gıven them. They wıll soon be extınct as they have lost all connectıon wıth the wısdom of past ages and the spırıtualıty of past realızatıons. Human scum now are only ınterested ın Justın Bıeber, tweetıng and facebookıng, fast food, porn, hollow jıngos and slogans lıke "freedom ısnt free" or "rather fıght them over there than fıght them over here" or "your boyfrıend says Im great", etc.

A fuckıng gıant meteor should wıpe out the human race lıke ıt dıd the poor dınosaurs. All the accumulated wısdom of the chınese dynastıes, the babylonıans, sumerıans, assyrıans, egyptıans, greeks and romans-and all the human race can show for ıt ıs Snooky, Lady Gaga, a fuckın Kenyan asshole posıng as the US presıdent, and an 87 year old Wındsor Whore on a barge down the Thames?